- Life... The Best Game In Town
- before the internet when teen had REAL relationship the boy could look at the girl and judge the diameter of her thorax with his feelers and determine whether the mating ritual could commence but NO MORE. evil woman use her computer sorcery
- Why I really have to question the intelligence of computer game companies
- Don't blame Columbine on computer games
- She was the cutest necromancer I ever did see
- I think I was watching the most beautiful thing I have ever seen
- When the best rapper was white, the best golfer was black, and the tallest guy in the NBA was Chinese
- Viz: The Computer Game
- The best teacher I ever had
- Computer Games Magazine
- The Ten Best Metal Lyrics Ever
- I met a girl in the garden who was doomed to die the next day.
- all I ever learned from love was how to shoot at someone who outdrew you
- Computer And Video Games : 3D Accelerators
- The best thing ever
- Best Math Books Ever Written
- What consoles need to be as good as computers at games
- Religion in Computer Games
- Computer and Video Games
- The 637 Best Things Anybody Ever Said
- Computer and Video Games: Games as spectator sports
- Was it ever there?
- No one was ever fired for buying IBM
- All you ever did was let it happen
- everyone who ever told me i was pretty was lying.
- Slashdot Troll's Greatest Hits
- This was the shinest golden dollar I would ever see in my life and I was not about to tarnish it.
- the game of DOOM!
- The best line I ever used
- The universe was cold and dead and all the best aspects of humanity and its appreciation of the world were stored in electronic boxes
- You're the best thing that ever happened to me, no matter what
- The Best Feeling Ever
- Parking warning
- I'm probably the best lover I'll ever have
- I don't hate people. Honestly. But the best conversation I've ever had still wasn't as good as the worst catnap I've ever had.
- Computer and video games : Glossary of terms
- Guide to cheating in computer games
- the best Christmas present ever
- the best way to sit at and use your computer
- If the porn industry made computer games...
- Once, everyone was a computer novice
- women in computer games
- Computer Games
- The best magic trick you've ever seen
- musicians starring in video games
- Memorable lines from computer games
- The most beautiful computer ever
- Best Week Ever
- It was one of the worst things I have ever done
- I was the worst lay you ever had
- The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist
- The best comeback ever
- Same as it Ever Was
- If my heart was a computer, that night reformatted my hard drive
- By evening I will have returned all traces that I was ever here
- By morning I will have erased all traces that I was ever here
- By morning I will have erased all traces that I was ever a bear
- She was feminine in the most displaced sense I had ever seen, a known quality refracted through stained glass windows.
- I'm the only person who'd ever told him to his face he was beautiful.
- How to be a sniper
- The best tuna fish sandwich I've ever had
- The best formation pilot I ever saw
- Best Death Ever
- No one ever said that the moral process of humanization was necessarily a pleasant thing.
- the best damned story ever written
- i played the last game of chess a man ever played
- My computer is my best friend. It is my life.
- like nothing ever was
- Best smoke I've ever had
- The best thing my grandmother ever taught me
- best users (usergroup)
- Best Buy
- best
- Best Of, Volume 1
- Some of our best friends are three minutes long
- Milwaukee's Best
- Best of the Best
- Best way to a man's heart
- best boy
- on my best days
- Man's best friend
- The best sky
- The best kind of tree
- Revenge is a dish best served cold
- How do you know when someone's your best friend?
- The best drugs are taken through the eyes
- best interest
- Falling in love with your best friend
- The Best of Both Worlds, Part I
- Best Light
- What Germans do best
- Rage: world's best premium lightweight filler
- Some of my best friends are
- bilby
- Blaine
- my best Patrick
- What is best in life?
- The Best Thing in the World
- Stealing your best friend's girlfriend
- the best look of lipstick
- Best Seller List
- Love is the source of the best bad metaphors
- Best War on Drugs commercials
- Best Bit EP
- Best of All Possible Worlds
- The best Linux distribution
- The best revenge
- Sometimes the best defense is a good offense
- Best Time
- The best thing since sliced bread
- How to find your new best friend
- best buddies
- Best Customer
- My best friend, Josh
- Honesty is the best policy, but wait a while
- The sword fight scene in The Princess Bride
- The best interview advice I received
- Why I stopped shopping at Best Buy
- best friends
- The Best Little Girl in the World
- Some of my best friends are...
- that hour we lost was the one I was going to use to get my life together
- Best homenode bits of accounts I have deleted
- The best places to get your books
- The best part of having a roommate is getting to bitch about them incessantly
- The Next Best Thing
- Wet Shorts: The Best of Liquid Television
- Made from the best stuff on earth
- Eggland's Best
- ex-girlfriend is my best friend and now she's getting married
- Standing in a parking lot at nine-thirty on a Saturday night, alone, wearing your best underwear
- Kissing your best friend
- Memories of my best friend
- How to get the best value for your tax dollar
- My best dead friend
- Imports are never the best
- They say that I have the best ass below 14th Street
- I did my best and failed abysmally
- laughter is the best medicine
- Best of the Beast
- Why Starbucks Isn't Seattle's Best Coffee
- Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend
- I do my best to avoid Sleep's sticky tendrils
- Live Era '87-'93
- Amateurs make the best techno
- the best teachers assume nothing
- The best lunch you can make in 5 minutes
- Canada's newest and best referendum idea
- The Best Men's Room in the Boston Area
- How do we find the very best clock?
- within this robot, your best poetry
- America's Best Comics
- When to purchase fresh vegetables
- How I invented the best way to trim toenails
- Best in Show
- Some of my best friends are three inches long
- Brainy people make the best friends
- The last (and best) day of high school
- The 70's Are Best Forgotten
- My Best Man's speech, at my best friend's wedding
- Looking For... The Best of David Hasselhoff
- The Best and the Brightest
- Everything's Best Writeups (superdoc)
- Best Western
- The best part about you is that you don't even know how great you are
- Moms make the best lunches
- The best women's room in the Boston area
- Hunger is the best spice
- Best Practices in C/C++ Coding
- Best of Breed
- My gay best friend
- It's best not to touch them while they are leaving
- The Best Scones
- The Best Air Guitar Album in the World...Ever
- My Best Friend's Wedding
- Everything's Best Users XML Ticker (ticker)
- best man's speech
- best man
- Baltimore has the best storms
- Best college admission essays
- Best friends, for awhile
- The Best of James
- Martyrdom, or why mowing a Dandelion is the best thing you can do for him
- Radio Four is the best cure for insomnia
- The best conversations take place in bed
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