- you never once told her how beautiful she was nor how much you truly loved her
- She was never mine. I always shared her.
- I never told you she stole my heart
- She told me I looked like a Henry, and this is how she would know me
- She was watching me and I didn’t know it.
- She told me she remembers three things about me
- I told her I could read her mind, but she didn't believe me. I could tell.
- Tell him, she told me
- She told me she wouldn't
- She told me I'd make a good Satan
- She told me to say that
- I was throwing around useless proverbs when all she needed was to be held and told that she was beautiful
- I said I was sorry. Then she looked at me.
- She was an intellectual prostitute, seducing me with profound truisms
- He was an ant on an ill-defined mission. She was the trapdoor spider of love.
- There is nothing growing here, in the space between she and me
- She dreamt she was a bulldozer, she dreamt she was alone in an empty field
- She Was 18, It Was Summer
- The rock under my foot that told me I was real when I was an adult
- She was locked in time
- Is it fair for him to love me when she craves his touch?
- Somebody told me a story. It was pretty but boring. It was Saturday night, my stories usually end up that way.
- Her grief is still too young to behave itself, so she never lets it out
- she was once a stealthy ghostship in the fog, now she shines wherever she walks
- little pieces of her tragically poetic attempts at being loved that she was startlingly aware of, today
- All the while he was talking she was thinking what his whiskers would feel like on the back of her neck
- Two condoms, she makes me wear
- She handed me my first sharpened pencil.
- She is still undoing me.
- The House on the Island Where She Was Born
- The Abridged Edition: She was to one side, he was to the other, an untested bridge between them
- She just looks at me
- She was so tall, and I was so in love
- She was feminine in the most displaced sense I had ever seen, a known quality refracted through stained glass windows.
- I don't like her because she won't like me
- She is stupidly keeping herself a secret, when I know she has sparkly things to show me
- She loves me, she loves me not
- She Fucks Me
- The flowers smiled, but she was gone
- She was inside the music, with her eyes closed
- She said she loved me. The knife came down.
- My mother loves me. She uses the good sandwich bags.
- She is and was
- someday, when she will think back upon the time when she was as yet undishonored
- She was a Surrealist Woman, She was like a Figure in a Dream
- Fast-talking career gal who thought she was one of the boys
- She was the cutest necromancer I ever did see
- This is the first time she's texted me since the morning she left.
- She was coming out as he was going in.
- that's where she lost me as I began imagining my family amongst blood-dripped hedges
- She didn't write like Emily Dickinson, but she did live in a house overlooking a cemetery, and I guess he thought that was important.
- Besides the part where she was the only one
- She was like a candle in the wind: unreliable
- She was free
- She hopes I'm cursed forever to sleep on a twin size mattress, never graduating up in size to add a lover.
- She dumped me when she found out I'd been faking my Scottish accent
- To a girl who thought she was moving away
- That one makes me scream, she said
- She said she loved me
- She misses me
- She was thinking of a boy in California who had a couch and a job
- piano outside in the snow. and she was spinning
- She was steady
- She only wants me for sex
- When I was little my mother told me not to sit close to the T.V., so when I was six I did.
- The portion of her face she allows me to see
- She wakes me up by tickling my feet
- She who makes the Moon the Moon and, whenever she is full, sets the dogs to howling all night long, and me with them.
- My brother never told me not to smoke. He showed me.
- She was the seed of a strange tomorrow
- Her innocence fell. She kicked at it some, frowned, and left it there because it was beautiful.
- The emotion on her face was always the one that she was feeling in her heart
- He dreamt he was a bulldozer, she dreamt she was alone in an empty bed
- she, he, and me
- I put my head down and hoped to God she wasn't looking at me
- She was most amazed by the obvious, like January and the fact that I could not possibly keep her.
- She doesn't need me anymore
- She's smarter than me but she's also more quiet, therefore she has no personality which makes me feel better
- she was just the dry smell of gasoline
- She had become a mutton for punishment and he was a wolf
- She always was all tea and oranges that came all the way from China
- The cactus that told me my mom was asleep
- She was too beautiful to be human
- she was waylaid by an octopus
- She taught me some moves, including stealthy exits.
- She is lobbing rainbows at me from across the room and I am swallowing them like fear.
- My Mother She Killed Me, My Father He Ate Me
- She didn't know what outside was anymore.
- She asked me if I loved her and I showed her the tattoo
- She found me on public transportation
- She knew what she was doing
- The girl didn't know if she was loved until he said yes.
