- It Ain't Gonna Be Me
- Ain't Gonna Bump No More With No Big Fat Woman
- this ain't no love that's guiding me
- No one takes me seriously as a source of malevolence and spite
- No one asks me if I'm a Satanist or anything because I take the precaution of wearing a predominantly flannel and hawaiian shirt-oriented wardrobe
- I'm taking all I have to take, this taking's gonna shape me
- I am hoping for a hell deep enough to hold me. I am hoping for no way out.
- This ain't no picnic
- She's smarter than me but she's also more quiet, therefore she has no personality which makes me feel better
- Perhaps pain will stop me where good sense and virtue have failed
- Take the Long Way Home
- To the three girls who stopped me today on my way to class
- They don't touch me the same way
- There's no "proper" way to cry politely in public
- I Ain't Got No Home In This World Any More
- The boss ain't gonna like this
- Somebody told me a story. It was pretty but boring. It was Saturday night, my stories usually end up that way.
- Take a deep breath and write out your thoughts for me
- Boy meets me, boy becomes infatuated with me, boy realizes I take up space, boy runs like hell
- you no longer denied me
- you ain't seen me.. right?
- Nah, these random encounters with beautiful strangers won't destroy me at all. But I guess I thought it'd be a good way to die at the time.
- No Rack Can Torture Me
- No way
- You may be a noder, but you ain't no dancer
- As long as you keep looking for love, it ain't gonna find you.
- There ain't no black in the Union Jack
- Take it from me
- Pale sickly white girl, why you no love me?
- Take Me Down to the Infirmary
- There is a family in me somewhere and some days it tries to tickle its way out.
- Sitting next to strangers who fall asleep by me for no reason. Trusting rhythm. An odd intimacy, train trips.
- A few minutes is all it will take sometimes to completely undo me
- No One Loves Me & Neither Do I
- Send me no flowers
- Let Me Take You Down To Memphis
- Sure Ain't No Stampede Breakfast: A Calgary E2 Get-together
- Ain't No Making It
- There is no real me
- No one older than twenty-five was stupid enough to take a job here.
- The right way to take a bath
- No Way No Way
- He ain't no movie star
- No one wants you the way you are
- Take a day, plant some trees, may they shade you from me
- we ain't got no money, honey, but we got rain
- Take me to the bridge
- Take Me Back to Tech
- Someone takes care of me and I squirm like I'm caught in a lie
- Hello, I take Zoloft. I am so gloriously mentally ill! You will love me, yes?
- No one touches me
- Don’t take life so serious, son; it ain’t nohow permanent
- You have no power over me
- Badgers? We ain't got no badgers. We don't need no badgers. I don't have to show you any stinking badgers!
- I remember when it was me who made you want to take over the world and enslave humanity
- Take Off My Pants and Tell Me You Love Me and I'll Laugh in Your Face and Call You a Slut
- 5 months with no sex has finally got me in trouble
- I Ain't Smokin' No Fiberglass
- "Too long ago" makes no sense to me.
- the way you don't look at me
- There ain't no justice
- If poetry could describe the way you make me feel, poetry would be illegal. Or anyway I might get arrested.
- I am a stranger. I come in peace. Take me to your leader, and there will be a massive reward for you in eternity.
- Come on Take Me for a Ride
- Ain't what I'm gonna be, ain't what I wanna be, but lord thank you I ain't what I used to be.
- Take me back to the day that I went blind
- in this world there are no equals but some day you will surpass me
- Ain't no fun when the rabbit's got the gun
- Give me enough time, and I will find a new way to say devotion.
- you affect me in invisible ways
- you cannot kill me in a way that matters
- Don’t take no wooden horses
- No two people read a measuring tape the same way
- No Computer Stands in My Way
- Hey, That's No Way to Say Goodbye
- don't tease me if you ain't going to please me
- Spider-man: No Way Home
- take no prisoners
- Gonna go buy me some Jesus!
- I'm a Chicken-Hawk, and I'm gonna eat me some chickens
- The Weddings I have Performed, or Why God is Gonna Kill Me
- I'm gonna be sad and then I want you to make me laugh
- There is a part of me inside of you. Take care of it.
- You're the best thing that ever happened to me, no matter what
- If No One Will Love Me
- Take On Me
- Take me drunk, I'm home
- Take me from home
- Take Me As I Am
- Take Me Out to the Ball Game
- Oh, no. Look, you've gone and made me optimistic. I was before, but now it is showing.
- Don't take that tone with me, son
- I take a long time to ejaculate. Do I have a problem?
- I'm so sorry my brain works that way
- As of now you are no longer able to openly disagree with me
- Calgon, take me away
- Take me to your leader
- They grow up. No one told me.
- I am the red, the white, & the blue. No man cometh to freedom except through me.
- My heart is a still and my blood is whiskey. Take a shot of me beneath the moon.
- You beat it in me, that part of you/But I'm gonna split us back in two
- The way you look at me gives me butterflies
- World, take care of me. You don't owe it to me, but I don't know any better.
- sleep doesn't take me far enough.
- Can You Take Me Back
- Love me the way that I love you
- Take Me Down
- There was no one waiting for me...
- How do I kludge thee? Let me count the ways
- How should admins node? Let me count the ways (e2poll)
- let her take me, feed on me, devour me
- I had no idea what he thought about me.
- Keep a room somewhere for me, I'll find it on my way back.
- take me away
- What are you in for,cybercriminal? Hacking the sun? Freaking a planet? Technomurder? No. A century ago I told a man to kiss me on the peanus
- No Weed for Me
- If you take me home tonight I know that we will kiss, and one of us will fall in love and it will be a mess.
- I have no proof that he would ever want to kiss or destroy me.
- There is no one here to stop me from using this silence.
- please come stay with me in the forest so at least i have one person with whom i have no secrets
- no power in the verse can stop me
- He tells me that I could have his heart and I want to take it right then, slip it into my pocket and run
- Deliver me from a place where there are no scars.
- I would like for you to make your arms for me the way you make your bed for you
- will you take me with you when you go?
- You couldn't save me back then. I will save you now. Trust me, take my hand.
- no easy love could ever make me feel the same
- Places a local (like me) would take you to in New Orleans
- No Way Out
- Too much living is no way to die
- Sniping takes no skill
- This is our ool. Notice there is no P in it. Please keep it that way.
- watch over me until i can find my way out of this labyrinth in my brain and regain my sanity
- won’t take no for an answer
- no way, jose
- take me to your mystics
- Desperate guys who 'talk' me for no apparent reason
- Ain't I a woman?
- Anime ain't anime without tentacle rape
- aint (user)
- Ain't Misbehavin'
- Two out of three ain't bad
- He ain't heavy, he's my brother
- Whirlpool Ain't Cool
- you've been scrolling for way too long
- Free registrations ain't
- Sometimes I feel my clockwork heart just ain't wound right
- If it ain't broke, don't fix it
- punk aint dead (user)
- Say It Ain't So
- pimpin aint easy (user)
- I'm Gonna Git You Sucka
- Everything I sing in the shower gonna be funky
- Well if it's gonna be THAT kinda party, then I'm gonna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes!
- If my roommate doesn't keep his hands off my shit, I'm gonna fuck him up
- I'm gonna make you come tonight
- I'm Gonna Ride That Southern Railway Line
- I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)
- That's gonna leave a mark
- What're we gonna do tomorrow night, Brain?
- You Aren't Gonna Need It
- Brothers Gonna Work It Out
- Your Time is Gonna Come
- What's she gonna look like with a chimney on her?
- Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses
- Gonna Fly Now
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