- The virgin was looking apprehensive about the whole ordeal, but for the right amount of cash anyone will take on a horse
- She was like a candle in the wind: unreliable
- I'm sorry I was speeding, officer, but I really have to get to the hospital
- She was a committed romantic and an anarcha-feminist. This was hard for her because it meant she couldn't blow up beautiful buildings.
- she was waylaid by an octopus
- She moved so easily all I could think of was sunlight
- Existentialism is that girlfriend who cheated on you. Postmodernism is who she was with.
- She was the seed of a strange tomorrow
- Fast-talking career gal who thought she was one of the boys
- She was too beautiful to be human
- Because, perhaps she was cold
- Jessica, too tall but still lovely, was not sure she would or should drop the whale
- She was buttery. She was asking for it. She was delicious. Let's all give in.
- The Abridged Edition: She was to one side, he was to the other, an untested bridge between them
- someday, when she will think back upon the time when she was as yet undishonored
- I said I was sorry. Then she looked at me.
- She always was all tea and oranges that came all the way from China
- For a lawyer she was surprisingly like a child. Sometimes.
- She didn't know what outside was anymore.
- little pieces of her tragically poetic attempts at being loved that she was startlingly aware of, today
- She was locked in time
- Even the moon was wrong
- she can scream so loud you'll be looking for your ears on the floor
- She was thinking of a boy in California who had a couch and a job
- She was so pleased to learn that she was right
- All the while he was talking she was thinking what his whiskers would feel like on the back of her neck
- She dreamt she was a bulldozer, she dreamt she was alone in an empty field
- I was throwing around useless proverbs when all she needed was to be held and told that she was beautiful
- She was cilantro, jalapeño, habanero. She was the hot plate you must not touch.
- When she was bad
- it was just as if she held her breath for 82 years
- A dose of mystery slipped into her cocktail while she was in the ladies' room
- She was the prettiest, loveliest cat at the ball and she had upon her fine gilded whiskers.
- She was watching me and I didn’t know it.
- She was an intellectual prostitute, seducing me with profound truisms
- I lived in interesting times, came to the attention of those in power, and found what I was looking for.
- She was free
- And when she came back she was nobody's wife
- She knew what she was doing
- Besides the part where she was the only one
- She didn't write like Emily Dickinson, but she did live in a house overlooking a cemetery, and I guess he thought that was important.
- She was feminine in the most displaced sense I had ever seen, a known quality refracted through stained glass windows.
- She was the cutest necromancer I ever did see
- The girl didn't know if she was loved until he said yes.
- I put my head down and hoped to God she wasn't looking at me
- I don't think she even knows that I make her smile
- It wasn't until later, when I was washing the blood off my hands, I even knew they were dead
- This was then, and now I can't even find your grave
- She who leaves men as flaming wrecks in the ditch on the side of the road in her wake, yea, even submarines
- "He was a terrible man," she sobbed, between bites of alimony
- To a girl who thought she was moving away
- She was steady
- When that cow would walk it was like she was dancing
- The smiles you smiled when you thought no one was looking
- piano outside in the snow. and she was spinning
- In a quiet grove of pines under a frosty sky, he helped her out of the sack. She wore severe white hospital pajamas and was beautiful.
- What the hell was she thinking?
- He dreamt he was a bulldozer, she dreamt she was alone in an empty bed
- He stretched out his arms but she was not there
- When she was new, she rolled around the sky like a black umbrella blown by the wind
- She was very beautiful. Y'know?
- I Was Looking at the Ceiling And Then I Saw the Sky
- I never even went to Las Vegas, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt
- She was inside the music, with her eyes closed
- She was never mine. I always shared her.
- She was a Surrealist Woman, She was like a Figure in a Dream
- The emotion on her face was always the one that she was feeling in her heart
- She always was devious in her beauty
- The flowers smiled, but she was gone
- She grew a little older, while he was telling her
- I was tired. It was late. She was Russian.
- The House on the Island Where She Was Born
- She was pain and pleasure all at once, wrapped up in needles and Ramones T-shirts
- She was most amazed by the obvious, like January and the fact that I could not possibly keep her.
