- Give us this day, give us this night
- Don't give up your day job
- Time has imprisoned us in the order of our years
- Why do we think we can give a score to our happiness?
- Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day
- The rumbles in our sleep we do not hear that do not kill us
- their teary eyes follow us as if our actions are accompanied by tragic music
- The day we broke our teacher's mind
- if one of us should flicker and vanish, mid-drag, don't bat an eye. claim a spot on the curb and never give an inch.
- Give Us A Clue
- Our Endless Numbered Days
- Our warning signs will protect us
- Our children will judge us by our memes
- Death swept down the road and demonstrated the dangers of departmental infighting while the rest of us made our escape
- If you don't want us to look at your breasts, don't shove them in our faces
- Society loves to dichotomize every aspect of our daily life
- These are the days of our lives
- If the US is so great, why don't other countries give themselves to us?
- Current technology can give us super powers
- I want to give all our smiling-bedroom-eye photographs away to strangers
- The ocean will one day give up its dead
- Forgive us our trespasses... (e2poll)
- Forgive us, our instructors are foreigners
- Some of Us Had Been Threatening Our Friend Colby
- Our music, in place of breadcrumbs, is there to help us find our way back home
- Our little girl Susan is a most admirable slut, and pleases us mightily
- The day we woke up and the machines were us
- Weak security in our daily lives
- U.S. Pride Day Chain Letter
- Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
- it'd break my heart but if i knew you got away it'd give me peace of mind till the day i die
- The Place Promised in Our Early Days
- We have divided among us, like thieves, the treasure of nights and days.
- There are not enough hours in our day
- Give us beautiful symphonies telling us terrible things
- Bad Boys Rape Our Young Girls But Violet Gives Willingly
- War Is a Force that Gives Us Meaning
- Give us Barabbas!
- In Short, Give Us Your Best (document)
- he gives rest unto him who comes at the eleventh hour
- Things that give our life meaning
- Days of Our Lives
- We are the People Our Parents Warned Us About
- Give us a few words
- The only thing stopping us is the pressure. If your machine can withstand it, we are already on our way.
- Legislation to save us from our own stupidity
- Those of us who are thieves starve without a joker in our deck.
- He Has Left Us Alone But Shafts of Light Sometimes Grace the Corner of Our Rooms
- Give us beautiful symphonies telling us terrible things.
- Let us be our own pornographers
- let us not lift our voices and speak like we are little girls
- Our music, in place of breadcrumbs, is there to help us find our way back home.
- reality is always ready to teach us about how our ideas are wrong
- The winter chill reminds those of us closer to our end than our beginning that maybe, just maybe, safety isn't the primary goal in a life that will certainly end in death.
- Our lies reveal as much about us as our truths
- Give Us A Solid Reason
- Even a stopped clock is right twice a day
- The Last Day of Our Acquaintance
- The Happiest Days of Our Lives
- Daily Mail
- Daily Planet
- Daily
- Daily Telegraph
- % Daily Value
- Brian's Rumors Daily
- USDA Recommended Daily Allowance
- dailies
- Daily Express
- The Daily Texan
- I have little or no desire to watch you perform your daily rituals
- People's Daily
- E.G. Daily
- Do a good turn daily
- Daily Mail & Guardian
- Declan the Humble Crab
- Daily Evil - Monday, September 11th
- Daily Evil - Tuesday, September 12th
- Oren's Daily Roast
- Daily Evil - Thursday, September 21st
- Daily Evil - Monday, September 25th
- to: jessicapierce re: Daily Evil
- daily ablutions
- Daily Evil - September 6, 1979 through June 12, 1980
- Daily Evil - Friday, October 13th
- Daily Humour: October 21, 2000
- Daily Evil - Monday, October 23rd
- Daily Evil - Tuesday, October 31st
- Daily Evil - Wednesday, November 1st
- Daily Radar UK
- The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
- Daily Evil: December 25, 2000
- Daily Evil: December 27, 2000
- Daily Evil: January 23, 2001
- Daily Cardinal
- Mojo's Daily Grind
- Daily Evil: February 14, 2001
- daily life
- Morality is a matter of daily choices, not of overriding precepts.
- The Daily Humorscope
- Daily Grind
- Escaping the Monotony of Daily Life in a Fishbowl
- The Daily Mail (user)
- Daily Prophet
- he wants us to be free
- Mainichi Daily News
- The Daily Kent Stater
- Investor's Business Daily
- daily driver
- New York Daily News
- Daily Globe
- Daily Bugle
- Arts and Letters Daily
- Daily Kos
- London Daily News
- Otago Daily Times
- Daily Herald
- The daily grind (e2poll)
- The Daily Courant
- When over 95% of its people endure unspeakable torture daily, Planet Earth is officially known as a prison
- He breaks her heart on a daily basis
- Daily Evil - Thursday, September 28th
- Daily News
- Daily Chronicle
- Daily Worker
- Daily Record
- Liverpool Daily Post
- The Daily WTF
- Eastern Daily Press
- Daily Oral Language
- Daily Prayers
- Daily Evil - Thursday January 12th
- Daily Evil: January 15, 2012
- huge cloudy meanings behind the daily face of things
- Twice Daily
- Why Daily Evil Doesn't Apply To Me
- Engoo Daily News
- Fifteen-cent Dinners: Daily Bills of Fare for One Week
- Dracula Daily
- Day Of Ire (user)
- Gekko Day (user)
- day
- Armistice Day
- The Seven Days of Fire
- April Fools' Day
- Days of the New
- flag day
- Have a nice day
- An apple a day
- Day trading
- Windows Refund Day
- The Day Today
- The Day the Earth Stood Still
- day camp
- A Day in the Life
- Those were the days
- other Rocks Against, back in the day...
- Bad hair day
- Green Day
- The Island of the Day Before
- Labor Day
- Judgment Day
- field day
- why natural selection does not work in this day and age
- "The good old days" are a scam
- The day the music died
- Everything Day Logs (page 0)
- Seven Days
- day job
- Last Days
- Eight Days A Week
- Day of the Dead
- All Souls Day
- Jam Echelon Day
- lay siege on the day
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