I'm listening to Galbatron.
I think I have von Willebrand's disease.
I want to start a web comic.
I went sailing on a brigantine schooner on Saturday.
I might get a new migraine med prescription on Thursday.
Did I tell you what the poesy ring he gave me for our two-year anniversary says? "Mo cuirle croide," which is Gaelic, and translated as "pulse of my heart." It's from a 17th-century Dublin ring, now lost.
Bridget Jones' Diary was far better than I expected.
I want to see Moulin Rouge. Nicole Kidman just slays me in the trailers.
I bought The Chronicles of Narnia for my 13-year-old niece. She can't come visit us this summer. Probably her mother's afraid we'd corrupt her with our bad, bohemian liberal ways.
I'm still listening to Galbatron.