- She had become a mutton for punishment and he was a wolf
- (because this was always subconsciously the inspiration, even if I did not know it at the time, and I only realised it just now)
- Her self image was not the force field she imagined it to be
- She probably thought your first language was English; your real first language was Joyce
- Her innocence fell. She kicked at it some, frowned, and left it there because it was beautiful.
- I was looking for you
- She is and was
- She was so tall, and I was so in love
- He was an ant on an ill-defined mission. She was the trapdoor spider of love.
- Outside the train station she was the only person wearing an Orange raincoat and a look of surprise
- She was coming out as he was going in.
- She was cilantro, jalepeno, habanero. She was the hot plate you must not touch.
- She Was 18, It Was Summer
- she was just the dry smell of gasoline
- you never once told her how beautiful she was nor how much you truly loved her
- It was hard to say hello. It was even harder to say goodbye.
- she was once a stealthy ghostship in the fog, now she shines wherever she walks
- She was so quiet that nobody heard her
- In any world in which i was your friend for even a day, i am grateful.
- but fuck, it was Sunday and the church bells hadn't even called the faithful
- You are looking for someone who does not want to be found. Even if you find them it will not be a success.
- Even better than the real thing
- Now I, even I, would celebrate...
- Even God doesn't have the right to utterly destroy children
- Even though I sleep terribly with another body in the bed
- Even
- not even thirty
- "42" is even to any base
- Even if we're not together
- In your presence even my shadow acquires the sensation of touch
- I can't find my feeding tube
- Camaros are a poor man's Corvette, and Pontiacs are an even poorer man's Camaro
- Even the dead will not be safe
- Being solicited for sex by people who don't even know your gender
- The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even
- 17 year old freshmen should not be given a Visa, even if the Skittles are free
- Even In Dreams
- Even Years Ago
- I don't even know when I am being sarcastic anymore
- Even nerds need people skills
- I'm not even supposed to BE here today!
- Even In The Torrent's Rage
- Man will even get used to the gallows
- Do we even get one whole egg in a breakfast hockey puck?
- Even permutations are not odd
- Girls who go home with you when they don't even know your name
- Even a stopped clock is right twice a day
- I admit confusion. Sometimes it causes my head to ache. Let's not even get into the heart.
- Never Give a Sucker an Even Break
- Wouldn't it suck to be God's mom and not even get laid in the deal?
- Hey, we're Pizza Hut! We've put cheese in places you've never even dreamed of!
- even function
- lots of small things can fill up a day without you even being aware of it
- You couldn't fool your mother on the foolingest day of your life even if you had an electrified fooling machine!
- Any function can be represented as the sum of an even function and an odd one
- Do you even realize how much your spirit illuminates? It is like stars.
- Wanting to hear those quiet, even breaths at four in the morning
- That blood... it sang even as it spilled over the curb and crawled cello tremulous along the gutter's grade
- Why it is acceptable - even patriotic - to burn an American flag
- odd or even
- Five is both even and odd
- Nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands
- Groups of even order
- Even the moon likes to change her colors
- You make yourself lonely even though you don't have to
- I still don't even know you
- Even death is beautiful
- You're a poet and you don't even know it
- Even numbers, odd numbers and the XNOR logical operator
- Even I laughed at me when I built this cross-species genetic analyzer. Well I guess I showed myself!
- Not a fingerprint, not even a whisper
- Writing a solid metaphor and/or simile
- Even if they're really good friends, you shouldn't trust a couple hundred friends with your secrets
- Even In Death
- Even trees die
- I do it because it hurts, and then even that is over
- The sun even shines on a dog's ass occasionally
- Completely implausible circumstances, even by comic book standards
- Even Johansen
- Even the Queen
- even steven (user)
- that hour we lost was the one I was going to use to get my life together
- And I don't even know their names
- Even the Elder Gods Fall before the Federal Government
- To all that fortune, death, and danger dare, even for an eggshell
- even though I wouldn't be able to tell you any of this
- they still come to me even though i don't come to them
- Even the trees here are scrappy
- Even monochrome is not so simple
- Round half to even
- "Of course humans aren't intelligent. They don't even have glurbleflukers. If you can't glurblefluke, you're not sentient."
- Even the tides have more friends than you
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