
Venerable members of this group:

passport, Tiefling, sabby, VAG, abiessu, sleeping wolf, atesh, Sofacoin, kalen, werejackal, dodo37, in10se, Myrkabah, Kit, RoguePoet, Uri E Bakay, Akchizar, Johnny, timgoh0, androjen, greth, Ysardo, Clockmaker, Aerobe, OldMiner, Kizor, Jet-Poop, Dr.Jimmy
This group of 28 members is led by passport

The shrieker is a form of fungus found in many fantasy role-playing games. These fungi have also made an appearance in the computer game Dungeon Master.

The shrieker is a mindless plant that does have some ability to move (very slowly, over time). They feed off of both moisture and dead organic matter, playing an important role in the nitrogen cycle. Your average shrieker is a four foot tall mushroom with movable foot type pods at the bottom, and an orifice on top capable of emitting very loud audible sounds.

The shrieker has developed a very interesting form of defense. Any light or movement on the vicinity of a shrieker will cause it to put off a high pitched whine that will last for several minutes. Any creatures living in the vicinity of the shrieker will surely know about (and avoid), this fungus. So when they hear it go off, it acts as a sort of natural burglar alarm. Any creatures in the vicinity will most likely come to investigate the noise.

Shriekers are often found in close proximity to violet fungus (a deadly plant in its own right). Their only natural enemies are purple worms and shambling mounds , who both consider them to be an excellent food source. They are also frequently eaten by boring beetles who actually cultivate them as both a food source and living alarm system. There are almost no natural populations of shriekers out in the wild. Almost all of them are cultivated or tended by either intelligent or unintelligent creatures. Humanoid creatures in particular like to use them to guard unknown tunnels.

Shriekers reproduce asexually via spores. They grow best in dark and damp environments, and any rapid change in ambient light levels will set them to shrieking. They are a variety of mushroom, and some of them can safely be eaten by humans, while other varieties cannot. There is almost no way to tell poisonous shriekers from non-poisonous ones, but that is of little matter, as neither variety tastes very good. They can only move at very slow speeds, and do not have the ability to survive outside the area of their mycelium. But that mycelium will often be large enough to fill entire rooms and caverns, and will usually have produced several shriekers.

My monster nodes are usually based upon material in the various AD&D rulebooks. But they are my own work, as I often expand the information. In some cases I will blatantly disagree with the source material. None of them are cut and paste. You are free to use my descriptions in any material of your own (even commercial material), as long as I am credited as the source.

Welcome to role playing game. For purposes of this game you will be an elf.

The elf is good at football thanks to his fast feet, and is often called upon in a quest of football.

Start of the scenario, one hundred elves run downfield towards the ball. But! The ball is actually a turtle.

Elf religion respects all things, so instead of wild clash over ball with elvish ballsticks crafted from the finest singing silver, elves must instead join hands and prance in circle around the turtle. Cast Spell of Turtle Song to hear his song!

For purposes of this game you are playing the bad elf.

The Deities and Demigods manual was indeed one of the favorite AD&D rule books for collectors. It was one of those books that you didn't need and would never use, but was simply too cool not to have. Plus back in the old days we bought everything TSR would put out that had a hardcover, even that Oriental Adventures and Wilderness Survival Guide nonsense.

The books really are not all that useful for the game, as most Dungeon Masters make up their own gods anyway. Those that don't tend to use the gods that come with one of the pregenerated campaign worlds (such as Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms). And in any case you aren't going to need the statistics of the gods.

These books are fairly useful in the fact that they are an overview of most dead pantheonic religions. They hit pretty much all the major real world ones, and some versions also feature some fictional ones as well.

The version featuring the Cthulhu and Melnibonean mythos is fairly rare, and commands a pretty decent price on Ebay. But the regular version is dirt cheap now and can be had for a few bucks. These are usually in pretty good shape, as they really didn't get used all that often. Now if you need an excuse to buy this book then just tell yourself that it is also a good general reference book on mythology in general.

Many people wonder why this book was ever produced in the first place. Well it seems that TSR had released an earlier book entitled Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes. That book was the fourth supplement for the original "White Box" D&D rules. So they naturally updated it for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. The original book was actually published as a last ditch effort to try to stop all the Monty Haul campaigns that were the norm almost everywhere in the mid 70s. By establishing that Thor himself was only level 25, it would make that fourtieth level warrior seem completely insane. They were successful in some ways, ultra high level play became much less popular, although low level groups carrying twice their weight in magic wands are still all too common.

