- Keep your friends close and your enemies closer
- The whole idea of having a close personal relationship with God is rather new
- Up close and personal
- I want to marry all of my close friends and live in a big house together by an angry sea
- See the stars up close and personal! Perfect for ages 9 to 99!
- My Close Friend, My Friend on Facebook
- The unchoreographed movements of close friends in a small room
- let me tell you about this friend of mine
- Outrun a speeding train
- closed source
- close
- being close to another person
- Just being quiet and close
- Close Encounters of the Third Kind
- Don't stand so close to me
- U2 Faraway So Close
- closed Sundays
- closed beta
- So close yet so far away
- Close Encounter
- A Close Shave
- Close enough for government work
- closed
- close call
- Some kiss with their eyes closed
- close range
- closed orbit
- closed set
- close your eyes
- Chew with your mouth closed
- When I Heard at the Close of Day
- how very close
- Close your eyes, I will help you pray
- Close Harmony
- Now Close the Windows
- Close the door before you leave
- Glenn Close
- as close as 99 is to 100
- Close Combat
- Close up
- closed chain
- Chuck Close
- as close to me as drawn gun on a dark street
- Hose And Close
- This Lane Closed
- closed system
- Closed for Remodeling
- Walking with closed eyes
- closed under
- Sometimes I like to write with my eyes closed
- close enough to perfect
- closed shop
- close() and shutdown()
- Del Close
- She said, while hugging a bowl of turnips close to her bosom
- at the thought of being close to you..
- Close the World, Open the nExt
- closed interval
- Close To Home
- I wish I were close
- Close to the Edge
- algebraically closed
- drinking from a closed bottle
- the correspondence between closed sets for the Zariski topology and radical ideals in the polynomial ring
- Closed head injury
- How to close a KFC when you're a cook
- closed timelike curve
- How to attach a closed loop to anything
- closed position
- Close doesn't mean minimize
- Open Closed Principle
- too close to call
- Nothing could be close to quite like this
- Close your eyes, hold your breath and jump
- closed circulatory system
- Closed Aperture Sights
- close hauled
- Close to the Knives
- close knit
- Faraway, So Close!
- Close Encounters with LSD
- closed campus lunch
- Too Close: A Rum Running Story
- Close and Open Structures
- I'm not religious, but I think I have a close relationship with God
- Behind Closed Doors with Joan Lunden
- My life closed twice before its close
- If I really loved you, you'd never get so close.
- Closed Mondays
- You're not close enough
- Close only counts in Horseshoes
- The shadow is going away. You can breathe again. The past is closed.
- you have to be close to catch it
- She sat in virginal white, eyes closed, with only her face in rose
- closed captioning
- Note to Standards and Practices: Don't forget to censor the closed captions
- Close your eyes...and go back
- fail closed
- Hexagonal Close Packed
- close packed structure
- I've never seen a glacier up close, but I've touched your hand. It felt so cold.
- close quarters
- Close to the Wind
- close request
- Close (to the edit)
- Closed List
- Welcome to Canada; we're closed for the playoffs
- Cartesian Closed Category
- close at hand
- The man who sees through closed eyes
- Don't be afraid, you've just got your eyes closed
- closed class
- So Close
- Open and closed questions
- Close, but no cigar
- When I was little my mother told me not to sit close to the T.V., so when I was six I did.
- She was inside the music, with her eyes closed
- close ratio
- Mary King's Close
- At night, her eyes closed, she would
- Introduction to close combat
- Close Combat - A Bridge Too Far
- Hurry Up, Cleveland closes at noon: An Impromptu
- close/open my open/closed eyes
- closed back
- covalently closed circular DNA
- When I close my eyes, I see New York
- close quarters combat
- closed ball
- Behind Closed Doors
- close corporation
- Too close to home
- Martin's Close
- Almost, if I close my eyes
- close (user)
- Sitting close enough that he gets the idea
- Maisons closes
- Close to nature
- close finish
- Close the door
- It's not love. It's not even close.
- What to do when your student union is closed indefinitely
- close to the bone
- Closed Timelike Curves
- Close Family
- Hold close your clumsy poets
- Closed on Account of Rabies
- close air support
- have you accepted the lord jesus christ as your personal savior
- you can close your eyes but not your ears
- Sister power! Close relationships and hymenopterans
- In four dimensions, any closed loop of one-dimensional string is equivalent to an unknot.
- I wish when I closed a book I could set it on the shelf and know it was really over
- World's End Close
- If your wish be to close me
- closed universe
- Close Encounters of the Jet-Poop Kind (category)
- Close only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades, and hard radiation
- so close to Paradise
- He Would Close His Eyes, and the World Would Burn.
- You're so closed minded
- close your mind
- His Eyes Are Closed
- Close reading
- Close Enough to Kill
- A Closed and Common Orbit
- If you're going to masturbate, would you at least close the fucking door?
- It's as close as I'll ever give to genuine
- A door closed cautiously
- The door was closed
- the portal closes
- Her eyelids close gently, reassuringly.
- Close By
- Case Closed
- the ghostly tools that dance behind my closed eyes, you will grasp like hammers
- Some words live to be kept close to the skin
- The Stars Were Close
- you are a comet when you streak close by the radios get weak
- closed circle mystery
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