- I don't believe in God or the soul but these machines can make me cry
- Is it you, Sir, who cut me? Or is it I who cut you?
- Is it me or are there more bisexuals these days?
- Sword Lesbian, or: Give me a marker and a blank space and I shall move a bit of the world
- The Weddings I have Performed, or Why God is Gonna Kill Me
- Stand up for yourself, OR: How I got the shit kicked out of me
- Your piercing intelligence would undo or invigorate me
- a light wind is enough to make me smile or cry
- me or the gun
- Sealing wax color code, or: Stop asking me what the letter says damn you
- It's Me or the Dog
- I will REMOVE your "All your radical touching base are already occurred to the lesbian monkey puppy" philosophy on me if you don't eat my soy google balls, hatt-baby. Real or malarky?
- Here's your chance to live through me, to right your wrongs or wrong my rights
- Give Me Powerpuff Girls Hentai or Give Me DEATH
- Put That Thing Back Where it Came From or So Help Me
- Or he'll just kick me in the face and scream abstract noises and dance around outside in his underwear and have sex with the neighbor's dog and try to fly by jumping off the toilet
- you can only make me dizzy if you're spinning me in leaves or snowflakes
- Is Everything2 making me more or less intelligent?
- The braille on the door was not symbollic of my own blind search for an answer. Or maybe it was.
- i need your grace to remind me to find my own
- If poetry could describe the way you make me feel, poetry would be illegal. Or anyway I might get arrested.
- Is that massive cerebral hemorrhaging, or are you just happy to see me?
- Dogs that have owned me
- Telephone solicitors now call me at their own risk
- I take a long time to ejaculate. Do I have a problem?
- No one asks me if I'm a Satanist or anything because I take the precaution of wearing a predominantly flannel and hawaiian shirt-oriented wardrobe
- What do you know of me, or I of you?
- Ruining your illusions of me. Or cementing them.
- Love Me or Leave Me
- The Mobility Divide: or why I want you to give me $20,000 in the 21st century
- give me the truth or nothing
- I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me
- Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
- Give me assembly language, or give me death!
- Drugs Or Me
- Changing Your Life For Free (Or, 12-Step Programs?!: WTF Is In It For Me?!)
- But I'm a good person! Yeah great you wanna help me with this or what?
- I'm beginning to think that nothing I think or say makes sense to anyone but me
- I have no proof that he would ever want to kiss or destroy me.
- Don't allow an awareness of your own mortality or a sense of impending doom to spoil the moment.
- Who's dreaming it, then? You, or me?
- I don't know why but I always love episodes without words. like just something about them makes me feel calm or something..
- Everything Quest: You kids stop your fighting or I will turn this car around so help me God
- I can't decide if what you're saying is too profound for me to comprehend or just insane
- Give me Liberty or give me death
- Do you love me or are you in love?
- Give me head or the monkey gets spanked
- What Me Worry (user)
- -Me- (user)
- Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
- So Sue Me
- Does this dress make me look fat?
- /me
- bite me
- Fuck me harder
- take me away
- love me
- It's not you, it's me
- Quincy, M.E.
- Free to Be, You and Me
- Trust me
- This is my truth tell me yours
- Ya shoulda killed me last year
- If I didn't ask, I'd never know (how much you hate me)
- This music crept by me upon the waters
- O Lord Thou pluckest me out
- It could be the last time you see me alive
- Drink Me
- Eat Me
- Please Please Me
- Come to Me
- C is for cookie, and that's good enough for me
- You Really Got Me
- Me too
- Don't Crush that Dwarf, Hand Me the Pliers
- Sure, as soon as you get me back on an orbital platform
- Do you know me?
- Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
- Me and a Gun
- Rape Me
- Pour Some Sugar On Me
- That man bit me
- Excuse me
- Give me a break!
- Roger and Me
- they're all the same except for me
- Are you hitting on me?
- Let Me Entertain You
- Tell me a story about trains
- Cut me a switch, boy!
- I and me
- The cactus that told me my mom was asleep
- Please don't throw me in the briar patch!
- Rapidly advancing dairy technology has left me behind
- Mes-
- Just call me fluffy
- Speak To Me
- You remind me of the Babe
- Not me
- You're not the boss of me
- Below me
- Peel me a grape
- Roll With Me, Henry
- A letter to those who have impressed me
- Gonna go buy me some Jesus!
- Someone please kill me
- Pardon me
- Better him than me
- You may call me R.J., you may call me Ray
- Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret.
- I've got $1.19 in change, and it's impossible for me to make change for a dollar
- What makes me beautiful
- Why Robert Heinlein bugs the hell out of me
- My computer won't let me turn it off!
- Me So Horny
- Does this strategically placed leaf make me look fat?
- The Statue Got Me High
- Feigning smiles for me
- Fly Me to the Moon
- Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me
- Nothing can stop me now
- stop picking on me
- Desperate guys who 'talk' me for no apparent reason
- Commercials depress me
- Know me better, and love me better
- Places a local (like me) would take you to in New Orleans
- Windows ME
- Give Me the Damn Ball
- How to say "I can eat glass, it does not hurt me"
- Oh, look at me, I'm so drunk
- Fuck me like you fucked that horse
- Stay here with me
- Follow Me 'Ome
- The thing your aunt gave you which you don't know what it is
- Build Me Up Buttercup
- Your secret's safe with me
- Chris and What He Untaught Me
- She approached me with some vague line
- I'm so toasty, you could spread jam on me
- Me Imperturbe
- That's me inside your head
- GP, are you with me?
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