So different versions of the god books were made. Eventually they decided to rename their series of "God Books" to Legends and Lore, which was probably an attempt to minimize any bad press. But Wizards of the Coast decided to go back to the original name for the 3rd Edition, which so many gamers seemed to prefer anyway.

Quick Reference to the "God Books"

The Al-mi'raj is a fantasy monster and a prime example of why TSR's Fiend Folio tome wasn't very useful for most AD&D players. This monster seems to have been strangely named after one of the Muslim words for heaven. Now, that could have been something interesting, although I prefer to keep anything related to living religions out of roleplaying due to common sense. But instead of an interesting beast, we get a slightly oversized bunny with a unicorn's horn.

The authors could have made up for the poor concept with a great description, or some other play hook. But they chose not to. Instead we get a few almost useless statistics, and a few lines about these beasties roaming pastures and woodlands. With a minor note about them being unpredictable. Apparently they can be captured while young and can be trained to become companions. The companion angle might possibly be the source of the monster. Perhaps some minor player in some campaign run by a TSR staff member had a trained Unicorn Bunny, and they subjected the rest of us to it as well.

But once you start thinking about it, it seems to me that the producers of the book had a picture of a "Unicorn Bunny" laying around, so they wrote a few lines to go with it, then called the results a "high quality presentation". This is a problem with the Dungeons and Dragons monster ranks in general, but this version in particular. There is simply way too much overlap amongst types of monsters. The Monstrous Manual alone contains something along the line of 20 or 30 different humanoid races of the orc and goblin variety. If you add the other monster books, and then count all the ones added in other TSR publications the number shoots up to being hundreds of them. Equally there are hundreds of varieties of Dragons, oozes, undead, and generic bear sized monsters. It really just gets crazy. But at least you might have a reason to want statistic for 197 different types of zombies. I cannot however, understand why any dungeon master would feel the need to add unicorn bunnies to their game.

Of course I should provide some kind of description, just in case you are aching to use this bunny in your fantasy world. The Al-mi'raj is a semi-mythical subspecies of rabbit that has developed a single large horn on their head. These large rabbits average about three feet long, plus an additional 1-2 feet for the horn. Like any rabbit, the Al-mi'raj can be unpredictable, so beware. These monsters do not carry treasure, so they are best left unmolested.

The Little Tomb on the Edge of the Borderlands

This is an adventure module for all fantasy roleplaying games. For games that use levels the suggested average character level is three. The specific rules presented are for the Rules Cyclopedia version of Dungeons & Dragons. It will also work unmodified with Basic D&D, Advanced Dungeons & Dragon's First and Second editions. Using other games like MERP, Hero System or the current version of Dungeon's and Dragons will only require mild changes. This module is extremely heavy on traps, and light on monsters. Traps only take seconds to convert.

This module is an original work by Paige Oliver. You may print this module for use with your own gaming group. You may not repost or sell this module in any form. This version of the module is only to be hosted on everything2.com.

There are five graphics files that go to this module. They are hosted at the following links. If the links are dead please notify the author via the private message system.


The great Orcish civilization which (briefly) flourished in the area over a thousand years ago believed that you could control an enemy after death if you could control their bodies. Thus the tombs of the wealthier Orcs were heavily trapped and guarded. This tomb was built for Grond the Mighty, the second great chieftain of the orcish nation, (Grond's son Rond was the final chieftain, as the society fell apart under his weak leadership, sages sometimes jokingly refer to him as "Rond the Less Mighty").

The players may be visiting this tomb for any reason. This module was written under the assumption that they are trying to retrieve the body of a slain treasure hunter named Kerra. That assumption can be completely ignored, as it is only ever mentioned in a single room. Getting the players to the Tomb is the game master's responsibility.


General tomb rules.


The tomb has a sizeable population of Wights (effectively unlimited). These Wights are like normal Wights with the addition of one ability, that is the ability to simply dematerialize and go invisible. This is not used as a combat ability per se. These wights tend to stay desolid and invisible most of the time. They do not completely ignore intruders, indeed they tend to follow them around, but they do not go solid or attack under most circumstances.


