- Meanwhile, the PILOT, who has been laughing hysterically through the entire sequence, finally loses it. He falls out of his chair and bangs his head against the panel, causing the ship to lose control and crash into a nearby planet
- The Chair she sat in, like a burnished throne
- electric chair
- chair
- inflatable Darth Maul chair
- chair boy (user)
- Ode to Folding Chairs
- Rockin' Chair
- The Law of Conservation of Office Chair Momentum
- office chair
- Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic
- chair dancing
- tippy chairs
- musical chairs
- Angry Chair
- Watch out! This chair will suck the life force out of you
- notes from the dentist's chair
- The Silver Chair
- Jesus Chair
- pull up a chair
- dildo chair
- 1st Chair
- The Walking Chairs
- beanbag chair
- The Academic Chairs of Virtue
- The Empty Chair
- restraint chair
- the worst thing about sitting naked in a leather chair
- A shopping cart is not a wheel chair
- Final Fantasy IX vs. My Chair
- A game which involves running around at night with white plastic chairs
- Chairs halfway up walls
- Chair Force
- Law of conservation of office chair angular momentum
- Chairs of Forgetfulness
- Bosun's chair
- curule chair
- Barcelona chair
- my carcass slumped in a swivel chair
- captain's chairs
- The Chair of Cerridwen
- first chair
- sedan chair
- The Chair
- Rocking chair
- modified chair step
- The Dragonbone Chair
- Easy Chair
- Fading footprints on the boards lead down the quay; an empty chair remains
- Emeco 1006 Chair
- Building a chair from a broken G.I. cot
- The Chair of Taliesin
- The Chair of the Sovereign
- Person across two chair backs skit
- Two-man chair race
- like musical chairs without the chairs (document)
- empty chair technique
- Adirondack chair
- A ladder back chair from Connecticut, c. 1800
- By the way, those chairs, they spin
- in a lawn chair at the bottom of an emptied swimming pool
- Windsor chair
- The Shaker Chair
- Forts made of chairs and blankets
- Socialism of the chair
- makeshift chairs
- Songs From The Big Chair
- Thoughts provoked by a new chair
- Quaking on a swivel chair
- I only relax in the dentist's chair
- lawn chair
- courting chair
- She'd move, breaking the magnetism between her chair and my desk
- bath chair
- Somerset de Chair
- The end is always the same: two adjacent beach chairs, two hands holding each other.
- champagne chair
- put a chair in it
- folding chairs
- October In The Chair
- chair bearer
- Busby's Chair
- Chair (user)
- devil's chair
- I'll spot you one friend, or two chair legs
- Mister Chu has wanted a particular type of chair
- The Boss Chair
- chair therapy
- My old clothes hang on a chair like ghosts of people I've been
- Girl in the chair
- The Beach Chair
- Groaning chair
- The orange chair
- the girl who danced with the chair
- Empty chairs at empty tables
- The man with the folding chair
- Marquise chair
- Human High Chair
- The Chair Mender
- wing chair
- Hunting chair
- Chair Faith
- becoming a chair at the pub
- I'm trippin' my nut sack into a frenzy of dik play
- Into the Woods
- Do not go gentle into that good night
- Lila, an Inquiry into Morals
- whisper into the graveyard
- into
- They were getting into riot gear as we sipped our wine
- My body falling into stars
- Wrapped in barbed wire and shot into the sun
- Assimilate your goldfish into Everything
- NiGHTS into Dreams
- Into Battle with The Art of Noise
- Out of the blue and into the black
- Assimilate your attractive cousin into Everything
- I wish I could upload my brain into Everything
- Have you let Emacs into your heart?
- Snap into a Slim Jim
- Once More Into the Bleach
- Assimilate your sister's good-looking friends into Everything
- Run and turn into butter
- run into the ground
- wander off into otherness
- Christians don't believe that "being good" gets anyone into Heaven
- Did my pussy just run into you?
- Climbing a Stone Bowl into Fire
- Falling Into Infinity
- jump off into never-never land
- Is America turning into a country full of junkies?
- take into account
- Turning moJoe into a jar of lemon-flavored pickles
- So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past
- Make your keyboard's "Windows Keys" into "Super" shift keys for (X)Emacs
- Your fingers staple pine nuts into everything you touch
- On Seeing a Piece of Our Heavy Artillery Brought into Action
- Somehow my life falls into place
- Antitrust: The Justice Department and 17 states proposed Breaking up Microsoft into two companies.
- How long must I stay in my pajamas before I turn into Howard Hughes?
- Indelibly burned into my memory
- Waking up with a dog breathing into your face
- On the Criteria To Be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules
- There I stood, rambling incoherently into the tin can, you loved it
- Into the light
- Into My Arms
- The art of stuffing people into boxes
- Let's just turn our children into burbling idiots
- Things to consider before you bring a hamster into your life
- All my possessions packed into a few boxes
- Walking into class, only to realize that you have no pants
- On First Looking into Chapman's Homer
- Saving face, losing time, staring off into an alternate reality
- seal clubbing
- I was into them after they were hip
- vanish into thin air
- Don't piss into the wind unless you want to get wet
- An insight into government spending derived from potty-training
- How to turn your Hyundai Excel into a race car
- being beaten into an unhealthy state by other people's pasts
- Jamming a pair of scissors into your crotch repeatedly
- How to turn a crack house into a crack home
- I'll never be the one to force my parents into an "old age" home
- How to avoid a car accident
- how to turn a dorm room into a swimming pool
- all that is solid melts into air
- Turning a dorm room into a room
- Into the Fire
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