The Everything People Registry : United States : Minnesota
Alphabetically by location, then username:
Halstad, population 622, on the ND border
- LitBolt (to the north)
I'm currently existing in the basement of my parent's never-ending house. If it keeps expanding like it has over the past ten years, the building will someday cover the town of Halstad (four miles to the south) completely. It's not referred to as a mansion yet, but it definitely will be someday.
Size nonwithstanding, the closest place of any importance would have to be the rather godforsaken Fargo/Moorhead area, which is a good 45-minute drive to the south.
Twin Cities
- beldin
I live and work in Eden Prarie, Minnesota. It's a suburb to the southwest of Minneapolis. Among other things, large parts of Mall Rats were filmed in Eden Prairie Center, which was totally renovated this year, and now looks nothing like it did in the movie. The renovations were necessary because the Mall of America pretty much gutted Eden Prairie's mall traffic, and they had to rebuild it to cater to a snobbier kind of shopper. The Vikings also have a large training facility here, just a couple of blocks away from where I'm typing this writeup.
Some Friday and Saturday nights, you will find me sitting at a table in Decoy's, a bar on 11th and Main in Hopkins, Minnesota. Even if you don't find me, you'll find a good place to listen to some local blues and rock (mostly covers, but sometimes not), usually for free. And have a drink or two, if you're so inclined. They keep a bottle of Pickapeppa Sauce on every table; try some if you order a burger, a steak, or the pork chops. They use it in their Bloody Marys, too.
- Golden Valley: shmigheghi
- Lakeville: TheLutenist
- Maple Plain: KillerPenguin
- Mankato: l00dd00d
Originally from New York Mills , home of the Great American Think-Off and New York Mills Regional Cultural Center, but currently I'm living in Mankato, attending college at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
- Minnetonka: Amoeba Protozoa
I am in Minnetonka. Life is very boring out here. We need better places to eat.
For kicks I attend the U of MN, but for cash I work as a Software Engineer in St. Paul.
Life is bitter-ass cold here.
- Minneapolis: moundie
20 years later and I'm still living in the same state! If you would have told me this two years ago, I would have laughed and called you a big fat liar. A failed attempt at fleeing the homeland was met with the stiff resistance of the University of Missouri and the profession of journalism.
So, a return to Minneapolis and the University of Minnesota land me where I sit this very minute: listening to R.E.M. and pondering what exactly The Bald Soprano has to tell me about the way I'm supposed to be alive.
But that has nothing to do with home, unlike snow piles, the Foxfire Lounge (RIP), and the Minnesota Twins.
- Minneapolis: RACECAR (partly resides in Chicago)
Hey all, I'm living in Chicago right now, but I also have residence in MN. I stay in South MPLS / Uptown.
Places I like to hang out;
- Walker Art Center
- Mortimers (corner of Lyndale and Franklin, MPLS)
- Turf Club (University and Snelling, St.Paul)
- Twins and Saints games I know I know...
- Any coffee shop with chess
- Minneapolis: liminal
- Minneapolis: Halspal
- Minneapolis: Simpleton
- Roseville: litmus
Having changed schools 9 times in 11 years, I'm finally where I belong... The Twin Cities. I'm a student at Hamline University in St. Paul, and even though I'm currently living in my grandparents basement in Roseville, I'm still very fortunate to be in one of the best locales in the U.S.
And I have lived all over this state and others...
- St. Paul: Lactic.Acid
i've lived in a few spots in MN, namely: Stillwater, Lino Lakes (between moves), Fairmont (also between moves), Minneapolis (on the Twin Cities University of Minnesota campus for first semester) and St. Paul since December.
I've lived in several other places as well. Those include: Frankfurt, Germany, Alaska, California, Illinois, Virginia, and a few others.
Can you tell a Military Brat when you see one?
Unspecified or in the middle of absolutely nowhere
Minnesota natives or former long-time residents
Noder gatherings in Minnesota
The Minnesotan Usergroup: Snowfolk!
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