If characters remain in any room longer than an hour then they will be seen as a threat by at least one Wight, whom will become solid and visible and attack, fighting to the death. This holds true for all rooms except for room 2.

The wights are not invisible to animals, and characters will not be able to get any animals to enter the tomb under any circumstances. Characters with the ability to see invisible or detect invisible will wish they didn't, as every single room in the tomb (save room 2) has D20 wights in population, who will act menacing, follow the characters around, pantomime their movements, and feign attack.

God help the party if any clerical or magical characters can see invisible and attempt to turn the wights or cast any offensive spells at them, as this will cause all the wights in the given room to go solid and visible and attack (with the turning, or spell having been wasted, although they can be affected normally the next round).


Wights (AC 5, HD 3,hp 12 each, #AT 1, D 1-6+special, Save F 3, ML 12). Wights drain one experience level with each successful hit. Creatures reduced to level zero die and become wights themselves the next night.



The entire tomb is dimly lit by a series of continual twilight spells. This spell is detailed at the end of the module.

Tomb construction

Unless specified assume all walls floors and ceilings are made of 3' x3' sandstone blocks. Most of the ceilings are an oppressive 7' high, assume that height unless the module says otherwise for a specific room.

1. The entrance.

The tomb is largely constructed of 3' x3' sandstone blocks which are a light tan in colored. All of the outdoor area is extremely worn. The entrance corridor is choked with vines and the last 20' is filled with an open pit which is 20' feet deep. Players can see the remains of several armored humanoids at the bottom of the pit. The break-away floor sections can be seen on the pit walls.

Characters can inch along an 18" wide ledge on either side of the pit. Any characters taking damage in this area must make a breath weapon save to avoid falling into the pit. There is a steel door decorated with an iconic moon and stars.

There are 3 metal levers set into the wall to the right side of the steel door. The door has a doorknob, but it will only open if the 3 levers are in the correct position. The correct position is down, down, up. Long ago there were specific separate traps for each combination of incorrect "combination". Only one of these is still functioning correctly, but the players don't need to know this. Characters examining things carefully (specifically mentioning looking up), will see some sort of metal grating about 30 feet overhead, which is overgrown with vines.


Up, Up, Up. - Nothing happens

Up, Up, down - Oil is splurted out from above covering the characters. Fortunately the lighting mechanism stopped working long ago.

Up, down, down - (Harmless) yellow gas is expelled into the air, have all characters make savings throws and record the results (which are meaningless).

Up, down, up - A flock of a half a dozen arrows are spit out of tube on the wall, and barely make it out of the tubes before falling harmlessly to the ground. Any characters attempting to dodge must save vs. breath or fall in the pit.

Down, up, up - The metal gratework from above comes crashing down. Fortunately it is greatly slowed by the overgrown vines, and stops 3' short of the ground. Characters larger than dwarf sized must save to avoid being knocked into the pit. The gratework will reset itself in 10 minutes.

Down, up, down - The players hear a grinding noise and a thump from the area of the pit as the pit trap mechanism tries to activate then reset.

Down, down, down - Moaning noise emanates from above the characters.

Down, down, up - Door opens - will automatically close and lock in one turn.

1. A The interior

The entire tomb is very dimly lit from magical lighting, characters do not need to bring their own light sources.

The characters enter into a corridor that has a sandstone floor and ceiling, while the walls are covered in iconic copper designs, showing iconic orcs engaged in all sorts of pursuits. This "artwork" has green fungi growing on it in various places and is quite damaged from assorted tomb robbers trying to pry it off the wall. If the characters are insistent then they might be able to salvage as much as 10000 CP worth of copper, but it will take a week.

2. The caretakers room.

This large square room at first seems to make no sense in a tomb. There are over a dozen steel bunk beds here (this room has a 12' ceiling), although they have no mattresses, the mattresses having long ago rotted away. The walls are covered in wooden planks, many of which have orcish graffiti carved onto and painted onto them. In addition to the bunks there is a single crude table, and the remains of many smashed chests, barrels, and boxes. There is absolutely nothing of value in this room, other than the graffiti, which is the real treasure. Much of it is faded away, but any characters who can read orcish will be able to make out one of the following for every turn of reading.

