- I really have to get out of this fucking country
- Video files inside .zip archives
- Good old fashioned fucking
- fucking eh
- Fucking A
- The difference between fucking and making love
- I will REMOVE the fucking toilet seat if you don't shut up
- They hit each other, like fucking Christ intended!
- Fucking Åmål
- I'm no fucking Buddhist, but this is Enlightenment.
- I despise ribbon cable
- The hole in the ground for bodily waste when camping
- Some critical thoughts on the aesthetics of Dragonball Z
- If someone wants to do something and it isn't hurting you... DON'T BE A FUCKING DICK
- I can hang out with guys without fucking them!
- I'm fucking addicted, OK?
- Jakob Dylan has all your fucking money, kid!
- Why fucking cows is a bad idea
- Sorry, but I AM my fucking khakis
- Getting to know you noders fucking sucked
- Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax
- The train station was fucking freezing and
- Holy Shit! Man Walks on Fucking Moon!
- Shopping and Fucking
- Microsoft's .NET strategy
- Are cops completely fucking useless?
- Throw away your fucking scale!
- Sheets of blank fucking paper
- high-intensity discharge headlights
- The donuts are so pretty
- Ok, this whole Mr. T thing has gone WAY too fucking far
- Ho Ho Fucking Ho
- Suicidal teens fucking piss me off
- I hope you're fucking happy
- Fucking
- You noders still fucking suck, but your needing my wisdoms bad
- Live Era '87-'93
- couch fucking
- I hate this fucking orange cat
- You're awfully fucking fat for someone with leukaemia
- For God's sake, just have another election
- Call a spade a fucking shovel
- Hello, I'm fucking your daughter
- I'm not fucking bored
- We need to keep fucking till we're all the same color
- Give me back my bike!
- Hotter than two rats fucking in a wool sock
- Piss without farting, die without fucking
- You know what? I've had it up to here with "Trix are for kids!" Give the rabbit a fucking bowl of cereal, you dick!
- I am not your fucking Employee of the Month
- Kick Their Fucking Heads In 2
- Fucking Anais
- How to clean a bathroom
- I wish Sid Vicious would kick my fucking ass
- Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity
- The action packed mentalist brings you the fucking jams
- Shut up, you fucking baby!
- The Fucking Champs
- fucking machine
- Hard like fucking stone
- go fucking (user)
- The Price is Right is Fucking Rigged
- It's my fucking job to know
- Dope, Guns and Fucking in the Streets
- You suckers still fucking node, but your noding wisdom. My bad.
- The life you're fucking with may not be your own
- My friends, I bring you the good news: Jesus Christ made a fucking sandwich
- Out of his fucking mind
- I am so fucking happy
- Hyperintelligent dicks on the fucking moon
- Young People Fucking
- Songs About Fucking
- Saying "I Love You" Is Not A Fucking Band-Aid
- I will REMOVE the fucking toilet seat if you don't shut up (idea) mp3 (recording)
- it's the fucking truth
- Spilt milk, motherfucker. Spilt fucking milk.
- Noders By The Lake 2: I've Got This Nodermeet, and It's Fucking Golden
- Customer service is a fucking given
- Noders By The Lake 2: I've Got This Nodermeet, and Its Fucking Golden (node_forward)
- you fucking moron (user)
- take a fucking hint (user)
- Goddamnit, man, it's like this shit knows what I'm fucking thinking
- Hi, meet my pitbull. His name is Don't Question My Fucking Premises You Ass
- Love is a construct. Fucking is real.
- Fucking is fucking
- I will not use the sidewalk. There are fucking sprinklers
- Fucking Karma
- Hello, I'm your fucking daughter
- Fucking, Austria
- Fucking superhero movies
- The fashion trade should be burnt to the fucking ground
- Keep fucking that chicken
- Nobody cares about your fucking breasts!
- I am a bassist. Don't you fucking call me a bass player, ever.
- Fucking Genesis 1, Bitch
- Are you such a fucking loser you can't tell when you've won?
- Welcome to the Gold Fucking Monkey House, Folks
- If you're going to masturbate, would you at least close the fucking door?
- you have all these dreams, you poor fucking fool
- Respect The Fucking Monkey
- Fucking useless phrases (category)
- I will fucking REMOVE your writeups about Cloud Strife and how he's cool and mysterious and shit
- It's survival of the fittest, Max, and we've got the fucking gun!
- We pander to each other because we love each other so much and we'd do anything to keep each other and it's made us sensitive and it's fucking killing us all.
- I've fucking HAD IT with you, you piece of shit!
- Fucking yes, I'm a fatphobe
- If you've got something to do, you'd better fucking do it.
- Really
- Really?
- Words that sound dirty but really aren't
- Can things really change?
- What is really real?
- Do you really want to live forever?
- You Really Got Me
- what I really want
- Smurfette really wasn't a "smurf" nor an "ette"
- We were never really friends
- Who you really are
- Re-ally
- The day I realized how sane I really am
- But my computer really IS possessed
- What the bumps on cucumbers really are
- play dumb
- What Germans do best
- Are you really head of the Kwik-E-Mart?
- career day
- You like me, you really like me!
- I had a really good time tonight
- A Really Big Grilled Cheese and Mushroom Sandwich
- Yes, obviously we really need zero tolerance
- What Italian guys are really talking about when they say "Ey Oh"
- How M&M's are really made
- How much does Milliways really cost?
- Until today, it really pissed me off that I'd become this totally centered Zen Master and nobody had noticed
- What doesn't kill you can only fuck you up for a really, really long time
- I'm not really a secretary; I just play one at work.
- This freaking obsession with really abysmal porn
- How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
- Men's guide to what a woman really means
- Is this really what it seems?
- I guess you really can't know anybody after all
- Sororities are nothing but social crutches
- What homophobia really means
- But what are they really thinking?
- Really Good Dog Treats
- The potential for brain damage really does get in the way of a good time
- Being rejected by someone you really respect
- You really have nothing to say, do you?
- Tell me a story about being really alive
- A really good sandwich that ideath could make to take to work with her
- What I really want to do is direct
- What if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about
- Sexist jokes
- You know, that really wasn't a good way to get rid of the Universe forever
- Gravity really gets me down
- I would really like to beat the crap out of someone
- Not really by the rules, but...
- What life after death will really be like
- Feeling like you're moving when you're really sitting still
- How to tell when you have really messed up your relationship
- When did you realise you really weren't going to realize some of your dreams?
- Why Socrates was really executed
- I really really scared myself this evening
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