- You'll never get away with this!
- You can never get away from yourself
- We All Get Old, But We Never Grow Up
- Cheap tricks parents try to get away with
- I can get away with murder, but I can't get you out of my head
- as you get older, a lot falls away. but i am not here to tell you not to worry. i am here to give you tools.
- I'm sorry I was speeding, officer, but I really have to get to the hospital
- I learned never to empty the well of my writing, but always to stop when there was still something there in the deep part of the well, and let it refill at night from the springs that fed it.
- I don't know about that fellow Rand, but I'd never trust a McNally.
- I didn't read it but I want to get into the author's pants
- This Star Wars sheet may be worth something, but I just need a tablecloth
- You thought the silent treatment was as cold as it could get
- It was a dream. But it wasn't a dream.
- It was hormones, it was hormones, but it was valid
- But if life were only moments, then you'd never know you had one
- Cemeteries are boring, but I can't seem to stay away from this one in particular.
- I try to write you a love song but it comes out a lament
- I am going to try to figure out a way to get into your cunt castle
- /but what was the question?
- Fall tried to come this week but Summer chased it out of town.
- I can't get published, but this crap can
- The least I can get away with
- Once upon a time there was an ocean but now there is a mountain range.
- we can give up, but the world never will
- Girls possess me but they're never mine.
- 1991-96 were more fun years, but I'll likely get more accomplished in the year 2000 alone
- The Box Said 'Do NOT Open" But The Seal Was Already Broken
- the ocean is never calm and still, but the depths are very different from the surface
- I got the feeling the Fairy Council was mad at me when the president knocked over her coffee to get a better grip on my neck
- the longing doesn't end and you're never gonna get my heart
- when i get out i'll come and find you cause you're my other half i never told you that
- If you existed I would never get out of bed
- Noding for Numbers sure was silly, but it sure is better than Dada Fascism
- They wrote it all in perl but it was mostly system calls
- It would have been an excellent story but I had to get off the train
- Skim this life but never live
- I can't get a girlfriend but my dog has a harem
- 'cause when you try to make it stay, that's when it surely slips away
- you never felt her hot blood on your face but, hey, who's keeping track
- How to get away at work without doing anything
- I call, but I never talk. I knock, but I never enter. I feel a bit insecure.
- strange and too short but I was lonely
- I was pretty sure that wasn't how slasher films were supposed to end, but you won't see me complaining.
- A solution to spam (which doesn't work, but nice try)
- The further I get from the things that I care about, the less I care about how much further away I get
- I will tell you the phrase, but you must never speak it out loud. If you do, you will surely die.
- but fuck, it was Sunday and the church bells hadn't even called the faithful
- I could never draw but they made me an artist
- How to crack root and not get caught
- Get over the self-absorbed "I'll never sell out" rhetoric
- I thought he was a man but he was just a little boy
- My soul is in a million pieces. I tried to collect most of them, but some are missing, and the ones I have don't fit together anymore. Feel free to take a piece or two.
- If I really loved you, you'd never get so close.
- How to lie and get away with it
- I'm not a dyke just 'cause I shaved my head, but if it keeps certain people away, fuckin' A right on
- Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few
- that hour we lost was the one I was going to use to get my life together
- You'll never quite know how much you've lost until you get what you were looking for
- If you get your opinions second-hand, you do not know anything worth knowing
- I may never be queen, but you will never break me
- English may be a "living language," but Latin is not -- so get it right.
- I bought an orange, but it was a grapefruit
- It never rains but it pours
- it'd break my heart but if i knew you got away it'd give me peace of mind till the day i die
- How to NOT get towed away
- Questions you never asked, but now that I mention it, yeah, that's a good point
- Oh, no. Look, you've gone and made me optimistic. I was before, but now it is showing.
- I don't know where he gets his words but I like them
- He stretched out his arms but she was not there
- It did not get nicer, but it sure got a hell of a lot more honest
- I've never seen a glacier up close, but I've touched your hand. It felt so cold.
- I am sorry but when you were talking I was admiring the shape of your lips and evaluating their kissability
- executed but never exposed
- Dali knew elephants and monsters that Bukowski never drank away
- She could hit four octaves above high-C, but she never performed in public
- The flowers smiled, but she was gone
- always morning, but never breakfast
- For every rich man who tries to leave this world for a better one with his fancy tomb surrounded by mourners, there are many more who perish alone in the cold, forgotten by all but God.
- Can I play with your breasts? Yes, but don't get out of the yard.
- The Firestone dealership was full to the brim with cars. But I reasoned I would need a boat, since my desire was to go to Ireland. Just then a harsh reminder surfaced; water is expensive in hell.
- Somebody told me a story. It was pretty but boring. It was Saturday night, my stories usually end up that way.
- The real horror was not what had been redacted, but the reasons why.
- If a system is given nothing but a steady supply of unconditional self-affirmation, it will never see an impetus to cure its ills
- Your radical ideas about many things have already occurred to others but have never been articulated in a fashion so accessible to current generations
- I'm so goddamned cruel to you. But you'll never know
- A Dice Throw Will Never Do Away With Chance
- I've got to get away from all this escapism
- Give crowns and pounds and guineas, but not your heart away
- the fire burned and burned; it was so great and now so much time has passed and the fire is still burning, but it requires attendance
- i thought i was special, but it was you
- we went to the stars, but all we found was ourselves
- But I've said it before and I'll say it again: kneecaps only exist to get hit with claw-hammers; grace only exists to be fallen from.
