- All the while he was talking she was thinking what his whiskers would feel like on the back of her neck
- The Trial: Andrew Johnson was not guilty of the crimes for which he was impeached.
- The Abridged Edition: She was to one side, he was to the other, an untested bridge between them
- An ocean away and here he was, seeping into her
- he was a punk poet himself
- He stretched out his arms but she was not there
- He made me promise I would do this when I was next sad. So I promised myself I would not be sad again.
- When he was little, he laughed in his sleep.
- I married him because he was not mean
- He was there, and then he wasn't, and with him went those memories
- making certain he was touching her
- He Was a Crook
- He had a prison of brass built in the hole, and then, when it was finished, he locked up his daughter
- In a quiet grove of pines under a frosty sky, he helped her out of the sack. She wore severe white hospital pajamas and was beautiful.
- I'm the only person who'd ever told him to his face he was beautiful.
- he listened so well, he was still curious.
- All he left her was alone
- Wheresoever he went, there was Eden
- He was confirming to himself that they were laughing with him after all
- Once there was a bug in a hole that he dug
- She didn't write like Emily Dickinson, but she did live in a house overlooking a cemetery, and I guess he thought that was important.
- He was like the bottle of Champagne Krug
- He Was Only Joking
- He was found
- He had fallen in love, but I'm pretty sure the hellhound was only in it for the belly rubs
- Mr. Lunch liked to chase birds. In fact, he was a professional.
- At least he was gentle
- How Candide Was Brought Up in a Magnificent Castle and How He Was Driven Thence
- Donald Duck was banned in Finland because he doesn't wear pants
- He wasn't programmed to be a tenor, he was programmed to be a physician!
- She grew a little older, while he was telling her
- He dreamt he was a bulldozer, she dreamt she was alone in an empty bed
- The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist
- He was the kind of man who shacked up for shelter
- It was 1992. He smiled.
- He thinks a path and travels the emptiness that was there
- The Marlboro Man died of cancer, but he wasn't a rocket scientist when he was healthy, ha ha ha.
- He was born with the gift of logic but the inability to use it
- She had become a mutton for punishment and he was a wolf
- Tom, He was a Piper's Son
- It was late when he came home; it woke you up
- When he was five, his father made him murder his imaginary friend.
- The class valedictorian was still tripping balls when he was bailed out in time to give the commencement speech at graduation
- "He was a terrible man," she sobbed, between bites of alimony
- When I was 21, he was building a Time Machine
- some say he was never here at all
- She was coming out as he was going in.
- He was an ant on an ill-defined mission. She was the trapdoor spider of love.
- I thought he was a man but he was just a little boy
- He was a man stuck between the objective and the subjective
- That's Just How He Was
- he was alive, and some of the other people, they were carbon copies
- Jesus said, "I love him, for he is my brother." He was talking about everyone.
- He was hard in all the wrong places
- The girl didn't know if she was loved until he said yes.
- So I was balls deep in the guy's ass that night when he turns to me and asks for a kiss. Damn. What a fag.
- Shaymus is older than I thought he was
- I don't know what he was listening for, but he wasn't listening
- As I looked back, he was reveling in his own feces
- Then again, maybe he was recruiting for a cult
- More than he was willing to give
- angry fruit salad
- Bob the Angry Flower
- Angry Women
- Angry Samoans
- The Angry Beavers
- 12 Angry Men
- Hedwig and the Angry Inch
- Darth Everything mistakenly identifies The Force in an angry passing pedestrian
- angry voice
- angry kid
- Angry Young Man
- angry young (user)
- A beam from an angry star
- They are angry and they have been lied to
- Angry Young Men
- You can't rant when you're not angry
- I ought to be grateful, but instead I'm angry
- How the Nome King Became Angry
- Tired of being angry
- everyone needs an angry love story
- Don't make me angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry
- God in the Hands of Angry Sinners
- Prayer of an angry Muslim
- angry android (user)
- angry (user)
- Angry Scientist (user)
- How the Queens held angry converse together at the Bathing
- Angry White Female (user)
- Angry Guppy (user)
- Angry Safer (user)
- Angry Johnny and the Killbillies
- the angry caged rat (user)
- Angry White Boy Polka
- The Odd Angry Shot
- How to deal with angry customers
- that hour we lost was the one I was going to use to get my life together
- Angry Robot Books
- Angry Bear in the NOC
- Angry Cock
- The privilege of not being angry
- Speaking of Angry Stars
- Are you an angry person?
- The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet
- Wonder Woman and the Very Angry Comediennes
- The Angry Video Game Nerd
- then only the soil harbors angry blood
- An angry rant about health care in Netherlands
- he who (user)
- He
- He said, expecting the answer no
- He is radical and funky fresh!
- he/she
- God can create a stone so heavy even he can't lift it
- s/he
- He's dead, Jim. You grab his wallet, I'll grab his tricorder.
- He's Gone
- hes (user)
- He's Jack
- How the Old Woman Took Care Of Candide, and How He Found the Object of His Love
- He Is Born
- Li He
- Ancient Arrowhead
- Don't Go Out the Door
- Song of the Sorceress
- A man feared that he might find an assassin
- He fled
- He's a good guy friend
- He Knows Not Their Names
- The Story of Jason Squiff and Why He Had a Popcorn Hat, Popcorn Mittens and Popcorn Shoes
- He thinks I don't, but I do
- He who wants to fight will find a club
- "I see," said the blind man to his deaf wife as he picked up his hammer and saw
- Yi he quan
- He Died with a Felafel in His Hand
- He who has enough to eat does the hungry not believe
- The Message of King Sakis and the Legend of the Twelve Dreams He Had in One Night
- A Quick One (While He's Away)
- He flew an A-10 Thunderbolt
- he just died
- he o hitte shiri tsubome
- I don't know where he gets his words but I like them
- He's got stacks and stacks of words that rhyme, describing what it is to lose
- Why would he want a writer when he could have a dancer?
- How many times has God twiddled his thumbs before he put vertebrates on the Earth?
- He giggles, as he wiggles
- A man who never sees a pretty girl without loving her a little
- He Really Wasn't That Great
- The one he murdered once still loves him
- "Fill it in", he said.
- He forgets I am my own fierceness; it's not for him
- As the band laughed, her finger traced his spine, and he folded into her
- In Your Heart You Know He's Right
- In your guts you know he's nuts
- He Hudas not pay
- Oh hey, by the way, he's the Antichrist
- And we killed him and he's dead.
- He weighs the eggs of flies in spiderwebs.
- To the Memory of My Beloved Master, William Shakespeare, and What He Hath Left Us
- When Chopin finished a piece he stopped writing it
- This guy in the computer lab who looks like he should be a doctor
- To me he is a daisy and I keep trying to count his petals
- He who smelt it, dealt it
- Surely he would remember this
- So, he's leaving
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