Switched to Wikipedia long ago.
- user since
- Tue Oct 10 2000 at 03:31:41 (24.5 years ago )
- last seen
- Sun May 8 2022 at 11:20:05 (2.9 years ago )
- number of write-ups
- 10 - View rainbowjim's writeups (feed)
- level / experience
- 1 (Novice) / 128
- mission drive within everything
- no mission
- specialties
- don't bother
- school/company
- NA
- motto
- You are what you read.
- most recent writeup
- J.P. Donleavy
- Send private message to rainbowjim
User Bookmarks:
- --OutpostMir--
- :)
- /dev/joe
- /me
- 12 Monkeys
- 7Ghent
- a bit less offensive
- A Clockwork Orange
- A community without shame has no future
- A Letter To Everyone
- A Midsummer Night's Dream
- A picture is not an argument
- A Snarl in the Darkness
- absolute power corrupts absolutely
- absolutely
- ad hominem
- Adrenaline rush
- Aftermath
- ahimsa
- aikido
- ailie
- Ain't Nobody's Business if You Do: The Absurdity of Consensual Crimes in Our Free Country
- Albert Einstein
- Alice in Wonderland
- All in Favor of "Gun Control" Raise Your Right Hand
- All reality is subjective
- Allegory of the Cave
- Americans' inability to distinguish between England and Britain
- anal retentive
- anarchist
- anecdotal evidence
- Animal Domestication
- Anonymous Coward
- anotherone
- Antipodes
- Antisocial personality disorder
- anything
- Apocalypse of the Virgin (thing)
- ariels
- arrowfall
- art
- artfuldodger
- Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence (idea)
- artificially altered states of consciousness
- As Good as it Gets (thing)
- As I Lay Dying
- Aspects of American society that may be new to you
- asshole
- Attention
- axon
- Babel fish
- Bad Religion
- BaronCarlos
- Beating obedient
- BelDion
- Benefits of Martial Arts training
- bipolar disorder
- birdonmyshoulder*
- bitter_engineer
- blaaf
- Black rage
- bleeding heart
- Blessed are the Downvoted
- blowdart
- Blue Screen of Death
- Bob Marley
- brain
- Brain damage
- brain fart
- Brainfuck
- break
- Broken nodes
- Brother could you spare some karma?
- Buddha (thing)
- Buddhism
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- bullshit
- C!
- caferace
- CaptainSpam
- Caring for a pregnant hamster, and what to do afterwards
- carnivore
- cash crop
- Cat Stevens
- Center of the universe (place)
- central nervous system
- CentrX
- chain reaction
- Checks and balances in the government of the United States of America
- chi
- Children should be seen and not heard
- Chill
- Choose Your Own Adventure
- Christian
- Cid Highwind
- Citizen Kane
- Cloaking
- Closing Time (idea)
- clue-by-four
- CodeWarrior
- Codger
- cognitive science
- Collateral damage
- common sense
- Complexity barrier
- composition
- Compulsive
- computer graphics
- Conflict
- conquer
- contrary
- conversation killer
- cops
- Coral Castle
- Cow Of Doom
- cracked
- Cracked Magazine
- crop circles
- cultivation
- cyber
- cybersex
- damage
- Damian
- Dammit, I am so sick of reading about other noders enjoying human companionship
- dangerous
- danlowlite
- danne
- dannye
- Daoism
- Daylight Savings Time
- dbrown
- dead
- Dear God
- Death
- December 10, 1999
- Decimate
- delusion
- dem bones
- Demeter
- demon
- demonic possession
- Desiderata
- Deteriorata
- Devious
- Dialogue
- Diarrhea of the mouth, and a constipation of ideas
- Dis
- disagreement
- disappointment
- discofever
- Disturbed Monkey
- dizzy
- DJuxtaposition
- Does this dress make me look fat?
- dolphinboy
- Don Quixote
- Don't kill your invisible husband to see what he looks like or you'll sob your heart out. But don't worry about the millions of invisible men coming to attack your village because they won't kill you if you don't know how to fight them.
