- The boys did not know it. They were just being beautiful, and I got to watch.
- Don't kill your invisible husband to see what he looks like or you'll sob your heart out. But don't worry about the millions of invisible men coming to attack your village because they won't kill you if you don't know how to fight them.
- Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?
- I know them by the trucks they drive, the names they call each other, the tattoos on hot, shirtless days, the music they blast after lunch, to get through the rest of the day.
- I told you they were nuts
- It wasn't until later, when I was washing the blood off my hands, I even knew they were dead
- Kids that age think they know it all
- if i keep moving they won't know
- telling people what they don't need to know
- I used to know what color your eyes were
- Now your songs mean what they were supposed to from the beginning
- they couldn’t speak at all; so used to disuse were their tongues
- They Were Wrong, So We Drowned
- Children are people readers and they know when you are fiction
- We all know what beautiful eyes are like, what they do to you.
- If the IRA are "terrorists," so were the French Resistance against the Nazis
- They don't know what they're missing
- Because the weather is always beautiful, they don't even know that storms can be beautiful too.
- i know you're out there; i just wish you were here with me
- the birds seem to know what we're up to out here.
- Everything you ever wanted to know about theatre tech, but were afraid to ask
- Before they were the Science Fiction Greats
- Or were they chords of sun?
- I turn over in bed, brush against your warmth, and know it is you
- and they were as flowers in a fire
- When they realized they were in the desert, they built a religion to worship thirstiness.
- Before they were famous
- Eye contact at a distance
- I know they are watching me
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- The one thing I wanted more than anything was for someone, just once, to tell me they don't know what they'd do without me
- I've read books so I know things that sound like they could be true
- They do not know how immortal, but I know
- Son, do you know how fast you were going?
- Do they know those days are golden? Build a rocket boys
- And if terrorists wanted to communicate secretly, mightn't they just do so by collaborating on a 'draft' here at e2? Can the NSA check on our drafts? Who knows? Inquiring minds want to know, Jay!
- they does not know what it might be to live without them
- The ones with their priorities straight don't know how to get what they want, and the ones who get what they want have messed up priorities.
- Candide and Martin Sup with Six Sharpers--Who They Were
- when you are young they assume you know nothing
- Now there's revolution but they don't know what they're fighting
- Tell your kids things that they shouldn't know about
- The four problems of surgery, how they were overcome, and when
- Our hearts were hard, but they were warm
- They hate us because we're wonderful
- The Saudis were terrified that someone was going to be a better Muslim than they were
- I could not hear the echo of my steps as I descended nor the sounds of animals, for they were hiding
- Good thing they were just typewriters
- ships are safest in harbor, but they were made to sail
- Let's Pretend They Were Red
- There were a few moments you will not hear about, but they happened
- They Were Eleven
- Thinking you know more about computers than the tech you just called
- Girls who go home with you when they don't even know your name
- They try to be quiet but you know they are there with their weird coppery breath.
- What they don't know can't hurt them
- They Know Me
- It's hard to know what to say when a friend's parent they always hated suddenly dies
- The Lord of the Rings 1/2: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Middle-earth But Were Afraid to Produce
- To those who know who they are
- Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex (But Were Afraid To Ask)
- But if life were only moments, then you'd never know you had one
- They don't know what I've done
- they don't know what they'd do without me
- We're blind. We're mortal. We don't know what the hell we're doing.
- They know me not by name, but numbers
- I don't think we're old enough to know if we're alcoholics at our age
- and things we're all too young to know
- Maybe you were inherently complicated, maybe you've been complicated over the years, but know that you are complicated.
- You'll never quite know how much you've lost until you get what you were looking for
- and the moment we said we're not giving up is the moment we knew we'd never stop
- we didn't know then that we were making memories
- You know a writer has made it when they stop posting on e2
- they tell you to be your true self. to never give up on who you are. they don't know who i am.
- Of course, they were wrong
- They were getting into riot gear as we sipped our wine
- You pass a thousand heroes on the street every day and never know how well they are carrying their burdens
- They think I'm crazy, but I know it's real
- Hit by the realization that they are all getting to know you nodes
- Treating registers as if they were variables
- In the dream he laughs and says, You thought they were graceful on the ground
- He was confirming to himself that they were laughing with him after all
- I fixed my body image issues by looking at people as if they were dogs
- Things are more like they are now than they ever were before
- Why do computer geeks feel they were born in the wrong time?
