Well, today I turn 18. I signed up for eTour (they require you be 18 to join) a few hours before I turned 18! Hah! :-P

It's interesting, just yesterday (the one year anniversary of The Phantom Menace) most people would have said I was 17 while actually I was about 17.997 but today I'm considered 18, even 9 hours before I really am. One infinitesimally amount of time separates when I'm 17 years old and 18 years old.
We is going to Golden Corral for brunch (you go just a bit before they change from the breakfast buffet to the lunch buffet and you get food from both!) and than babysitting some kids.
Hot dogs and chips for supper, cake for dessert.

(Notice how my day is focused around rants and food. When my mom had me keep a journal/diary for school [I homeschool] I'd always list what was for lunch each day, and sometimes nothing else, on slow days.

Update: I graduated from high school today, but nobody even told me until weeks later.