- When will you humans learn that your "feelings" (as you so call them) can stand in the way of big cash payoffs?
- When left long enough, students will always discuss cartoons they watched as kids
- Tell people they're beautiful and they will change the world
- When children become people
- when I am King, we will have no such things, but, my lads, if the old king my father were dead, we would be all kings.
- Three people who are spies and a horse who will also be a spy
- You people will trash anything.
- Made direct amends to such people wherever possible except when to do so would injure them or others
- Maybe someday I'll be an M&M the color of your eyes
- will you take me with you when you go?
- When your eyes fade will your smile follow?
- After today, for two people, the world will never be the same
- The People's Will
- Too many people say nothing when they mean "I love you"
- I wonder when I learned to smile when I was being hurt
- Kissing is when two people taste each other tasting each other
- Her hair, tangled
- someday, when she will think back upon the time when she was as yet undishonored
- When we finally fall, it will be fast and sure
- When will I see you again?
- Were you really expecting to only learn true things when you signed up for this class?
- You touched me when I needed to be touched, and for that I will hold you in my heart forever
- when people become strangers
- Don't try to make the moment last. You can ruin it that way. Just learn to savor it and, when the time comes, learn how to let it go.
- The quality of relationships with people when you're sick
- I am clothed when other people go almost naked through the frozen cities in winter
- When the suicide arrived at the sky, the people there asked him: "Why?"
- When people say destroying a work of art is good
- Tell people they're beautiful and you will change the world
- When silence between two people is comfortable
- What people really mean when they say "Justice for X"
- People will find some reason to hate others
- Sometimes people will tell you that there are no options and they will be wrong.
- Always talk to dead people when you can. Always.
- When over 95% of its people endure unspeakable torture daily, Planet Earth is officially known as a prison
- People who don't smoke will never die
- When I'm long dead, the bee will win
- When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops?
- I can only pray that, when I finally leave, I will have done little enough damage to be totally forgotten
- Even your mother will probably bite your tree hand when you destroy all gravity
- Nothing new about Ancient Greece will be learned until the Vatican is plundered
- Questions you will be asked when you study Chinese
- What will happen to me, when you die?
- The journey will be worth it when you achieve something greater than what harmed you through the journey
- and when all the stars have fallen one last time and the skies are crumbling into my hands and the sirens are bleeding out on the beaches and the earth fades; you will remain
- when we drill a hole in the sky, what will run out?
- When, if ever, will there be permanent peace in the Balkans?
- one learns the most when losing
- Things you learn when a woman moves into your flat
- Aristotle's Lost Library, Medieval Andalusia & Chinese Paper, or How Europe Learned to Learn Again and Why the Renaissance Happened When & Where It Did
- Where people go when people die
- You say "the internet" but you mean "the world wide web"
- If you work in customer service, you will eventually deal with stupid people
- relatedly somehow, there was a point a few years ago when I learned how to terrify
- When life gives you lemons, suck on them. Seriously, lemons taste awesome.
- And maybe the horse will learn how to sing
- People will steal anything
- When people ask "Where are you from?" I have to think for a minute
- What people talk about when they can't think of anything to talk about
- When you kill people they die
- When people say "All-American", they seldom mean me.
- Going by the script when talking to people
- there was a time when you couldn't just learn things instantly
- When Bad Things Happen to Good People
- From books people learn to remember, from mistakes to understand
- The people we have met in the last 5 years, & will we remember them in 10 more
- Children are people readers and they know when you are fiction
- People don't flail when they die
- Too many people say "I love you" when they mean "I like you"
- It has become the time of evening when people sit on their porches
- we are fed violence and love is censored, and people are shocked when violence is all we know
- Why matter cannot reach the speed of light
- there are people in the world who love you, and they will see that this suffering will not have happened in vain
- One learns the most when teaching others
- what desire will make foolish people do
- A lie only hurts when it's told by people you care about
- Right-wing doesn't automatically mean racist
- The best way to learn something is when someone else figures it out and tells you.
- When will Linux be a good gaming platform?
- She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in books written by rabbits
- Maybe when we drown the fish will be our friends
- Things you don't want to hear (but will) when you get into bed with a girl
- When you move here we will have plenty of time to have fun together
- I know when the world will end
- When Will You Die for the Last Time in My Dreams?
