- dude
- Dar Robinson
- The Dude
- Dude Love
- Dr Dude (user)
- The Dude (user)
- beach dude (user)
- Racket dude
- Dude, you're harshing all over my mellow
- Bad Dudes
- Apple Shampoo
- Righteous Dude
- Street poetry dude
- Dude Ranch
- Dudes
- A dude with an elbow for an ear and an eye stuck on his ass cheek
- dude (user)
- Dude, Where's My Car?
- Gay dudes dig big brawny guys
- "Dude" has evolved into a unisex term
- Star Dudes
- Hey Dude
- that one dude (user)
- rocker dude (user)
- The Dude and God's People
- Jolly Beggar Dude
- Dude, check me out. I'm like a little otter, a sexy little otter!
- Sugar Dude (user)
- Two Crude Dudes
- All the Young Dudes
- dude, where's my bike?
- nyc dude (user)
- dudes (user)
- white dude (user)
- The Dude Abides
- apocalypse dude (user)
- Apocalypse Dudes
- The Weird Dude (user)
- seriously dude??? (user)
- dude, where's my node?
- Dude, you have a white spot
- Sin Sign Dude
- Revocation of a Dude Card
- Fuck it, Dude, let's go bowling.
- "Dude! How did you get that tone?": Guitar Effects Pedals and Processors (category)
- Dude, check me out. I'm like a little auditor, a sexy little auditor!
- a dude named pickles
- talentless rich dude
- big muscley dude
- I'm not sexist for using the word 'dude'. You're sexist for only using it to refer to men.
- finally
- For when you and your shiftless friends finally go home
- Wisdom is not finally tested in schools
- 5 months with no sex has finally got me in trouble
- and finally...
- try/catch/finally
- When we finally fall, it will be fast and sure
- Has EDB finally attained consciousness?
- FINALLY, a New Orleans gathering: music, mayhem, beer snobs, and Bourbon Street
- The pieces finally fit together, the pieces finally fall apart
- I finally realize you're gone forever
- FINALLY: Morally Bankrupt but Rich on Beads (the New Orleans gathering aftermath node)
- Finally we are no one
- finally (user)
- Finally fucked
- she's the reason the dust i finally leave will be better than the dust i came from
- Meanwhile, the PILOT, who has been laughing hysterically through the entire sequence, finally loses it. He falls out of his chair and bangs his head against the panel, causing the ship to lose control and crash into a nearby planet
- And finally spoke The Mariner
- Erected upon weakened ground, finally gave way
- I can only pray that, when I finally leave, I will have done little enough damage to be totally forgotten
- I think I'm finally ready for an everything2 account
- somehow I felt hopeful, as if I have finally found a ragtag army of fellow fighters, none of whom cared what socks I was wearing
- It's Finally Over (user)
- Once I'd grown accustomed to its ugliness I could finally appreciate its beauty
- The moment I finally felt real
- Maybe now that I have written this all down I can finally sleep
- Laclede's Landing
- Landing
- landing gear
- parachute landing fall
- Keep your number of takeoffs equal to your number of landings
- All these worlds are yours except Europa. Attempt no landings there.
- 3 point landing
- Trainwreck Laclede's Landing
- Snark Fit 1 The Landing
- Moon landing hoax
- Penn's Landing
- Royal Navy Landing Platform Docks
- RFA Landing Ships
- Landing a Harrier
- Years After Landing
- Flying is cool -- It's landing that sucks
- landing strip
- landing zone
- Trans-Atlantic abort landing
- Mars Landing Party
- landing at Mexico City
- Takeoffs are optional, landings are mandatory
- Soft Landing
- looking back, seeing far, landing right where we are
- Beach Landing
- Bitterroot Landing
- Freedom's Landing
- Carrier landing
- Instrument Landing System
- FAA regulations prohibit the use of portable electronic devices during takeoff and landing
- Transoceanic Abort Landing
- Emergency Landing (winter)
- A fly landing on my oatmeal is grounds for tears
- Some days it seems like the sun is landing on the earth
- Take Off And Landing
- microwave landing system
- Where's my moon landing?
- water landing
- Too many of my days are spent stuffing my cheeks with food and crash landing in the ocean.
- Angels Landing
- Landing Craft, Air Cushion
- Luckiamute Landing State Natural Area
- We're Only In It For The Money
- Let's pretend we're married
- Wish You Were Here
- The weather is here, wish you were beautiful
- Sighs, short and infrequent, were exhaled,
- Those are pearls that were his eyes. Look!
- They were getting into riot gear as we sipped our wine
- Those were the days
- We're bigger than Jesus now
- Once Were Warriors
- I Think We're All Bozos on This Bus
- No animals were harmed in the writing of this node
- If there were more people like you, there would be less people
- We're in this Together
- If anything were different, everything would be different
- if yesterday were tomorrow today
- We were never really friends
- I thought paper cuts were like lightning
- Were
- If the world were logical, men would ride sidesaddle
- How my plans to sell someone's soul on eBay were foiled
- Candide and Martin Sup with Six Sharpers--Who They Were
- If my life were an arcade game
- You Were on My Mind
- Of course, they were wrong
- The Two Men Who Were Enemies
- RFC 602
- In case you were wondering about cramps
- Face it, we're all a bunch of perverts
- Behave as if there were a God
- We were supposed to fall
- When We Were Kings
- "We're With Ditka"
- Where were you when Kennedy was shot?
- Now that we're being so open and honest
- We're trying to have a baby
- Would you know if you were insane?
- If this were in person, I would have kissed her now
- There were people on the Titanic who waved away the dessert trolley
- We're all in the dark, just looking for the light
- We Two, How Long We Were Fool'd
- Even if we're not together
- Being a Christian is magical and foolish: Maybe we're all caught up in a collective psychosis
- We're shifting the paradigm
- We're waiting for you to die
- I'd elope if I were you
- when we were children
- What face did you have before your mother and father were born?
- Ever made it with an aardvark? We're quite rare.
- Silly things we believe when we're kids
- We're all doing just fine
- If the IRA are "terrorists," so were the French Resistance against the Nazis
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