Orcish Graffiti

1. Gorba likes halflings!

2. Tower tharg build is useless.

3. Grond lives forever.

4. All that glitters is heavy.

5. Art is stoopid.

6. Morca dumb, get zapped by door.



Note, that this is the only safe room in the complex. All other rooms will spawn a Wight if characters stay in the room for more than an hour. This room does not have a native population because no one ever died in this room. Active Wights can still follow characters into this room from other rooms though.

3. The chapel.

This room was obviously some sort of dark chapel. There are rows of low stone benches lining the room, two of which have been turned over. The walls are covered with a crude design, which may or may not have been done in blood. The eastern wall has a sacrificial altar stained black with orcish blood, a headless statue of an orc in loincloth looms up from behind the altar. This room is brightly lit by continual light spells cast behind the (red) glass windows (which lead nowhere, characters breaking out a window will simply find a small empty space behind it, which is where the light spell is cast). The ceiling in this room is 25' high and has a large single vortex design painted onto it.

Any characters checking out the statue/altar area correctly will notice a door behind the area, heading east.

Chapel door.

The chapel door is located in a small sub-area behind the altar. It is a featureless door made of an unknown metal. The floor here is similarly covered in a grate made from the same unknown metal. The grate is large enough that it is likely that two characters will be standing on it when the first attempt to open the door is made.

The door has a metal doorknob, and any armored characters touching the knob will complete an electrical connection and get an electric shock for 2d6 damage (no save) with any other armored characters standing on the grate getting 1d6 damage as well (unless immune as detailed below)

Defeating this trap.

The door can be safely opened by any character not wearing metal armor, who is also wearing boots or thick sandals. Characters in metal armor will automatically arc the electricity, boots or not as it will go onto their armor, and then make the short leap from armor or weapon to floor. Barefoot characters are equally susceptible, unless they happen to be wearing leather gloves. Any character classified as safe to open the door is also safe from the trap if set off by someone else.

This trap can be located by find traps, but can only be removed if the characters are bright enough to simply remove the grate from it's little indentation in the floor.


Chapel hallway.

This door to this hallway is spring loaded and will slam shut unless someone holds it open, or props it open with something that isn't conductive. Attempting to prop it open with something conductive will set off the trap detailed in the previous room.

This entire hallway is covered in the same type of grate detailed in the last room, the previously detailed door is trapped the same way from the opposite side as well, but this time the grate is a single one that runs the length of the hallway, and it cannot be removed. The walls and ceiling of this hallway are similarly covered in the same material.

Hallway door.

This doorway has a particularly devious trap. Characters will probably assume it is trapped the same way as the previous door. This door is trapped with a door handle trap, but in this case it works differently. If the handle is pulled down then electricity will arc through the entire corridor doing 1-6 damage to all characters wearing metal armor. If the handle is pulled up then the door will open without issue. This trap can be detected but cannot be removed.

4. Tomb of the acolyte.

This room was where the orcish high priest was buried to serve the leader in the afterlife. This room has yet to be disturbed by grave robbers, and thus still has 100 percent of its treasure and danger.

The walls here are covered in wooden planks and there are hundreds of skulls nailed to the planks, with the nails going directly through the eyes. These appear to have been placed after death, as there is no evidence of any blood staining on the dusty sandstone floor. There is a raised section in the middle of the room that has a decorated cover stone on top of it, which has a carving of a skull. This cover stone is extremely heavy and requires a combined strength of 30 to move it.

When the cover stone is moved it activates a simple trap that will seal the door to the room. The door will not open again unless the characters are smart enough to replace the cover stone, remember the wights, which will form once per hour. It any characters remain on the other side of the door, then they will be able to open the door normally.

The crypt itself holds an empty set of rotted robes, the remains of a leather necklace (set with a huge emerald), a wooden shield with a death's head symbol (a shield +3, which detects as evil, but has no actual evil abilities or alignment restrictions), a ring of survival with 184 charges, and a suit of cursed plate mail +1. The mail functions as a normal suit of plate mail +1 with one important side effect, it is cursed and therefore it will not come off, at all, without a remove curse spell.