- They were looking for God but found religion instead
- Things never were what they used to be
- The dark riders were not sleeping. They were only resting their eyes.
- While they were revolting, we grew nostalgic
- I really came to understand that they were just real people who wanted to live real lives and be treated equally as opposed to, for example, wanting to destroy us.
- The dead eat hope. We had none to give them, so they were pretty emaciated by the end.
- Most of the men were disillusioned long before they met her
- I was into them after they were hip
- Fragments of the world are falling away, and we're tripping over the holes they leave behind
- They left the streets stained with blood, and their howling could be heard long after they were gone
- drum rudiments which sound like they were named by a neural net
- and they were delighted and eager to go on with tireless curiosity
- he was alive, and some of the other people, they were carbon copies
- They made the sunrise for people like us just so we have an excuse for why we're still up.
- Would you know if you were insane?
- When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him
- Rage Against The Machine
- Litany Against Beer
- Up against the wall, motherfucker
- other Rocks Against, back in the day...
- Against
- I will spit the blue flame and hurl my glass against the wall
- Why do you keep banging your head against the wall?
- Ska Against Racism
- against the wall
- So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past
- Our Position Against Suicide
- Evolutionary pressure against being evil
- spindly arms against a sea of light
- Against Stupidity, the Gods Themselves Contend in Vain
- There's nothing more annoying than to try to rebel against someone who's totally supportive about whatever you want to do
- The League Against Tedium
- A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand
- Giving our kids something to rebel against
- Against you I will fling myself, unvanquished and unyielding, O Death!
- The International Tribunal on Crimes Against Women
- An Argument Against the Abolishing of Christianity
- Direct Action against Homophobia
- running 'Strings' against the Mac OS X kernel
- Throw it against the wall and see if it sticks
- Two Against Nature
- Artists Against Piracy
- A Fit of Rhyme Against Rhyme
- partying against the darkness
- Against Interpretation
- Evolution is iterative feedback against the Second Law of Thermodynamics, motherfucker
- The significance of white jet trails against the blue/pink sky
- vote against
- It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.
- Against All Authority
- Ten Offences against the Holy Name
- Don't misunderstand this one, it was like palm against palm through a window
- archy speaks out against killing the poor
- A program of covert action against the Castro regime
- Human Education Against Lies
- one kid against the fence, scuffed shoes, probably a trumpet case at his feet
- Can we ever truly act against our own interests?
- United Nations World Conference Against Racism
- Headbangers Against Disco
- The war against terrorism
- Barbara Lee's statement against HR 64
- Summary of evidence against Osama bin Laden in 9/11 terror attacks
- Curse against book stealers
- What you can do to protect yourself against bioterrorism
- Muslims Against Terrorism
- September 11 attacks and the War Against Terrorism
- Born Against
- Criminal Code of Canada - Part II Offences Against Public Order
- Criminal Code of Canada - Part IV Offences Against the Administration of Law and Justice
- Summary of the proposed final judgment against Microsoft
- If you want lonely I will give you white water flapping against a little boat
- How to survive against humans
- How to survive against zombies
- Criminal Code of Canada - Part VIII Offences Against the Person and Reputation
- Criminal Code of Canada - Part VIII.2 Offences Against the Person and Reputation continued
- Criminal Code of Canada - Part VIII.3 Offences Against the Person and Reputation continued
- Criminal Code of Canada - Part IX Offences Against Rights of Property
- Criminal Code of Canada - Part IX Offences Against Rights of Property continued
- the war against terrorism timeline
- Dorm room policies discriminate against heterosexual couples
- Certain modest deprecations against my malevolent Detractour
- computers against spacetime
- Reclining Against a Tea-Table
- Surfers Against Sewage
- Rage against the Ordinary
- Gold Against the Soul
- the smell of rain pressed up tight against a cricket-song
- Magic Against Magic
- The Frogs' Complaint Against the Sun
- For tactical reasons, we do not currently advocate the use of violence or sorcery against private individuals.
- We're Evil Now
- Protection against bees
- walking up against the wall
- A Dialogue of Comfort against Tribulation
- When we speak of magic, we conspire against death
- Australians Against Further Immigration
- Against a Concrete Heel
- returning to the scenes of your crimes (against me)
- I have never held such sins against them the way that I hold them against you
- Against Idleness and Mischief
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