- She was cilantro, jalepeno, habanero. She was the hot plate you must not touch.
- She Speaks to Me
- texting, she tells me anarchy will remain an important ideology
- She stopped me in the city. A lost soul gambling on random encounters.
- She Gave Sweet Love To Me
- He Never Told Me My Eyes Were Like Diamonds
- She hit me like thunder, and I had to lie down until I could breathe again
- She tells me she drives a truck.
- When that cow would walk it was like she was dancing
- He touched her once and she turned into a golden creature. He never touched her again.
- She writes notes to me, to keep me in check
- She sang of fantastic green islands, and sparkling fish, never telling that she haunted the waters
- She Loves Me
- She asked me to copy my poem into her notebook
- She moved so easily all I could think of was sunlight
- For a lawyer she was surprisingly like a child. Sometimes.
- She kissed me gently, just once, then walked away crying
- "He was a terrible man," she sobbed, between bites of alimony
- She took a California tilt and never came back.
- She was a committed romantic and an anarcha-feminist. This was hard for her because it meant she couldn't blow up beautiful buildings.
- She was very beautiful. Y'know?
- In a quiet grove of pines under a frosty sky, he helped her out of the sack. She wore severe white hospital pajamas and was beautiful.
- I would have tried, but Charlotte kept Charlotte in the world of Charlotte and she barely heard me
- If you told me this never happened
- He stretched out his arms but she was not there
- She only wants me for tech support
- She pulled the "I love you" on me
- She was buttery. She was asking for it. She was delicious. Let's all give in.
- When she was new, she rolled around the sky like a black umbrella blown by the wind
- She grew a little older, while he was telling her
- Here's Me Inside Her But I Can Tell From Her Vagina She Doesn't Really Care
- Jessica, too tall but still lovely, was not sure she would or should drop the whale
- She loved me for my maths
- What the hell was she thinking?
- She had never kissed someone so old.
- When she was bad
- I'm sorry I was speeding, officer, but I really have to get to the hospital
- She may be pretty and have more money than me but she doesn't write songs about you.
- She was cilantro, jalapeño, habanero. She was the hot plate you must not touch.
- she spent the night gingerly peeling me off the moon.
- She kills me
- She probably thought your first language was English; your real first language was Joyce
- I was not made for love songs, and love songs will never be made for me.
- it was just as if she held her breath for 82 years
- Existentialism is that girlfriend who cheated on you. Postmodernism is who she was with.
- She left me on the boardwalk with my head held in my hands.
- She always was devious in her beauty
- She was pain and pleasure all at once, wrapped up in needles and Ramones T-shirts
- I was tired. It was late. She was Russian.
- she looked at me then whispered, we are all made of stardust
- She was so quiet that nobody heard her
- She loved me for my brains not my body. It's what zombies do.
- She was the prettiest, loveliest cat at the ball and she had upon her fine gilded whiskers.
- Her self image was not the force field she imagined it to be
- Outside the train station she was the only person wearing an Orange raincoat and a look of surprise
- And when she came back she was nobody's wife
- she seems bored with me after all this time
- A dose of mystery slipped into her cocktail while she was in the ladies' room
- She Blinded Me With Science
- She was so pleased to learn that she was right
- She looks at me and she laughs
- She cleaned up for me at least.
- i gave her my heart. she gave me a pen.
- The stars were bright that night she left me forever
- She could hit four octaves above high-C, but she never performed in public
- She asked me to stop dreaming of death
- everyone who ever told me i was pretty was lying.
- She might not need me. But then again she might.
- She approached me with some vague line
- She asked me to read her a poem
- Because, perhaps she was cold
- She saved me from Hylas' fate
- Because I still love her, because I know she still loves me.
- She started to fall, and knew she would never come back
- I may never be queen, but you will never break me
- You will know me by those colors, deep and bold, of the heart you never knew.
- The First Lie Besovi Told Me
- New York City: What Nonna told me on Sunday
- Launch me into space, and I'll never need to come back
- this is why you always leave me, this is why you'll never go
- Sex and death have both spat me out like spoiled milk for the same reason. I was not afraid.
- New York City: What Nonna told me on Thursday
- New York City: What Nonna told me on Monday
- New York City: What Jo told me
- You never write, you never call, you never tell me what you learned about that mighty groaning noise
- New York City: What Nonna told me on Saturday
- one was giving me the eye but nothing came of it
- bringing me back to when less was worth more
- Chicago: What my Teacher told me
- I really miss the woman who told me that people don't like me
- video games never made me violent
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