- What the large print giveth, the small print taketh away
- The server giveth, and the server taketh away
- The company giveth and the company taketh away. Blessed be the name of the company.
- Lord John Whorfin
- Lord Acton
- What would the Lord of Eternal Darkness do?
- Lords of the Rings
- Lord Longford
- Lord Monboddo
- Lord Dunsany
- Lord Grenville
- Lord Voldemort
- Lord Baden-Powell
- Trust In The Lord With All Your Heart
- Lord of the Wasteland
- Dark Lord of the Sith
- Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
- Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty
- Time Lord
- I found the LORD that other day...
- Letter to Lord Chesterfield
- Lord Howe Island
- Shadow Lord
- Lord Stanley
- Lord Alfred Hayes
- Christ the Lord is Risen Today
- My Sweet Lord
- Lord InFa (user)
- lord (user)
- And the glory of the Lord
- The Lord's Prayer: Danish
- The Lords Of Creation
- Lord Mayor
- House of Lords
- Lord love a duck
- Lords of Law
- The Lord's Prayer
- Lord of Light
- Lord Jim
- Lord's Limerick
- Lord of Overstock
- Lord Chamberlain
- Lords of the Realm 2
- Alfred Lord Tennyson
- Lord Trenchard
- Lord Hardwicke
- The Lord's Prayer: Finnish
- Lords of Light!
- Lord Franklin
- Lords of Discipline
- Jack Lord
- Thine Arm, O Lord, in Days of Old
- The Lord's Prayer: Cherokee
- Lords Spiritual and Temporal
- Half Lord of the Fishes
- Lord Fnord (user)
- Marcher Lords
- Lord thundering Jesus!
- Praise the Lord Who Reigns Above
- Lord
- Lord Randal
- Traci Lords
- They killed our Lord
- Lord Haw Haw
- Lord of the Fries
- Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition
- Lord Refa (user)
- Four Lords of the Diamond
- I kick ass for the Lord!
- Lord Britishin Kronikat
- The Book of Lord Shang
- The Year of Our Lord
- Lord of the Dance
- The Lord Jesus Christ
- The Lord's Prayer-Gaelic
- Feudal Lords of Commerce
- Lord Blacktorne
- Lord Avery (user)
- Lord NAgasaki (user)
- The Lords and The New Creatures
- Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?
- UFOs represent the space forge of the Lord Jesus Christ preparing for the Second Coming
- The Lord's Prayer: Old English
- Lord Palmerston vs. Pitt the Elder
- Lord, have mercy
- Lords of Acid
- Lord's Resistance Army
- Lord Farquaad
- A Letter to Lord Byron
- Dark Lord
- Lord I Lift Your Name on High
- Lord Viper Scorpion
- The Duke of York's Release to John Lord Berkeley, and Sir George Carteret
- Here I am Lord
- Lord of the Cats (user)
- Dark Lord of Derkholm
- Lord Foul
- The Lord's Prayer: SMS
- Lord Frederick Verisopht
- Lord Noddy (user)
- Mary Lou Lord
- The Lord's Prayer: binary
- Lord of Misrule
- The Lords of Flatbush
- Patrick, Lord Litchfield
- The Lord's Taverners
- O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous
- Thus saith the Lord
- Lord of the Rings: Journey to Rivendell
- Lord Soth's Song
- Ee By Gum, Lord!
- have you accepted the lord jesus christ as your personal savior
- Lord of the Flings
- Lord MagnetMan (user)
- To Lord Byron
- Lord Soth
- Lord Timothy Dexter
- O Lord Thou pluckest me out
- Taste and see that the Lord is good
- The Lords of Midnight
- Lord Kelvin
- The Lord of the Rings
- Lord British
- The Young Lords
- Lords and Ladies
- Lord of the Flies
- Lord Byron
- Lord Brawl (user)
- lord high fixer
- Lord Greyhawk (user)
- Lords of the New Church
- Lords of Chaos
- Lord Jeffrey Amherst
- Lord Buckley
- Lord Kinboat (user)
- Lord seitan with pasta and mushrooms
- Seitan
- Lords of Creation
- the Great Lord Klamath (user)
- Lord Phoenix (user)
- Lord of the Files (user)
- Defer, defer, to the Lord High Executioner!
- Lord Fanny
- The Lord
- Lord Fear
- Lord Agelmar of House Jagad
- Lord Mountbatten of Burma
- Lord Bear (user)
- The Lord's Supper
- The Lord's Prayer: Latin
- Lord Burger (user)
- Lords of the Realm
- Lord Napier
- Lord, Guard and Guide the Men Who Fly
- The Lord's Prayer: Aramaic
- Lord Flashheart
- The Lord Descends Into Hell
- John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh
- Lord of Chaos
- Little Lord Fauntleroy
- Let not thy worship of the lord overshadow thy responsibility to thy fellow man
- Lord ViperScorpion
- When we was fat ( ... or, Lord Gym)
- malicious Lord (user)
- Lord Lucan
- Lord Julius
- Lord Snooty and His Pals
- Lord Byron Speaks to Parliament
- Lord Kitchener
- Lord of Emperors
- Lord Dunmore
- Lord of Nightmares
- Horatio Nelson
- shadow lord (user)
- O Gracious Lord, Accept Our Praise
- Stand Up and Bless the Lord
- Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
- Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens, Adore Him
- Lord Rush (user)
- Screaming Lord Sutch
- Lord Xero (user)
- The Lord's Prayer: Scots Gaelic (Gàidhlig)
- Lord Vetinari
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