5. Embalming chamber

This room is lined with stone shelves and cabinets, and there are several stone tables towards the center of the room. There is nothing of value in this room, with everything in it having been cleared out long ago. There is a giant stone block that is mostly blocking the exit doorway, and there are a set of short legs poking out from underneath the block. These belong to a dead halfling adventurer, who has no treasure.

The hallway beyond the embalming chamber has the same grating as the electric trap hallway, but it is not trapped.

If the player's came here in search of Kerra, then they have found her, she is the one under the giant stone block. The block is exceptionally heavy and it takes a combined strength of 60 just to pry it up and slide the body out.

6. Worker's tomb.

This room is one of the last rooms that was ever successfully braved by past explorers. The room is all sandstone and has humanoid bones stacked up several feet high, although someone has apparently cleared a pathway between the two doorways. The door to the west is another one of the steel doors. It is not trapped, but will only open if the handle is pulled upwards.

The second round after entering this room a skeleton will animate from the bones in the room. Another skeleton will animate every round afterwards. The skeletons will continue to animate as long as there is at least one character in the room. All skeletons fall down "dead" after the last character leaves the room. The skeletons were originally largely orcs, but years of grave robbers have added many human skeletons to the mix. A maximum of 20 skeletons will animate at a time. Turned skeletons fall apart and are considered dead, but no matter what the characters do the skeletons will continue to animate at the rate of one per round.

The only way to defeat this room is simply to leave it.

Just a word of warning…by the time the players figure this out…it may be impossible to make such a tactical retreat. It might be wise to hint at retreat if the characters are being overwhelmed.

Skeletons (AC 7, HD 1,hp 5 each, #AT 1, D 1-6, Save F 1, ML 12). They have no treasure.

7. The false tomb.

This room is a masterpiece of medieval architecture, it is in the shape of a dome, with 4 smaller domes intersecting it. The majority of the room consists of a round pit which is obvious, and characters have little chance of falling in. The pit is 20' feet deep and is lined with spikes, there are at least a dozen bodies laying dead on the spikes, most of them are nothing but rags and skeletons, but one of them is fresh enough to still have some flesh left. The walls are covered in a rainbow assortment of small tiles, they seem to form gruesome pictures in the corners of your vision, but said pictures vanish when viewed directly.

Rising out of the center of this pit is a rectangle, the column rises 30 feet above the top of the pit, for a total height of 50 ft. The very top of the rectangle has a coverstone on it, it looks like the players have found the tomb.

The pit.

Characters who somehow manage to fall into the pit from the main chamber will take 2d6 falling damage and must save vs. wands to avoid another d6 for hitting a spike. The center tower is covered in small repetitive carvings, and is climbable by a thief. Unfortunately the column is nothing but a giant trap. The top coverstone is not actually a separate stone, but is simply part of the tower. It is also enchanted to be a very slick surface, and any theif climbing must make a second climb walls check upon upon first grabbing the coverstone (failure indicates a fall, for 5d6 damage, save vs. wands to avoid another 1d6 from spikes), and a third check if actually climbing atop the stone.

The coverstone itself cannot be moved, and will not budge. Extreme actions should prompt more climbing checks, and possibly falls.


The bodies.

The only body that has anything on it other than clothing is the body of a human, likely male (from the clothes and height). He is dressed in leather armor, wears boots, a cloak, and has a bent sword in the scabbard at his side. Said scabbard is attached to a wonderful metal belt that appears to be made of woven silver (4000 GP value). He is also wearing a backpack and has a 100' length of silk rope. Inside the backpack are 2 pieces of coral worth 100 GP each, and a small leather bound book entitled "Monkey Training" (worth 100 GP, or a worthy addition to any library). He has a potion of poison in a metal vial at his belt (which he THOUGHT was a healing potion, and it detects as such, but will instead do 1d6 damage to the drinker unless a save is made). His cloak is an Elven Cloak.


8. Tomb of players.

This steel door to this room is already open slightly, opening it fully reveals a large square room that is mostly unadorned, there is a clothed skeleton in the far corner. You hear a creaking noise from above. There are small slots in the wall to either side of the door.

After the players enter the room begin counting to ten with no explanation. At ten the door slams shut and any players who haven't announced that they are exiting the room are trapped inside. The only way to free the characters inside is by using the slots outside.

