- before the internet when teen had REAL relationship the boy could look at the girl and judge the diameter of her thorax with his feelers and determine whether the mating ritual could commence but NO MORE. evil woman use her computer sorcery
- When men were men, women were women, and you knew where you were going in life
- Stoned music memories
- When your imaginary life is interrupted unapologetically by your real one
- This is the worst vacation ever! I am going to cut open your forehead with a roofing shingle!
- that hour we lost was the one I was going to use to get my life together
- I am blind when I want to be
- when life gives you lemons, just fill in this form
- When did you realise you really weren't going to realize some of your dreams?
- It will be good when I am leader
- Where am I going, and what am I doing in this handbasket?
- When life gives you lemons, grab it by the throat and demand better
- When I was five years old, I knew I was going to die
- When you fly like thunder, I am reminded of Icarus and Bellerophon. How does your myth end?
- When writers use Latin
- I look better when I am wet
- E2 in Real Life (e2poll)
- i am writing a path to my true self, for when i am lost
- When I am King
- How I used Napster to ruin the life of the most popular kid in high school
- Knowing you're going to die when you turn 30
- Since when am I a size 6?
- The trick is knowing the difference between the radio and real life
- When Life Agrees With Us
- When life gives you lemons, FIND A NEW GOD
- For someone who writes about love as much as I, writing about it when it's real sure is hard.
- Where was that stooped and mealy-colored old man I used to call poppa when the merry-go-round broke down?
- The light on the bottom of the pool that you thought was real when you were a child
- When I am pinned and wriggling on the wall
- I love you, even when I am heartless
- Am I really here? Is this really my life?
- Have you ever been so excited about your life that it makes you almost want to cry?
- the rock here is strange. it moves when i am not looking.
- I am a freakin' dynamo when it comes to adding single-digit numbers
- I am thinking it's a sign that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images and when we kiss they're perfectly aligned
- finding my way back to sanity again, though I don't really know what I'm going to do when I get there
- I Bet You Don't Know When The Song Is Going To End
- When life gives you lemons
- Sometimes when I hold a child I can feel my life grow long
- The Heisenberg Uncertainty Priniciple in real life
- Real life applications of mathematics
- Someday soon, I'm going to save you from your life
- When I am an old woman
- Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans
- Last minute Thanksgiving vegetables when life is unpredictable
- when you watch in broadcast order sometimes dead characters will come back to life
- use every day as a gift to sharpen the sword that is your soul, to become a master of your own life
- Real life is stranger than Borges
- When you are again allowed to use your limbs and your eyes
- When visiting a city, always use its public transportation
- I used to sing real good
- When visiting Atlanta, never use its public transportation
- I used to fly like peter pan, all the children flew when I touched their hands
- The rock under my foot that told me I was real when I was an adult
- Real life trolling
- When I am stronger than now
- Why I am going to pretend I am a girl online from now on
- To tell the truth I am never happier than when I am a kangaroo
- I am a bassist. Don't you fucking call me a bass player, ever.
- I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
- The truth and who I am when I look at it
- No One Here Is Ever Going to be President: Noders raise things in the city where things fall down
- pointless HTML in email
- And yet, when the warm breeze of spring greets my face and the sunlight does not make me shield my eyes, I know I am not alone.
- I Am Slowly Going Crazy
- When am I an adult?
- An important sentence to know when going abroad
- Going by the script when talking to people
- When I stop going there, I will be well.
- when i get my shit together i'm going to rule this town
- If you're going to speak archaic English, use it correctly!
- Why Real Life is better than IRC
- Everything vs. Real Life, Part II
- I'm not this cool in real life
- Real Life Phaser
- I don't remember what life was like when I was seven. I like the taste of air. What should I do?
- Life is easiest when living on the lawn
- When life changes forever
- When life gives you lemons, just shut up and eat your damn lemons
- How can I talk about love when the bacon is burned and the house is an absolute mess and the children are screaming their heads off and I'm going to miss my bus?
- When I am dead, my dearest
- But life is hard when the written word is your first language
- imagine that when you die you relive the last few seconds of your life
- When life gives you demons...