- Don't touch me when I'm screaming (idea)
- Doonesbury
- Dr. Seuss
- Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
- dragoon
- Drugs
- drunk
- dude
- Dune
- Duplicates Found:
- dynamite
- E2 clueless (newbie) mistakes to avoid
- E2 HTML tags
- E2 Nuke Request
- E2 staff
- earlobe
- Earth
- effective
- Electricsound
- Eloquence
- emission spectrum
- energy
- Enlightenment
- Entrenched
- eponymous
- Eraser_
- erbo
- Euphemistic
- Everything
- Everything 2 Editors
- Everything Commune
- everything development company
- Everything is poetry
- Everything New Nodes
- Everything Troll Registry
- Everything's Best Users
- Everything2 is NOT a BBS
- Evolutionary Psychology
- experience
- experience points
- Extreme
- eye contact (idea)
- Eye of the Beholder
- fair trade
- fallacy
- Famous Last Words
- fellatio
- female
- Female restroom etiquette
- Feng Shui
- festival
- Fighting Words
- Finding a bathroom in New York City (idea)
- fire-dancing
- Fish out of water
- Fisher Space Pen (thing)
- flame war
- flamingweasel
- flamingweasel
- flashback
- Fluorescence
- Flute
- flying
- fondue
- Fool
- Footprints
- for the spunky new user
- Formatting poems and simple HTML
- Frank Zappa
- Frankenstein
- free software
- Freeze, Motherstickers! This is a fuck-up!
- Fruan
- fuck
- Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke
- Fuck like crazed weasels
- Fuck me harder
- fuck with
- full bottle in front of me
- future
- FX
- Gamaliel
- Geeks
- General advice for preventing attacks
- Genital wart home removal
- Gerry's ICQ
- Getting to know you noders fucking sucked
- Ghostbusters
- girlotron
- God is everywhere
- Godwin's Law
- Godzilla
- Good and Evil
- Good cop Bad cop
- Good Thing
- Goodbye, Cruel World (idea)
- Gospel of Thomas
- grotesque
- Ground Control
- Gruesome
- Halcyon&on
- hamster bong
- Hank, the Angry, Drunken Dwarf
- Happiness
- Hard link
- Harlan Ellison
- Harrison Ford
- Haven't you always wanted a monkey?
- Heartbreak
- her lips on mine
- Hideous Jabbering Head of Abraham Lincoln (person)
- high comedy
- Hindu Mythology
- hodgepodge
- Holy shit, you mean I'm not invisible?
- Holy Shit! You must die to preserve life on Earth as we know it!
- Horror
- Horror Wrestling
- How I nearly killed myself masturbating
- How I then tried to diffuse the Theory of Three Dimensions by other means, and of the result
- How I tried to teach the Theory of Three Dimensions to my Grandson, and with what success
- How to avoid people whom you don't like talking to
- How to disappear completely and never be found
- hramyaegr
- human cloning
- Hunter S. Thompson
- I
- I am a mirror (idea)
- I am the very model of a modern teenage Cyberpunk
- I am the Walrus
- I can't decide if what you're saying is too profound for me to comprehend or just insane
- I didn't want him
- I do not fit in; I am not alone
- I don't understand vegetarians
- i feel like i'm single-handedly destroying the rain forest
- I felt a disturbance in the fun, as if a million playgrounds cried out, and then
- I felt a need for some excitement tonight, so I drove up and down random streets yelling "I am one with the flying cows!" at regular intervals
- I gotta go right now. Someone is videotaping me in my spaceship.
- I think I'm in Love with Everything
- I think not
- I will show you fear in a handful of dust (idea)
- I would really like to beat the crap out of someone
- I'm glad the evil overlord was on my team
- I'm not a dyke just 'cause I shaved my head, but if it keeps certain people away, fuckin' A right on
- I'm trippin' my nut sack into a frenzy of dik play
- I've accepted the way it is and it doesn't hurt so much
- icicle
- ideath
- Identity
- If someone wants to do something and it isn't hurting you... DON'T BE A FUCKING DICK
- If you could read my mind
- If you know a religion to be false, should you tell its followers?