Putting a sword, staff, dagger or other similar item into the slot on the left fills the room with knockout gas, which will put the person inside the room to sleep for 1d6 turns.

Putting something in the right hand slot does nothing if something is in the left hand slot, but it opens the door if nothing is in the left slot. Remember that the players cannot tell what is going on in the room.

Door will once again bang shut on a 10 count, and players who don't indicate a quick retrieval of their friends may well be trapped inside.

The body in the corner is an orc, and he carries a brittle blueprint. Give players player map 2.

9. The hall of mirrors

This chamber is instantly frightening, the walls are lined with mirrors, and hundreds of blades hang from the high ceiling on thin strings. There is a large freestanding gong in the center of the room, with a mallet attached to it. Players carefully looking up will notice a single gold key hanging amongst the blades (100 GP value on the key).

The "thin strings" holding the blades are actually made of metal, and very strong. Nothing happens with these blades unless the players either touch them, the key, or make a lot of noise (banging a gong perhaps). In either case all the blades come crashing down on the party. The blades remain attached to the strings and will reset themselves when the door to room 10 is opened.

Any players in the room when the blades fall are subject to being hit. Characters with shields who make a successful dex check are immune, as they manage to raise their shields in time to block. Otherwise characters must make a save vs. Dragon Breath or suffer 0-16 points of damage from the blades (d20-4 with totals of zero or less meaning no damage).

The door to the next room is locked, but not trapped. The key fits the lock, the lock can also be picked, or opened with magic, The door is steel and is not going to be knocked down with anything the characters are carrying.

Note, this room can be defeated simply by throwing something at the blades or gong from out in the hallway, or by ignoring the blades and key, and simply picking the lock on the door.

Hallway to room 10.

This is a seriously spooky looking hallway, the floor and ceilings are metal plates and the walls are lined with 6" spikes. The door to the hall will close when the first character reaches the halfway point, and will open again when the hallway is empty. The hallway will not pull any Star Wars crushing tricks on the characters, they are only there as a deterrent. The (doorless) doorway at the end is only 18" wide.


10. Lair of the enslaved guardian.

The walls of this room are covered in small written text, but the language is unfamiliar (Beholder). A giant, monstrous head floats in the center of the room, it has one large eye, and many smaller eyes which wave around above it like tentacles. It turns to face you.

This room is covered with a 100 percent anti-magic field, and the beholder within is trapped by the sheer fact that he is too large to fit through the door, and the anti-magic field keeps him from doing anything to get out. This room also magically keeps all occupants from aging, and no one within needs food or drink. Thus making it the perfect prison for the beholder who has been here since long before the tomb's construction was finished.

The Beholder within is Lawful, his 1000 year imprisonment has changed him, he long ago gave up on the dark gods and turned to the good ones. He wants nothing more than to be released. His name is I,Ku and he is friendly, glad to see ANYONE after 1000 years of imprisonment, although the players probably will not trust him. None of his magical abilities work here, save for his levitation, which is not magical, but natural.

The writing on the wall is I'Ku's diary (scratched into the walls with a steel spike I'Ku held in his mouth). If the players go through enough trouble to release him, then reward them full XP for "defeating" a beholder. Reward only 2000 XP if they kill him. Releasing him will likely require mining equipment, and thus will be another adventure altogether.

Players closely examining the inner side of the doorway see that quite a bit of it has been scratched away, as I'Ku has been scratching at it with an iron spike for 1000 years, but the stone is so hard and thick that it will take him another 5000 years to get through.

I' Ku (Beholder) (AC 0 2, 7, HD 11,hp 50, #AT 1, D 2d8, Save M 11, ML 12).

11. False treasury

The door to this room is small, only 5' tall, and it is made of steel, and has a stylized orc's head in the center with an open mouth, and no apparent knob. You can see through the mouth into the room, and the glint of gold is evident. The door is trapped with a razor blade trap, anyone sticking their hand inside the orc mouth activates the trap, which will automatically do 1-6 damage to anyone not wearing plate mail or better. Characters wearing plate mail can have a savings throw vs. wands to avoid damage. This trap will sever the characters hand on a damage roll of 5 or 6.

