
My brains surprised me again by cooking up some quite interesting dreams last night. You can find those in the good old Dream Log.

It's the eve of wappu today. I'm still trying to figure out if there is anything special to do. As far as most finns are considered, the only option is to guzzle hard liquor until you puke and pass out. No thanks, I'll pass.
Boozing was fun for a while, but nowadays I don't feel that being numb, having impaired motor skills and acting like a severely retarded person is that funny/entertaining. Blame it on the herbal remedies, won't you. :)
Please, don't tell about me not being into alcohol to anyone inside the Finnish borders. They would most likely deport me to Sweden. (No finn could survive that!)

I'd better start asking my friends if anyone has anything fun planned. If not, it's an another night for noding ahead.


I had no luck in organizing anything for tonight. All of my friends were either "not feeling like partying" or in some remote place, not far from the middle of nowhere.

So, here I am. Hopefully with enough quality ideas to submit my 100th writeup before I get too tired to node. At the moment I'm 6 writeups short. No wait, it's actually 8. I forgot the nuke request and the requested nukeable one.

I guess I should get to work then.