- If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him
- If you're happy and you know it click this node
- Ignorance is bliss
- ignorant
- Illumination
- implementation
- In The Nursery (thing)
- infamous
- Infinite
- Infinite Burn
- infinitely recursive functions
- Inflammatory
- Inflatable, biodegradable counter-terrorist assault monkeys
- information
- Information cannot be owned
- innocent
- Innocent until proven guilty
- insane
- Intellectual masturbation
- intellectual property
- intelligence
- Intelligence is sexy
- Intruder
- Is that your final answer?
- Is there a kind of information you're better off not having?
- ism
- Isn't this what your home node is for?
- It's a bird! It's a plane! It's sarcasm flying right over your head!
- It's the Internet, I can do what I want
- Jack and the Cigar
- Jefferson Airplane
- JeffMagnus
- jeremy f
- jerk
- jessicapierce
- Jethro Tull
- Jinmyo
- John Lennon
- Jonathan Livingston Seagull
- Jurassic Park
- just a guy
- JustSomeGuy
- kamamer
- Keep doing it, but don't call it that
- kenata
- Key inconsistencies in retelling of the Arthurian Legend
- Kill your sampler
- Killer Bees
- King Kong
- knifegirl
- Krakatoa
- Kramer
- Lake Huron (place)
- Lame fuckwit who should be shot for wasting valuable bandwidth
- lameness filter
- Language is like a river
- Latvia
- Led Zeppelin
- legbagede
- Lethal
- Life101
- lightning
- Link and Link
- Linux
- Live Nude Lesbians
- Lometa
- long-term memory
- Lord Brawl
- lost and found
- Love at first sight
- love like a knife
- Lovers
- Lucid dream
- Luck. A Story (thing)
- m1a9366b
- Magenta
- Magic words. Magic eyes. (person)
- Magnetic Fields
- Make it stop
- making love in a canoe
- Making meaning out of hard links
- Malachi
- manic depression
- Mars the Infomage
- Mary Jane
- Masque of the Red Death animation
- master
- Master of Puppets
- Masterpiece
- mat_catastrophe
- Measurements based on the human body
- medicine
- Men get turned on by lesbians much more than women get turned on by gay men
- meta
- Metacognizant
- Metaphysics
- methylphenidate
- Mexican
- Michael Crichton
- Microsoft
- mind
- Mistake
- moderation
- Modern Mayan Slaughtercomb
- ModernAngel
- Mojo Jojo
- moJoe
- Money
- Monopoly Properties
- Monty Hall problem problem
- Morning Has Broken
- Mostly Harmless
- multiple photon excitation spectroscopy
- N-Wing
- naked_ape
- Namaskaar
- namespace
- narced
- nate
- Native American
- Natural Born Killers
- Neatest trip I've had (thing)
- Neuromancer
- New Writeups
- New York
- News for noders. Stuff that matters.
- Night of the Living Dead
- Nightmares
- nine9
- No cow is innocent
- No Live Nude Lesbians were harmed in the rescuing of this nodeshell
- No one seems to listen to what I say
- No Smoking
- No time for love, Dr. Jones
- No visible means of support
- Noam Chomsky
- Noam Chomsky on Propaganda
- Nobel Prize
- nocodeforparanoia
- Nodanagram
- Node Damage
- Node for the Ages
- nodegel
- Nodeshell Challenge
- Noding
- Noether
- nom de plume
- Non-everythingian friends and their responses to this place
- nonexistence
- nonexistent
- Not all disagreements have to be a flame war
- Nothing
- novalis
- nubile
- Nude Descending a Staircase
- nudity
- Nuke
- obedient
- Objects in mirror are closer than they appear
- ohe
- On the Grasshopper and Cricket
- One of the Heroes
- open source
- ophie
- oppression
- Orange Julius
- Orgone
- Outrun a speeding train
- Page of Cool
- passionate kiss
- Pedro
- People without spines annoy me.