The only way to open this door is to pull it open from the orc's mouth, note the razor trap inside will chomp down on anything placed inside, so something metal must be used.

Wow, this is it, you must have found it. This room is absolutely lined with chests, each one open, and each one full of gold coins. There must be 50,000 gold pieces in here, at least. There are 25 chests in here total. Each full chest weighs a good 200 lbs, it will probably take 2 characters at a time simply to carry them out.

All of the coins are lead that is enchanted to appear as gold. They do detect as magical, but only true seeing (or equivalent ability) will show them to be fake, the coins instantly turn into lead when brought out the front door.



12. The statue room

This room appears to be some sort of art chamber, possibly a shrine to the family of Grond. The room features 6 marble statues, each one a masterpiece. One of the statues is obviously of Grond himself, 3 more appear to be female orcs, and two more are male orcs who bear a distinct resemblance to Grond. There are also six paintings on the walls, apparently one for each statue. They are done in oils, in a realistic style that is easily the equal of any modern painter. Each painting is a portrait, and each is labeled, Grond, Grondor, Grondi, Horgli, Dorca, and Myrlu. The paintings are awkward to carry (500 enc) but are quite valuable. The one of Grond is worth $2500, Grondor is worth $1500, and the others are each worth $500.

Each painting in the room is linked to one of the statues. If anyone takes a painting then the associated statue will animate in 1-4 turns and come after the thief. The statues only move at the rate of a dwarf, but are tireless and will move 24 hours a day in the direction of their painting, and will climb mountains and even walk through water.


Orcish statues (AC 0, HD 2,hp 9 each, #AT 1, D 1-6, Save F 2, ML 12).

Keep careful track of time after any paintings are taken, as it is very likely that the statue/s will attack at an inopportune moment.

13. Dragon's Lair

This room contains the carefully assembled company of skeletal warriors, they stand in formation, staring straight ahead. Each one holds a wooden shield and carries a rusty sword.

These are carefully mounted displays, held together with wire and glue. They are not magical, and will not attack, and would probably be quite valuable if carefully removed from the tomb.

14. The tribe

You never expected to see an actual orcs in this place, but here they are. There must be at least 40 Orcish warriors here standing in formation, standing completely motionless, looking straight forward. They do not appear to be breathing, and seem to be covered in a layer of dust. Low benches line the walls, and seated on them are female Orcs wearing robes, similarly motionless.

The Orcs are under the effect of a (now lost) spell called Mass Stasis. The spell requires willing participants, and will put them into an ageless trance as described above. The orcs in the room are at AC -5 due to the spell, and have 5 hit points each. The original spell was cast by a 20th level caster, and can be dispelled, but check the spell description of dispel magic, as there is a large chance of failure. Otherwise the Orcs can be freed by speaking the spell's dispel word, which is sajafajafawaqui, which the players aren't going to find out short of reading this paragraph, or contacting a Deity.

Freed Orcs do not automatically attack, roleplay the encounter normally. The last thing they remember is being put under the spell, 1000 years ago. These Orcs are not all chaotic in alignment, there are several lawfuls, and quite a few neutrals mixed in, but half the group is still chaotic (Grond's era was the golden age of Orcish civilization, and the only time non-chaotic orcs existed in any real numbers).

If Grond becomes active he will free the Orcs and take command once the players leave the tomb.

15. The alphabet room.

Give players player puzzle map. This room has sandstone blocks on the floor which are each ten feet across. Each block is carved with a single letter in the common tongue. This room is one giant trap of course. The GM's puzzle map shows the safe pathway across the room. Any other blocks walked on will crumble when the character is halfway across the block. The character can make a dex check at -2 to grab the ledge (-4 for short races). Falling characters fall 50 feet to a rushing underground river, and will likely have to abandon all their equipment to survive the two mile swim to the point where the river exits as a waterfall off a nearby (nearby) cliff. Character must make a dex check or suffer 1-4 damage from the initial fall, and he must do the same when going over the waterfall. Do not tell the other players the fate of fallen characters.

Blocks require at least the weight of an equipped halfling on them to fall. An unarmored, unencumbered halfling can slide across them slowly without setting them off.

The gamemaster will have to use his best judgment as to what happens when characters rope themselves together and such.

