- I always wanted to get married one day
- Waiting for the day all my dreams about myself get tested
- every day she stands there, waiting. every day, she's gone when i get there.
- You Can't Always Get What You Want
- Harmless social deviancy always gets beaten down
- I can't get published, but this crap can
- I can't get comfortable here
- The Universe always gets the first move
- One day, I'm going to get rid of it all
- We do more after 2am than most people do all day.
- (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
- I'm at the station, but I can't get on the train
- If I get taxed in my job, why can't I vote?
- You can't get there from here
- follow us into the black, so far that we can't get back
- Worker Ant and what the kids get up to these days
- I can't get a girlfriend but my dog has a harem
- The movies always get it wrong
- Can't get you out of my head
- i am always searching. like a plant, i thirst forever. i cannot get enough of the light.
- Why can't they get out of The Matrix on cellular phones?
- Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me... uh... you can't get fooled again.
- If you're not in the picture you can't get framed.
- Can't we all just get along?
- Why can't I get ADSL?
- What peace I get in hectic days
- I get more done after midnight than most people do all day
- I can't get a haircut today because I have too much free time
- It is difficult to get the news from poems, yet men die miserably every day for lack of what is found there
- i just keep waiting for the day when i'll see you again
- Some vampires actually get pissed when you tell them to Have A Nice Day
- I can't "get interested", dumbass
- Can't we just all get along? (plaintive voice).
- The shirt that always gets me hit on
- My ears are always searching for the best sounds. I try not to let my eyes get locked into a particular sight.
- In the real world, it is almost always women and not men who are waiting under windows
- Stuck in a moment you can't get out of
- Why can't I get that good kind of depression?
- can't get with
- Always waiting (user)
- Days go by like sweet summer breeze; I don't know I... can't feel them anymore
- The drummer always gets laid
- You Can't Get to Heaven
- Sometimes, I get so lonely I can't stand being conscious.
- You can't dominate the world on $10 a day (or can you?)
- the stars hold secrets the day can't remember
- Help! I'm noding and I can't get up!
- I've fallen and I can't get up!
- At least things can't get any worse
- I can get away with murder, but I can't get you out of my head
- Can't Get You Out of My Thoughts
- And then night was here, after a day of measured breathing, and I could forget about breathing because the waiting was done
- Why can't I get over her
- I know them by the trucks they drive, the names they call each other, the tattoos on hot, shirtless days, the music they blast after lunch, to get through the rest of the day.
- Stoned music memories
- Traffic lights that don't stay green long enough for everyone waiting to get through
- Atheist children get presents day
- People can get stuff here that they can't get anywhere else.
- Inside every surjection is a bijection waiting to get out.
- The bomber will always get through
- It is true, we are robbers, but we always rob in the glare of the day and in the teeth of the multitude
- Not flushing public toilets can't be always construed as an act of laziness
- Who is the third who walks always beside you?
- First and Last and Always
- Alway
- I always assume innocence
- I think I know that I am almost always afraid.
- The Grass is always Greener over the Septic Tank
- It's always night-time on the moon
- Men did not always like large breasts
- May you always find naked women to throw tiny pickles at you
- You always hurt the one you love
- It's always a pleasure to elevate a bad mood to an abstract principle
- Why is there always money for war, but not for education?
- It's hard to know what to say when a friend's parent they always hated suddenly dies
- The door is always open
- Always the bridesmaid and never the bride
- They always jump off the east side
- Always standing on the edge, you forced me in heart first
- almost always
- I Will Wait For You Always
- The sluttiest girl scout always sells the most cookies
- I am capable of poetic language, but not always of poetry
- There's always a catch!
- I Had Always Known
- Crazy People Always Think I'm the Sweetest Guy
- You don't always have to disagree, or agree for that matter
- When visiting a city, always use its public transportation
- Always manipulate a tongue
- Cheese is always female
- The boss' machine is always the one to die first.
- Salvation doesn't always come from a Bible
- It's always for those damn children
- Once JPEG, always JPEG
- Two bronze medals will always besmirch Marion Jones' record
- The Thief of Always
- I always loved the smell of dying candles
- The always charming US Customs Guards at the American/Canadian Border
- I have always been burning
- I feel like shit today, but I can always feel worse tomorrow
- The Road Always Taken
- Why oh why did the black crayon always die first?
- Sex with my sister was always really, really good
- what is good is not always right
- Always on top
- When left long enough, students will always discuss cartoons they watched as kids
- Life isn't always precious
- The snow globe always shatters
- The doctors are confident the pills will always win
- Always have a backup
- the first time always sucks
- Thus Always To Tyrants
- I can always hope
- Think of something you always wanted to do, but are afraid of. Do it today.
- Why you should always finish a course of antibiotics
- Human eye, capable of perception but always subject to biased inhibitions
- In Los Angeles, something is always burning
- Always on My Mind
- Last year was always better
- Why is it that the alien mortal enemies of humanity always have some fatal flaw?
- letter-writing is always before an absent addressee
- first impressions don't always count
- The majority is always wrong
- It Will Always Be Here For You
- You always lose
- Politeness is always in order
- What almost always happens after you fall in love
- The Postman Always Rings Twice
- those who don't fit into the herd are always recognized
- We have always lived in the castle, Shirley
- You always spend a dollar as if you were spending a wounded eagle
- How Eulenspiegel always rode a dun horse
- It always smells good after the rain. It's raining hard now.
- It Could Always Be Worse
- This exact place where we laughed so much and the way you said my name will echo always in my brain
- I will always remember my 19th birthday
- I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library
- Popular wisdom to the contrary, it's not always the right time for sushi
- Do not be surprised, I have always been your canvas, Argenis.
- The dream is always the same...
- The End Of The Way It's Always Been
- The rain wasn't always kind
- I remember, I always will
- She was never mine. I always shared her.
- It is important go out for a late walk in the new snow
- an honest man is always in trouble
- The poor are always with us
- Always accept an offered drink
- We were always coming back
- Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
- She always was devious in her beauty
- The emotion on her face was always the one that she was feeling in her heart
- we always knew we'd find someone just like you
- literature is a child of experience always, of knowledge never
- the duchess of kircaldy, always smiling and arriving late for tea
- As always, the rifles have the last word
- Genetics: Not Always a Hollywood Ending
- Don't go, don't change, stop always being the same.
- In Passing, Always Remembered
- our best kisses are always at earthquakes and impacts
- Fat kids always win at see-saw
- by one and one, without waiting for the others
- I Always Knew I Would Fall in Love with a Blue-Eyed Girl
- The Always Anonymous Beast
- The kids round here look just like shadows, always quiet, holding hands
- I will always be in the details
- The first one's always free
- I learned never to empty the well of my writing, but always to stop when there was still something there in the deep part of the well, and let it refill at night from the springs that fed it.
- Always Falling Down
- I have always considered warnings to be a kind of dare
- always in love (user)
- The Great Needle in the Sky is always skipping at the corner of 6th and Delores
- Why is it that the voice that you don't want to hear always seems the loudest?
- I always liked the breasts that talked about existentialism.
- I didn't ask if the glass was half full or half empty. I've always had enough to drink.
- With him it was always like
- Gravity Always Wins
- It's always showtime, here at the edge of the stage
- It's always lunchtime, here in the land of the dead
- the best things in life cost large amounts, and the currency isn't always money
- In the war between information and poetry, poetry always wins.
- I've always wanted to hear Morrissey sing the theme song from "The Love Boat"
- always already
- life always kills (user)
- always writing poems to you
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