- perception
- perdedor
- perfect breasts
- Personality
- Philosophy
- photoelectric effect
- Pictures of Everythingians
- Piercisms Generator
- pilgrim
- Ping
- pingouin
- Piping
- Placebo
- planet
- play dumb
- pornographic
- Prana
- Professor X
- prole
- Propaganda
- Protector of Mankind
- Pseudo_Intellectual
- psionics
- psychedelic mushrooms
- psychiatrist
- Psychology
- psychopath
- psydereal_old
- public domain
- Purple
- Pyromania (thing)
- Question about infinite monkeys, copyright, and patents
- R.E.M. ordering breakfast at Denny's at 3 AM
- rad
- Rage Against The Machine
- rainbow
- rainbowjim
- Random strangers you remember
- Random strangers you remember (idea)
- random_monkey
- Ranma 1/2
- Rastafari
- Raster and Vector Drawing (idea)
- Rave
- Reading
- Reality is more interesting
- reasons to live alone (idea)
- recursion
- Red Meat
- redheads
- Reference Desk
- Religion does not cure stupidity, nor does atheism cure it
- retroactive interference
- Reverse Nightmare
- Richard Adams
- Ritalin
- Romantic Fallacy
- Rough
- rumor
- sabre23t
- Salem Witch Trials
- Say Anything
- scapegoat
- Scar tissue on the heart
- Science fiction
- scientific
- Scientology is a wonderful religion that I would never want to sue me
- Scream
- sculpture
- Seinfeld
- seizure (thing)
- sense of humor
- Sensei, we've got another lesbian stuck in the goddamn shredder
- September 11, 2001
- Serendipity
- Seriously, though, who the hell did I think I was going to become?
- Shadows
- Shakespeare's Insults (thing)
- She arose and said matter-of-factly
- She said
- Sherman Antitrust Act
- Shiny Happy Noders
- Shiva
- shmOOnkie pOOnks
- Simplify, Simplify, Simplify!
- Singularity
- Sitting in the rain at night (place)
- skank
- skull fuck (idea)
- Slang
- Slashdot
- Slaughterhouse Five
- sleep
- Sleeping
- sleeping wolf
- slime mold (thing)
- smoke and mirrors
- Snap-on Tools (thing)
- snarf
- snarf (idea)
- snarking out
- Snowfall
- Soberty
- social Darwinism
- sock puppet
- Soft link
- Some of your peers who seem happy, popular, and self-confident are miserable
- Something
- Sometimes I have this dream where I am flying
- Songs destroyed by use in television advertising
- Songs to Make Love To
- South Park
- Speaking in tongues
- speed seduction
- Spiders with human heads!
- Spinach Lasagna
- Spiroscope
- Spoiler Alert
- Stainless steel chopsticks
- Stainless Steel Rat
- stand/alone/bitch
- Starrynight
- statute of limitations
- Still Life with Woodpecker
- Strange things homeless people have said to me
- Stranger in a Strange Land
- stream of consciousness
- Stride
- Stupidity often manifests itself as an insatiable desire to fulfill one's curiosity
- superior
- supernatural
- surreal
- Sylvar
- Sym-
- Systematic downvoting
- TaintedTex
- Take the Skinheads Bowling
- Talking about love is like dancing about architecture
- Teaching your dog not to jump on people
- Teenage genius computer hacker myth
- Tell it all
- Tem42
- temple
- Templeton
- Terry Gilliam
- tftv256
- That time I was almost killed by scary cult children
- The 48 Laws of Power
- The Anarchist's Cookbook
- the ancient novel
- The annoying orange orb outside my window each morning
- the baddest motherfucker in the world (idea)
- The beast with two backs
- The beauty of language
- The body is a playground
- The collapse of complex societies
- The Conversation Assassin
- The Custodian
- The Dance of Joy
- The Dead Body
- The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
- The Demon-Haunted World
- The difference between art and science
- The difference between fucking and making love (idea)
- The Divine Comedy
- The Doors of Perception
- The dumbest thing I ever did while under the influence of alcohol
- The E2 Effect
- The Everything credibility problem (idea)
- The Face of the Enemy
- The function of the brain and nervous system
- The Game
- the gilded frame
- The Gods Must Be Crazy
- The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- The Help moJoe find his Biological Mother Project
- The hole in the ground for bodily waste when camping
- The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved
- The Lamb and the Wolf (thing)
- The Longest Line
- The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress
- The moral of the story
- The more laws there are, the more crime there is
- The New Hacker's Dictionary
- The Pizza Chronicles
- The problem with normal people and computers (idea)
- The Second Coming of Christ already happened
- The Song Remains The Same
- The Speed of Darkness
- The television screen of our collective unconscious
- the trash of dreams and the unspoken misgivings
- The universe is flickering like my television set
- The voting system doesn't work because I'm drunk and that fucks it up
- The Who
- themusic
- There is no good depression. It's not sexy. It's not fun. It's not the new rock and roll.
