- When I look into her eyes, I no longer care about what the world thinks. This is what it feels like to be alive.
- I've read books so I know things that sound like they could be true
- It is well oiled, you will click into it like a happy cog
- scattering, like flower petals or crowds from the sound of a gunshot
- Much like what music wants to be
- I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh and they shall be drunk with their own blood like wine
- I want it to be more like the things I write
- Like white light? Or a long low moan that turns into laughing? Or the holes in Jesus' hands?
- If there were more people like you, there would be more people
- Mind without body
- the wind sounds like rain today
- I crave it like well water, pulled up from the deep
- I like to be reminded this city survives because of these machines.
- What is it like to be a bat?
- and burning into the sky like a wound
- You grabbed my hand, and we fell into it. Like a daydream. Or a fever.
- As nuclear explosions ravage New York City, the apartment block residents rush downstairs to escape the building, only to be forced into the basement by further explosions.
- May the world be a better place when I wake up
- How to Sound Like Vangelis
- I never thought it would be like this
- Look siad me Be like me
- What it's like to be in love
- The sound of the violin will always be the sound of my disintegrating marriage
- She must be what cocaine is like
- trying to complete some archaic sub-quest, only to be drawn into some stupid battle every five steps
- I know what it's like to be dead
- Until I die there will be sounds. And they will continue following my death. One need not fear about the future of music.
- Tomorrow will surely be much like today.
- sounds like an affliction
- Often I feel like I am just shouting my observations into a raging storm and no one hears
- Green into yellow into orange, like leaves
- If there were more people like you, there would be less people
- There must be something terribly wrong with me. Sometimes I feel like I haven't learned anything.
- How to approach a developer who may well be working and ask him a question
- the space was filled with love like light and that made me shine as well
- I like the sound of my own voice
- she likes to dance on the edge. it's all she's known and she won't change now
- We might not like each other very much afterwards, but at least we'll understand each other.
- Why I'd like to be a free-range hen
- Just to see what it would be like
- If you meet a strange, confident woman, she may well be a witch
- Even simple things that you think are harmless can be dangerous. Like crayons. Like velvet.
- If she were an insect, she'd be a moth in search of a flame
- Nothing could be close to quite like this
- silly, to not be in love at a rhyme like this
- It is like what we imagine knowledge to be: dark, salt, clear, moving, utterly free.
- What engineering textbooks should be like
- Would you take your shoes back now, i think I know what it is like to be you.
- she can't remember what it's like to be found
- she's the reason the dust i finally leave will be better than the dust i came from
- Like minded so you must be crazy
- If we classified ducks as monsters, well, that would be pretty accurate.
- i wish i felt like teaching today, but i just want to be selfish
- Do you know what it is like to be alone among so many?
- i don't spend a lot of time thinking about what it feels like to be gored by a chainsaw
- Weather can be pretty, yet so damaging. Sort of like some men I know
- Like A Leaf Furrowing Into The Ground
- Turn anything into a sound file
- My ears are always searching for the best sounds. I try not to let my eyes get locked into a particular sight.
- Sounding like a child
- Theorems whose names sound like Robert Ludlum novel titles
- sunset rainwater turns her sidewalk chalk-art into a sherbert delight; a surprise gift from chaos that tumbles her like tinkling bells onto the wet grass
- There will be nobody there to shed a tear
- Deals well with ambiguity: a savagely long writeup about why boys are not like girls and other things
- it's hard to turn away when it feels like she's singing directly to you
- She makes sniffing sounds, and I don't know if she's snorting coke or weeping
- drum rudiments which sound like they were named by a neural net
- Electro-tango sounds like elevator music
- When I growl, the sound echoes like thunder all through the valleys and woodlands, and children tremble with fear, and women cover their heads with their aprons, and big men run and hide.
- Well if it's gonna be THAT kinda party, then I'm gonna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes!
- The Answer to What it Sounds Like
- well, I'll be jiggered
- Most adults forget what it was like to be a child once they hit a certain age
- You don't have to be a vegetarian to like vegetarian food
- In a world of blind people, c would be the speed of sound
- This guy in the computer lab who looks like he should be a doctor
- The guy who may as well already be dead and therefore doesn't care about the consequences of his actions and is able to move with perfect freedom for the remainder of what will likely be a tragically short life
- Might be like leftovers. Would not taste the same, however sweet.