The hallway beyond the alphabet room

This hallway has 10'x10' steel plates for flooring and the walls are made of the exposed ends of small pipes from floor to ceiling (bunch of circles). Every time a steel plate is stepped on a dart will launch out of one of the pipes in the vicinity. The darts have a THAC0 of 15 and will attack a random character each time, they do not have to attack the character that stepped on the plate, they might go after any character in the hallway, as the mechanism knows which plates have characters on them, and roughly where they are standing. There are a total of 12 plates, and creative characters might very well manage to set off the same plate more than once. Darts do 1-4 damage, and were poisoned at one time, but the poison has worn off. It takes 100 pounds of pressure to activate a plate.

This trap cannot be disabled by normal means, but it certainly can be found. Creative characters can disable this trap by simply placing a large enough weight onto each plate. As the characters weight down plates the accuracy of the darts decreases, if 1 plate is weighted down then the trap has a 1 in 12 chance of shooting at the weight rather than at a character, if 7 plates a 7 in 12 chance, etc.

The door to the tomb.

The door to the tomb appears to be made of high quality steel, it has a pyramid/spike pattern to it, and a door handle on the right side. If the characters place any pressure on the door then it falls upon the character with great force doing 2d8 damage to characters not wearing metal armor, and 1d8 to those who are. Attempting to open the door, attempting to pick the lock (door is locked), or leaning against the door will set if off. A thief can find this trap, but it cannot be removed. This trap may be defeated simply by throwing something at it.

This door will close itself one turn after opening, and cannot be opened from the opposite side, except as noted in the tomb description. Characters may block the door open with anything metal.

16. The real tomb.

This must be the real tomb, there is treasure everywhere, and there is a mummy laying on a stone table in the center of the room. Every stone surface of the room is carved with an assortment of iconic skulls. The air in this room is cold, even colder than the rest of the tomb, something doesn't feel right.

This room has no traps, but it is no cakewalk either, it will almost certainly end up killing at least one PC.

Each minute the characters are in the room select a random character and have them make a save vs. spells. If a character fails his save then the character's body is possessed by Grond. The character in question will immediately attack the weakest party member. A remove curse spell will cure the character, alive or dead, if dead then the character will obviously have to be raised as well. If raised without the remove curse then Grond will still have control of the body, as he has transferred his soul over to the player's body. If (somehow) the player survives for 3 days with Grond in control of the body, then Grond will gain complete control and the character is lost (and a new strange and powerful Orc tribe will spring up almost overnight).

The magic allowing Grond to possess is a variant of the Magic Jar spell.

If Grond's body is left behind and relatively intact, then he will animate as a mummy 1-6 days after the players kill, exorcise or otherwise drive his soul out of the body of their friends.

Player's using rulesets that don't normally allow for knockouts may attack to knock out rather than kill, with all attacks being -2 to the roll.


10 large gold trade bars in a wooden box, total value and weight 10,000 GP. These are ancient, and bear Orcish symbols. One single huge platinum disc is hung on the wall (value 1000 GP, weight 100 GP).

The mummy itself has an extremely fine piece of silk draped over most of the body. (Worth 100 GP). The mummy is also adorned with a cape made of black velvet, worth 300 GP. Finally there is a stuffed beaver, which was Grond’s totem animal in life (Value 20 GP).

The mummy is wearing a belt, with a bag tied to it (bag of holding), a short sword +1 in a magical scabbard (scabbard keeps all weapons clean and sharp automatically). If the mummy is unwrapped players will find a magic ring (the "Ear ring"). Finally there is a free standing suit of black platemail (+1) in one corner of the room. The platemail is holding a cursed spear -1.

Lastly, the mummy's table has a brass placard attached to it that radiates magic and has magical writing on it, this placard is a scroll containing the new spell "Continual Twilight".

Remember the players must still deal with any active traps on the way out of the tomb.



New Spells.

Continual Twilight

Level 2

Range: 120'

Duration: Permanent

Effect: Volume of 60' diameter

This spell creates a globe of twilight 60' across. It is a very dim light, bright enough to read by, but just barely. It will continue to glow forever, or until it is magically removed. This light does not get any brighter, not by torchlight, sunlight, or even a light spell.

It may be cast on an object, just as the first level light spell. This spell cannot be used as an attack.