- There is no nodegel!
- There's no such thing as normal
- They Might Be Giants
- Things we learn from movies (idea)
- thinking pervert
- This poem can be put off no longer
- thopkins
- Thought crime
- Thus Spake Zarathustra
- tim_three
- time
- Tip of the Day
- To understand, predict, and control human behavior
- ToasterLeavings
- Triolet
- Tripping out on Rye bread, man
- turf war
- Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out
- Tyler Durden (person)
- Uberfetus
- Ulysses
- Unacceptable
- uncomfortable silence
- Underworld
- untenable
- Unwritten rules for driving
- Up against the wall, motherfucker
- usenet
- Uses for dildos other than the obvious
- vectormane
- vice squad
- vilification
- violence
- Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent
- Vitriolic
- vortex
- Waking up with a dog breathing into your face
- WARNING: Noders May Not Be What They Seem to Be
- Watching TV
- water-sharing
- Watership Down
- wave a dead chicken
- We are the trains of thought that move through everything's brain
- Weapons of mass destruction
- Weasel
- Webster 1913
- Weirdness
- WeirdStuff (place)
- Welcome to Everything
- Welcome to the jungle
- Welcome to the Monkey House
- Well if it's gonna be THAT kinda party, then I'm gonna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes!
- wharfinger
- Wharfinger's Linebreaker
- What do you need to transfer to say you have transferred your mind?
- What do you think?
- What Happened to the 56 Men Who Signed the Declaration of Independence
- What happens when we die?
- What I want to be when I grow up
- What is Everything?
- What We Talk about When We Talk About Love (thing)
- What would aliens think of us if Everything was all they had?
- What's in a name?
- When good code goes bad
- When I was your age
- Where were you when the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded?
- White Rabbit
- Why American women shave their legs
- Why do the things that happen to us make such funny stories?
- Why fucking cows is a bad idea
- Why I am going to pretend I am a girl online from now on
- Why is it bad to compliment a woman's breasts?
- Why men like lesbians
- Why men like women's breasts
- Why sex in public is generally disapproved of by society
- Why the American Dream is the rest of the world's nightmare
- Why you are the most important person here
- WickerNipple
- Will Everything ever stop expanding?
- William Blake
- William Gibson
- Wisdom
- Wish You Were Here
- Witnessing the birth of new noders
- wonko
- world wide web
- World Wide Web Consortium
- Wormhole
- Xamot
- XP
- XP stoicism
- XP Whore
- yam
- Yo soy un disco quebrado. Yo tengo chicle en cerebro.
- yossarian
- You are so human (idea)
- You do not have a right to not be offended
- You know you've done psychedelic drugs
- You know, that really wasn't a good way to get rid of the Universe forever
- You may be a noder, but you ain't no dancer
- You're not alive until you have something to lose
- Your beliefs are your concern, just please don't let them creep into our secular argument
- Your legs are like threads of cotton, though much thicker, and filled with weevils
- Your Own Worst Enemy
- yourself
- Zamboni (thing)
- Zap me
- Zari
- zot-fot-piq