- mindlessly going where others have gone before
- Where have my wings gone? They are hidden, embarrassed to be seen.
- To boldly go where no man has gone before
- To boldly go where no one has gone before
- Where have all the poets gone?
- The most disturbing thing that I have ever seen on the back of a truck
- I have dreadlocks and I don't know where the pot is
- Never, never in my life have I seen such a ridiculous looking instrument of death
- from where I stand I can see they have already won
- Where the streets have no name
- Have You Ever Seen The Rain?
- Where No Man Has Gone Before
- What face did you have before your mother and father were born?
- Our minds bend and twist in the wind, our bodies fall apart, and the ghosts we leave behind have only one question: Where Have You Been?
- Having gotten myself into a position where I can have my cake and eat it too, I feel a strong compulsion to get up from the table
- Sometimes I have this dream where I am flying
- I think I was watching the most beautiful thing I have ever seen
- Have you ever seen a despot with a little nose?
- Sarah Michelle Gellar may have seen my underwear
- Things I had not seen before coming to America
- People have fucked up before
- The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light
- What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why,
- You ever have one of those days where you go, "Well. This might as well happen."
- Where Have All the Catherines Gone?
- I cannot produce a definitive list of everywhere I have been, but I can say that I have seen a whole lot of nowhere
- Hello lovely fool where have you been all this time.
- However, we have birds and wonderful green trees and rain.
- I wish you could have met me before I became food
- We Have Marched Through This Before
- These rugs will unite this country like no other rugs have before
- Getting a working visa in Japan
- Where is the Green Sheep?
- You can't have everything. Where would you put it?
- I have seen the elephant
- Ain't you ever seen a Yankee before?
- Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?
- When people ask "Where are you from?" I have to think for a minute
- A thought that may have passed in the mind of the busboy at the cafe where I often find myself
- The screen where you have to press reset
- In response to you telling me I have the bluest eyes you've ever seen
- Where the water for the flood could have come from
- Having gotten myself into a position where I can have my cake and eat it too, I feel no compulsion to get up from the table
- Where have all the Merrymakers gone?
- Never meddle in the affairs of wizards, especially before they have their coffee
- Where Have All the Giant Radioactive Lizards Gone?
- Perhaps pain will stop me where good sense and virtue have failed
- Where Have All the Flowers Gone?
- Great holes secretly are digged where earth's pores ought to suffice, and things have learnt to walk that ought to crawl.
- There are places in this world where mundane, forgotten things have learned to weave their own magic
- You haven't seen it and you don't understand. I have malice. I have cruelty. The little fire that's always been inside me isn't so little anymore.
- My finger can point to the moon, but my finger is not the moon. You don't have to become my finger, nor do you have to worship my finger. You have to forget my finger, and look at where it is pointing.
- I Wonder Sometimes Where the Bluebirds Have Gone
- you have ghosts. where are they? are they so deep that the light cannot reach them? is there any such place?
- i am looking for Morpheus. have you seen him?
- But I have seen the sun just once
- To Dream Where No Man Has Dreamed Before
- Did the Japanese go and sit down and have dinner with Pearl Harbor before they bombed 'em?
- The Nightmare Before Christmas
- before common era
- before Christian era
- Brittle things will break before they turn
- Before the Rain
- The Island of the Day Before
- Conversation I overheard in the bookstore 5 min before end of my shift
- 'Twas the night before Christmas
- Before and After Science
- pearls before swine
- Before Thinking
- JeffMagnus Remembers: Everything Before Experience (a lament)
- Laugh at yourself before others do
- csh history expansion refers to the line before most csh expansions occurred
- Cybersex before it was cool
- How long must I stay in my pajamas before I turn into Howard Hughes?
- Close the door before you leave
- Just before you make that next move...
- Kneel before Zod!
- home before the leaves fall
- Chronology of communication before electricity
- best before date
- cleaning your hotel room before the maid arrives
- Don't quit five minutes before the miracle happens
- In order that I may know something more before I depart from life
- Vaguer than before. Slip.
- Ground rush
- Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in his shoes
- Wei Chi, before completion
- Think before you speak
- Before Choice Disturbs
- I am but a moth before your flame
- Before Choice Disturbs Poem
- Before we dump the bodies, you guys wanna go to Hooters?
- the days before porn
- A buddha before history
- RFC 1882
- Undercover "Jesus" Surfaces Before Departure
- Early, before our hands knew what to do
- It's All Been Done Before
- Before reality creeps in
- Looking as though they saw the dark before dawn every day
- a poem for a boy before I met him
- Washing your hands in the restroom
- Did you once stand before me without shame?
- Before the Law
- Oops! I Sang This Before
- I knew before I met you just how we would end
- Running before the wind
- In his autumn before the winter comes man's last mad surge of youth
- The impending nickname shortage
- That twinge of terror that hits before you get under the covers
- Liquor before beer, you're in the clear.
- bros before hoes
- I Before E Except After C
- What were you before you were anything at all?
- Before you ask a question
- Things are more like they are now than they ever were before
- If I should die before I wake
- The Scots Confession: Chapter 14
- Before Night Falls
- Quick, put your shirt back on before the cop gets here
- Thirty Sonnets: At the Tomb of Napoleon Before the Elections in America -- November, 1912
- To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women
- The Night Before
- I dreamed of her pulse long before I took it from her
- Oh, no. Look, you've gone and made me optimistic. I was before, but now it is showing.
- Service Before Self
- Galileo: A Democrat Before His Time
- Before Time Was
- A Love Before Time
- before the mast
- naked before you
- Shake Before Using...
- We've heard it all before
- Epitaph of a Young Poet Who Died Before Having Achieved Success
- Just a word before tomorrow
- letter-writing is always before an absent addressee
- Sobering up before going to bed
- My life closed twice before its close
- The Changing Experience of African-American Children Before and After the Civil War
- color photography before color film
- Twas the night before eye surgery
- make before break
- break before make
- Oh where oh where has my dear tinker gone
- trembling before G-d
- Most of the men were disillusioned long before they met her
- Before the quiet dawn rose
- The testimony of Walter E. Disney before the House Committee on Un-American Activities
- Beer Before Liquor
- Before you thought of spring
- Always check for evidence of alien abduction before going to bed with someone
- Making the Movies XVII Filming Earthquakes -- Before and After
- How to get rid of spiders before they get rid of YOU
- Ten things to ask yourself before going outside
- Blessings before food
- Did you think of me before you knew me?
- Once upon a time, in an age before the Internet
- Before she started smoking
- Before You Were Punk
- The Fright Before Christmas
- How to know your Christmas presents before Christmas
- question the question before you contemplate the answer
- Check yourself before you wreck yourself
- Things to consider before you call that cute girl or guy
- Drink Before the War
- It sounded good in my head before it came out of my mouth
- Life before death
- Before Jehovah's Awful Throne
- The Land Before Time
- Long Gone Before Daylight
- Pride Goeth Before a Fall
- Photography and religion
- Driving before dawn
- The night before the carnival opens
- The Calm Before the Storm
- Before the Calm
- Before the Flood
- What if we all got jobs and got to bed before dawn?
- Before the Red Cliff Rhapsody
- Don't count your chickens before they hatch
- A Hymn Before Battle
- Don't Leave Before the Miracle
- Eighteen seconds before sunrise
- Egypt before Nasser
- How we were, before we were
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