- I'll be happier when the rain stops. But I know I'd be miserable if it never rained again.
- you can use a lot of words and ideas to try to hide it, but you're always making a choice between love and hate
- To a girl who thought she was moving away
- I never get mail
- Why I didn't get my driver's license until I was 18
- (and it wasn’t in my time nor yet in your time: but a very good time it was for all that)
- When you get to the top, I know what it'll seem like. But there IS someone there. There IS someone there.
- Once upon a time there was light in my life, but now there's only love in the dark
- The sound was starting to get stuck in my head like "It's a Small World"
- Never get involved in a land war in Asia
- Avoiding sexually transmitted disease
- When I was a kid, I wanted to get tuberculosis
- Soon, I will run... but not away
- My ears are always searching for the best sounds. I try not to let my eyes get locked into a particular sight.
- It's knowing that I'll never get lost
- I never wanted to see you get hurt. Even though it's kind of funny.
- Never try to teach a pig to sing
- get the disease and try to understand
- Never get into a staring contest with a Pikachu
- Eyes are the windows to the soul, but there are some windows that should never be opened
- Once and somewhere far away I might have found peace, but now I can't live without this city.
- Would I have hid myself away if I had known I'd never be found?
- So while Faust is busy trying to wipe the blood off his face and Shorty's trying to claw his eyes out, I mosey away and try my hand at storming the castle
- Get your dog away from my rims, cop
- Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me
- I died for Beauty -- but was scarce
- I didn't know how to keep it but I couldn't throw it away.
- A little Clint Black never killed anybody, but it did evacuate the building.
- Fell, But Tried
- I was once smaller than a jellybean, but now look at me - I am macroscopic!
- Junk mail never has to spell your name right, but important stuff does
- I was less than one hundred footsteps away from you I suppose
- It all turned out all right but there was so much pain along the way
- There was a lot of blood, but the boys needed it
- Forever blue, but never black
- Things you don't want to hear (but will) when you get into bed with a girl
- I appreciate your concern for others, but I need to get all my ducks in a row first.
- I always knew I would have a 21st birthday but I never thought I'd be 21
- I don't know what he was listening for, but he wasn't listening
- the desert was once alive, but I don't remember it
- Jessica, too tall but still lovely, was not sure she would or should drop the whale
- They try to be quiet but you know they are there with their weird coppery breath.
- The gun is good. The penis is evil. The penis shoots seeds, and makes new life, and poisons the earth with a plague of men, as once it was. But the gun shoots death, and purifies the earth of the filth of brutals. Go forth and kill!
- She really does want to clap along, but at the same time she doesn't want to let the bird get out.
- An ocean away and here he was, seeping into her
- I would have tried, but Charlotte kept Charlotte in the world of Charlotte and she barely heard me
- Can't nothin' fail but a try
- It was the tree that gave him away.
- There are causes worth dying for, but none worth killing for
- I was burned and bleeding, but the galaxy still spun on
- He comforted me when he thought I needed it, but never when I really did
- Seems I might have stolen the blue part of her rainbow, but all I really did was make it bigger, a way bigger blue
- The Marlboro Man died of cancer, but he wasn't a rocket scientist when he was healthy, ha ha ha.
- The bastards got me but they won't get everybody
- forever falling, but never losing altitude
- There was silence in my heart, but you found a way to break it.
- Light Fuse Get Away
- He was born with the gift of logic but the inability to use it
- My purity was little stickers I willingly gave away in exchange for hearts
- Reality Is What You Can Get Away With
- I'm at the station, but I can't get on the train
- How Gudrun cast herself into the Sea, but was brought ashore again
- He had fallen in love, but I'm pretty sure the hellhound was only in it for the belly rubs
- I tried to laugh but my photocells were cold from the night
- It wasn't so much a trip down memory lane as it was me carjacking someone's memorymobile and speeding off down the freeway, but I digress.
- In Which Ethel Gao Gets Off His Butt and Accepts the Call
- words I've wanted to tell you but never seem to be able to
- but you had his eyes and that was sort of almost enough
- you never thought this would happen to you, but it did
- I was shaking, but not from the cold
- I didn't have the heart to tell him I was lying about taco night, but at least the hellhound made some friends
- The virgin was looking apprehensive about the whole ordeal, but for the right amount of cash anyone will take on a horse
- So then I tried staring into the abyss, but it got distracted by a weasel and ditched me
- This was not my going away party
- curiosity killed the cat, but it never hurt me
- I get knocked down, but I get up again
- How to get away with murder
- I was in heaven, I was in hell. Believed in niether but feared them as well.
- one was giving me the eye but nothing came of it
- Sir George West tries to go West but hits traffic
- She didn't write like Emily Dickinson, but she did live in a house overlooking a cemetery, and I guess he thought that was important.
- I never wanted to burn any bridges. But I did want to light some fires.
- your chances of being killed by a frog are low BUT NEVER ZERO
- The serpent was in the garden again, but there weren't any apples left in the tree, so I figured things were cool.
- To park your motorbike illegally, and to get away with it
- I've been offered a lot for my work, but never everything.
- You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.
- Get Me Away From Here, I'm Dying
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