- Dan in Real Life
- In Real Life
- "Real life": absurd liberal myth
- There Are Days When I Leave My Life Next to My Black Boots
- Most of these things I've never seen in real life. Only on screens. Or Elsewhere. I'd die without it.
- The glass is half full when it comes to your life up until this point. The glass is half empty when it comes to everything you've missed out on.
- When your life is defined by a single action, it changes the concept of time.
- true life and a real angel (searching for Eldorado)
- real hackers don't use variable types
- miracles, when they touch the real world, get dirty
- I am no doubt moving. The question now is not where, but how. My life changes everyday. Big deal.
- When I tell stories about you I have to use my hands
- who vs. whom
- All that I am and ever want to be
- I remember when we built real forts
- in the face of what you have lost, live a real life
- Why I seriously considered jumping in front of a train when a British girl used the word "cheeky" seriously
- Where was that stooped and mealy-coloured old man I used to call poppa when the merry-go-round broke down?
- When to use a semicolon in Pascal
- good vs. well
- when life was kind and we were two young wide-eyed believers
- Life is material; you just have to live long enough to figure out how to use it
- I am sorry but when you were talking I was admiring the shape of your lips and evaluating their kissability
- I am clothed when other people go almost naked through the frozen cities in winter
- I am going to rewrite you so that I can still like people.
- somewhere, when I realize who I am
- Forgive me for who I am when I wake up
- Also, when I am angry, my eyes flash fire, whether I growl or not.
- I need these blue and black halos for comfort, to remind me where I am, who I am, when I am
- Sometimes when I am wearied suddenly,
- Sometimes, when I am looking, no one is beautiful
- I am superimposing on life, tipping scales like fate's hands
- my whole life is passing me by and I sometimes wonder why I am even still alive
- I am not a real person
- I am going to die
- I am Jack's wasted life
- I am going to try to figure out a way to get into your cunt castle
- I am most faithless when I most am true.
- I am real; I happened to you
- Used book stores, I love you. I am unwilling to let you go.
- Go ahead. I am merely a secondary character in your life story.
- I am going to demolish your skeleton
- the fact that i exist is testament to the perverse wonder that remains in the world, and i am not afraid that it will ever disappear
- The best line I ever used
- Every morning when I wake up, I feel guilty for all the things I have ever been
- When, if ever, will there be permanent peace in the Balkans?
- I am just going outside and may be some time.
- when I am King, we will have no such things, but, my lads, if the old king my father were dead, we would be all kings.
- I am going to beat up Reel Big Fish
- When the aliens attack my workplace, I'm going to be so damn READY
- Screw UNIX, I'm just going to smoke pot and eat Cheetos for the rest of my life
- What am I doing here when I could be swimming with the dolphins?
- Anathema comes ever to mind when thinking of you.
- I am afraid to use websites of large corporations
- You can say the train isn't real but it's still going to sting like a son of a b
- Today I am going to learn to fly
- You know it is going to be a strange day when you wake up dead
- when you reflect that john now knows how he's going to die.
- When are you going to stop running?
- every statue in town came to life, but they'd been watching long enough to know better than to ever move
- Everything vs. Real Life
- When life gives you shit
- Why IRC is better than Real Life
- Flax seeds will save your life
- I don't even know when I am being sarcastic anymore
- real life raygun
- When life gives you lemons make lemonade
- The semi-fictional life of every real woman
- When life gives you lemons, suck on them. Seriously, lemons taste awesome.
- Life is too short to use low-quality herbs and spices
- Bug Scientist Real Life CSI
- When your job is keeping order, your life becomes chaos
- My real life, burst into the proper colors
- Real Life Dilbert
- Posting your life on Everything2 is a dumb idea if people know who you are in real life
- Real Life
- This was the shinest golden dollar I would ever see in my life and I was not about to tarnish it.
- I love Slim Shady and I am not a teenage boy going through puberty
- Second Life Uses
- When your life has become a Radiohead song
- When Life Becomes An Acid Trip
- On The Use And Abuse Of History For Life
- The Real Life of Sebastian Knight
- real life test
- save and restore function in real life
- Sometimes, when no one is looking, I am beautiful
- When I am an old man
- Trans Am
- Sorry, but I AM my fucking khakis
- I am not ashamed to be a consumer
- How am I doing?
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