- Tears must be shed to make room for the laughter
- People in prison should be treated like animals
- Oh I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside
- What would existence be like for a child born with no senses?
- Boy, I was sure lucky to be born into the one true faith!
- In the future, hairstyles will be just like they are now
- You meant for this node to be read by me, and I would like to respond
- asking only to be stared into, offering no reward
- Remember what it's like to be learning a musical instrument
- What it's like to be questioned by the FBI
- What it's like to be free of the FBI
- Maybe tomorrow we’ll be on that plane.
- There's got to be a way to make it sweeter, a little more like lemon meringue
- Hot pursuit
- What it's like to be raided by the FBI
- When I stop going there, I will be well.
- On what it is like to be so crazy you can't sleep
- all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well
- The votes can be divided into roughly two categories. Those that got it, and those that didn't.
- I always sound Irish when I'm trying to be charming
- Be Yourself, said the buxom blonde. Just Like Everyone Else
- When the seagulls follow the trawler, it is because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea.
- If it barks like a fish, it must be a duck
- What life after death will really be like
- Sounds That Can't Be Made
- I am writing you at dawn, on a train headed west, a farewell letter to be mailed at the first transfer station, before I head off into parts unknown.
- Be different, just like everyone else
- On the Criteria To Be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules
- the more realistic we are, the happier we'll be
- I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee
- All will be well again in time
- it wouldn't be so bad if people like you would have become ghosts too
- may your fruit be like you
- what will the internet be like five hundred years from now?
- Can many fictions be woven into fact?
- What I really would like to do is put Everything into a drawer
- I don't think I realized what I had gotten myself into, but it seemed like the potential for fun and insanity were there in equal parts
- Be a model or just look like one
- Meek and obedient you follow the leader down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel
- Eat like every meal's a banquet. Drink like every flagon's your last. Fuck like you're going into battle
- E2 is like getting old, having friends die, and running into them on the street
- Sheila dashes madly into traffic as Euros flutter down around us like injured butterflies
- This is a journey into sound
- You make that sound like a bad thing
- Like walking straight into a mindfield.
- like syrup rolling into the valley
- This is what it sounds like
- Everything you like and the guests we'll feed (because you are, that's why)
- There's nothing like the sound of snowpants
- Sometimes horror flicks sound a lot like porno
- You may want to look into the possibility that you too are acting like a dick.
- I might fall into good sleep like swimming
- What it's like to be skinny
- Yeah? Well that's just, like, your opinion, man.
- In this workshop we'll cover skills like setting up and configuring a terrible howl or shriek.
- the lightning strike sounded like a car falling out of the sky
- She's Like the Swallow
- Those Don't Sound Like Bats
- The sound was starting to get stuck in my head like "It's a Small World"
- This Sounds Like Goodbye
- They'd smell what body to body sounds like
- I'll never be the one to force my parents into an "old age" home
- Be
- To do is to be
- We tend to judge people only on what we perceive them to be
- You must be 18 or older to enter
- Be yourself
- Should I be happy?
- Too good to be true
- Everything I sing in the shower gonna be funky
- I will be the first thing you will be thinking about after you wake
- The Let's Just Be Friends Shack
- The Let's Be Secret Friends Shack
- The Hedgehog Can Never Be Buggered At All
- "Hey wouldn't it be cool if we could do this" rule
- You do not have a right to not be offended
- Let It Be
- You will know your action. You are present there, not thinking of somewhere else you ought to be.
- You ever have one of those days where you go, "Well. This might as well happen."
- The X that can be Y is not the true X
- You're not going to be happy until you put someone's eye out
- Information cannot be owned
- The Ten Commandments revised
- I need to be busy, dammit!
- Don't be sexist. Broads hate that.
- Things that seem too good to be true rule
- Hula hoops are round, they're staying round, and they'll be around forever
- If voting changed anything, they would make it illegal
- If not voting could change the system it would be illegal
- Must be a lesbian
- The best kind of bartender
- You're too young to be so old
- Chant and be Happy
- How to be invisible
- Any song can be a love song
- This program cannot be run in DOS mode
- They'll None Of 'Em Be Missed
- play dumb
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