- I will love them all when everyone else is long gone
- Spiral, spin, ride the whirlwind, knowing when the drumming stops, there will be no second dance
- When I rise it will be with the ranks, and not from the ranks
- When night falls, I will be waiting for you
- When I stop going there, I will be well.
- When the seagulls follow the trawler, it is because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea.
- When my boat comes in, you will be the first to board
- When the log rolls over we will all be dead
- Loving someone, knowing down to the day when you will leave them.
- when you go, i will go
- when you are a seagull I will not be the ocean
- when you watch in broadcast order sometimes dead characters will come back to life
- who will hack the consoles when we are all in cryosleep
- I learned never to empty the well of my writing, but always to stop when there was still something there in the deep part of the well, and let it refill at night from the springs that fed it.
- It will be good when I am leader
- When will the internet eradicate paper?
- Robots Will Learn to Love Again
- Learn how to fly
- Learned
- Things we learn from movies
- Things I've yet to fully learn
- A thing I learned
- If it's "natural," why must it be learned?
- You have much to learn, Grasshopper
- Learn how to punctuate.
- Kids' opinions: How does someone learn to kiss?
- learned optimism
- learned helplessness
- Helping someone learn how, and why, to appreciate text
- Today I am going to learn to fly
- Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion: Protocol No. 4
- Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion: Protocol No. 5
- Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion: Protocol No. 6
- Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion: Protocol No. 7
- Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion: Protocol No. 8
- Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion: Protocol No. 9
- Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion: Protocol No. 10
- Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion: Protocol No. 11
- Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion: Protocol No. 12
- Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion: Protocol No. 13
- Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion: Protocol No. 14
- Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion: Protocol No. 15
- Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion: Protocol No. 16
- Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion: Protocol No. 17
- Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion: Protocol No. 18
- Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion: Protocol No. 19
- Each thing she learned became part of herself, to be used over and over in new adventures
- How I learned to stop worrying and love the iBook instead
- Cursing is probably one of the first things you'll learn in a different language
- What I learned from the skateboarders outside my window
- Things I've learned from living with an unwed mother and her two small children
- Yesterday I learned how to kiss
- If you want to enter Miss World, learn to speak English
- Learn C, you hippies
- How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Turn Off My TV
- Oh, did you learn to play chess after YOU dropped a barbell on your head, too?
- What I've Learned
- Where did you learn ebonics?
- What I learned while attaching my phone to the wall
- Reasons to learn first aid
- Do we have to learn to think scientifically in order to find the truth?
- All I Ever Really Needed to Know I Learned in the Dot-Com Apocalypse
- Curious George Learns the Alphabet
- DJuxtaposition vs. Gamestop : Or how I learned to let go of the PS2 and start loving the DC
- Great Truths About Life That Children Have Learned
- A learned man came to me once
- Part One: We Learn from Each Other
- Everything I learned from "Survivor"
- You can learn a lot about a person by how they act at an Airport
- How I learned to stop practicing and love the something
- What I learned from fingertips under the table
- How Till Eulenspiegel's mother told him to learn a trade
- All I ever needed to know, I learned playing Dungeons and Dragons
- Learn how to drive, dammit!
- The two essential phrases to learn in other languages
- Why we learn from the Gods
- Everything I Know I Learned on Acid
- Node what you learn
- She was so pleased to learn that she was right
- Who Learns My Lesson Complete?
- how i learned to love my peanut allergy and an elephant named bessy
- You live and you learn, and if you don't learn you still die
- want to learn (user)
- No one learned anything, because there was nothing to learn.
- Boys and Girls Learn Differently
- Megalania (or how I learned to stop worrying and love the lizard)
- One more robot learns to be something more than a machine.
- The day I learned the subtle, yet important, difference between a vibrator and an ass-vibrator
- learned (user)
- Tell me what's real and I'll learn to be happy
- He learned to dance from emus but he learned to love from seraphim
- The things we can learn continue to astound us.
- Everything I learned in life, I learned from Buddhist drunks
- A Lesson is Learned, but the Damage is Irreversible
- Top 10 Things I've Learned From Conversations with God
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