- If you can't help it, fuck it!
- it's like something big is happening right in front of us but we can't see it
- Money can't buy happiness but the lack of it can cause a lot of misery
- If You Can't Change the Roll - We Can't Help You.
- I cannot help but think in scenes and paint in memories
- You can run, but you can't hide
- some people touch it, but they can't hold on
- i can't fit it all in but by god, i will keep trying
- But you can't take the Jungle out of the Tiger
- I'm at the station, but I can't get on the train
- You can take the mall out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the mall
- but we turn everything we touch to shit; we just can't let beauty stand
- When you can almost recognize her face, but you can't remember her name
- Maybe it's bad manners, but you still can't buy my baby
- How can I help but use your eyes as a means for self-asphyxiation?
- Help! I'm noding and I can't get up!
- The Girl Can't Help It
- you can touch the sun but you can't take it with you
- Violins can't help it
- Reality can't be whatever I want it to be, but maybe it's not so clear-cut, you know?
- I'm sorry, but we can't watch the rest of MacBeth until it is censored
- I will have her forever but I can't touch her
- Pirates and ninjas: why they should be friends but can't be
- Can't imagine why, but I feel like dancing
- It's like this train. It can't run anywhere but where its rails take it.
- Music that is either by the Sonic Youth or by some band that is ripping off the Sonic Youth, but you can't tell which
- My 486 almost runs Debian now, but I can't play Doom!
- i remember reading this but i can't remember if i liked it or not
- I bind these books, but I can't write in them; I just can't
- Help wanted. No previous experience necessary. Martyrdom not required but highly suggested.
- I can slaughter my way through Hell, but I can't kill these feelings for you
- Cemeteries are boring, but I can't seem to stay away from this one in particular.
- Once and somewhere far away I might have found peace, but now I can't live without this city.
- you can lower your standards, or your pants, but you can't make them love you
- I can't get published, but this crap can
- But I'm a good person! Yeah great you wanna help me with this or what?
- I can lie to the face of the devil himself, but I can't fool you.
- I can't express my sexual anger without being shunned but it's cool when you do it
- I've fallen and I can't get up!
- beliefs can change the world, but they can't change reality
- I can burn the hearts of the damned, but I can't stop the burning I feel for you
- Can't nothin' fail but a try
- I can get away with murder, but I can't get you out of my head
- I can't remember when I fell but I love it down here
- I can't get a girlfriend but my dog has a harem
- You can bear arms, but you can't bare breasts
- you can't change the world, but you can change the facts
- I had names for all of those places, but I can't remember them
- But who codes the coders?
- Everything But the Girl
- butt naked
- I'd tell you but then I'd have to kill you
- but
- butt set
- Mr. Butts
- Words that sound dirty but really aren't
- There is no god but God
- I want to watch pornography, but my pornograph is broken
- Every Which Way but Loose
- That'd be the butt, Bob
- Friends and lovers, but sometimes just friends
- Butt hinge
- Butt joint
- Butt weld
- We have nothing to fear but fear itself
- But I got a B- in penmanship
- But thanks for playing
- There are many like it, but this one is mine
- Bad Boys Rape Our Young Girls But Violet Gives Willingly
- I'm no fucking Buddhist, but this is Enlightenment.
- I may not know anything but I know I'm not American
- But my computer really IS possessed
- I know there are other fish in the sea but I don't want them
- Butt crack of dawn
- Lots of MIPS but no I/O
- Things people put up their butts
- Project B.U.T.T.
- It's not so much that I like him as a person God, but as a boy he's very handsome
- asking for help
- terrified but hopeful
- anti-abortion but pro-choice
- Straight but not Narrow
- I like electronic music, but I am not a raver.
- The odds are good, but the goods are odd
- Scrabble words with a Q but no U
- Monkey Butt!
- butt breath
- I'm not anorexic, but I'm working on it
- I don't want to be a weeping mass of emotion, but I am
- Japanese puns that are not funny but at least are puns
- Poetry you found that you wrote when you were ten but secretly still like
- You wouldn't know it, but I think you're achingly beautiful
- Something Childish, but Very Natural
- Genuine but Insignificant Cause
- You're laughing now, but I'm voting this sucka down
- Work where you must but live and shop in Tustin
- I have a most elegant proof of that, but this node is too small to contain it
- Sororities are nothing but social crutches
- butts ARE litter
- You may think I'm lying, but it's true
- But what are they really thinking?
- Why is there always money for war, but not for education?
- I am no doubt moving. The question now is not where, but how. My life changes everyday. Big deal.
- I love you, I want you, but you are a cruel monster
- But I digress
- If I could slip this skin but for a moment
- Sorry, but I AM my fucking khakis
- My library books are late, but I don't care
- I died for Beauty -- but was scarce
- BQN: But, one for all?
- They wrote it all in perl but it was mostly system calls
- Sexist jokes
- Yard Butt
- Figures don't lie, but liars can figure
- Not really by the rules, but...
- No, but I'll have a beer
- Free but worthless shares
- Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me
- Junk mail never has to spell your name right, but important stuff does
- I know you are, but what am I?
- You might be on a diet but you can still look at the menu
- Why mirrors reverse left and right, but not up and down
- I may not have had enough of me but I've had enough of you
- Opposites may attract, but is it a good idea?
- You need a license to have a dog, but any idiot can have a child
- A little Clint Black never killed anybody, but it did evacuate the building.
- 1991-96 were more fun years, but I'll likely get more accomplished in the year 2000 alone
- It never rains but it pours
- but aren't we all
- Cat Butt
- Butt fluffies
- What to do if you earn a lot but hate your job
- He thinks I don't, but I do
- I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it
- I'm not a rocket scientist, but
- But there are NUNS watching us!
- I don't want to wear your skin, but I will if I catch you!
- General Butt Naked
- I am capable of poetic language, but not always of poetry
- I'm gay, but I'm not sure it's genetic
- Conscription if necessary, but not necessarily conscription
- It hasn't been so long, but
- The Tesla Coil made me cry, but I got a free lunch out of it.
- Push butt: Rub hands under arm
- It did not but, I think.. it will spill hope
- I love my apartment but hate the management.
- I don't know what he was listening for, but he wasn't listening
- There's someone in my head but it's not me
- We'd kill him, but it probably wouldn't solve anything
- There was a lot of blood, but the boys needed it
- History is not just for the past, but for the future
- I don't know where he gets his words but I like them
- butt rot
- Little lights that don't blink off but fade out instead
- This Star Wars sheet may be worth something, but I just need a tablecloth
- Love is but a Fleeing Spec of Emotion
- The nothin' but coal for you, geek e2 westside holiday gathering and lan party
- Talking like a pirate is fun but annoys people
- Snowy reception on some channels but not on others
- How to develop one side of your butt and still have the other one flabby
- The good guys and the bad guys were on the back of the boat and I swear I only turned my back for a MINUTE but when I came back, they'd killed Mozart.
- Keep doing it, but don't call it that
- I feel like shit today, but I can always feel worse tomorrow
- Trust in Allah, but tie up your camel
- 'C' may be for cookie, but that's not good enough for me, dammit!
- But, my dear sir, if you educate them, they will no longer be Baptists
- My Mother and I Love Your Butt
- You know to me she's but a fetish
- It all turned out all right but there was so much pain along the way
- What do girls think about guys when they catch guys staring at their breasts, but the guy is actually trying to read her shirt?
- You may be a noder, but you ain't no dancer
- It would have been an excellent story but I had to get off the train
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