- Hot pursuit
- I always wanted to be a superhero
- On what it is like to be so crazy you can't sleep
- I Won't Be Your Yoko Ono
- every horse can be tamed by someone. but they don't always live at the same time.
- I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee
- There's got to be a way to make it sweeter, a little more like lemon meringue
- Life is not always fair, but you can be
- People in prison should be treated like animals
- Nothing could be close to quite like this
- I know what it's like to be dead
- may your fruit be like you
- i don't spend a lot of time thinking about what it feels like to be gored by a chainsaw
- Men did not always like large breasts
- What it's like to be in love
- Why I like my old car that always breaks down
- In the future, hairstyles will be just like they are now
- You Won't Be Mine
- Why I'd like to be a free-range hen
- ...does the time always drag like this?
- Tomorrow will surely be much like today.
- Would you take your shoes back now, i think I know what it is like to be you.
- Remember what it's like to be learning a musical instrument
- Don't kill your invisible husband to see what he looks like or you'll sob your heart out. But don't worry about the millions of invisible men coming to attack your village because they won't kill you if you don't know how to fight them.
- you won't be more gone than you are now
- that won't be your beneficiary
- she can't remember what it's like to be found
- you can give up, but there will always be those who do not
- I feel like shit today, but I can always feel worse tomorrow
- Because the weather is always beautiful, they don't even know that storms can be beautiful too.
- Be different, just like everyone else
- The Room Always Smells Like Refried Beans
- Making your body race so your mind won't be able to
- I want it to be more like the things I write
- Even simple things that you think are harmless can be dangerous. Like crayons. Like velvet.
- Oh I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside
- You meant for this node to be read by me, and I would like to respond
- I will always be weird inside
- I always knew I would have a 21st birthday but I never thought I'd be 21
- Like minded so you must be crazy
- If the earth won't be still, than I will.
- She must be what cocaine is like
- Be Yourself, said the buxom blonde. Just Like Everyone Else
- Why Ron Paul won't be president
- Nah, these random encounters with beautiful strangers won't destroy me at all. But I guess I thought it'd be a good way to die at the time.
- This is not a joke. It won't be easy. We will rule the world.
- I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh and they shall be drunk with their own blood like wine
- i wish i felt like teaching today, but i just want to be selfish
- Mull around in my mind for a while and you'll find so many treasure troves and so many graveyards that you won't be able to tell the difference between them
- You won't live longer, it will just feel like it
- Do you know what it is like to be alone among so many?
- What engineering textbooks should be like
- Life is like a strange, unpopular restaraunt filled with odd waiters who give you things you never asked for and don't always like.
- It Will Always Be Here For You
- It Could Always Be Worse
- I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library
- Do not be surprised, I have always been your canvas, Argenis.
- i am always searching. like a plant, i thirst forever. i cannot get enough of the light.
- we're all ready to break. has it always been like this?
- Zephronias is unfriendly to new noders, like, sometimes but not always. Depends on several astronomical variables
- I don't have a postmodern condition; I've always been like this
- I always sound Irish when I'm trying to be charming
- I worry that no matter how hard I pray, you'll always be just out of my reach
- I don't know why but I always love episodes without words. like just something about them makes me feel calm or something..
- Be a model or just look like one
- If there were more people like you, there would be less people
- I never thought it would be like this
- I have to admit, I always wanted to be a necromancer
- Not flushing public toilets can't be always construed as an act of laziness
- I Won't Be Home For Christmas
- What life after death will really be like
- Salazar won't be turned to stone
- Most adults forget what it was like to be a child once they hit a certain age
- This guy in the computer lab who looks like he should be a doctor
- What is it like to be a bat?
- What it's like to be skinny
- Overpopulation won't be a problem
- Just to see what it would be like
- You don't have to be a vegetarian to like vegetarian food
- Might be like leftovers. Would not taste the same, however sweet.
- What would existence be like for a child born with no senses?
- Why I won't be at commencement
- Look siad me Be like me
- Mind without body
- Won't you be my neighbor?
- X is the Y of the future, and always will be
- It is like what we imagine knowledge to be: dark, salt, clear, moving, utterly free.
- We won't die secret deaths anymore. The world only spins forward. We will be citizens.
- silly, to not be in love at a rhyme like this
- What it's like to be free of the FBI
- What it's like to be questioned by the FBI
- we always knew we'd find someone just like you
- I like to be reminded this city survives because of these machines.
- I've read books so I know things that sound like they could be true
- Much like what music wants to be
- When I look into her eyes, I no longer care about what the world thinks. This is what it feels like to be alive.
- What it's like to be raided by the FBI
- Why RuPaul won't be president
- it wouldn't be so bad if people like you would have become ghosts too
- If there were more people like you, there would be more people
- The kids round here look just like shadows, always quiet, holding hands
- I will always be in the details
- There must be something terribly wrong with me. Sometimes I feel like I haven't learned anything.
- Weather can be pretty, yet so damaging. Sort of like some men I know
- what will the internet be like five hundred years from now?
- I have always considered warnings to be a kind of dare
- she likes to dance on the edge. it's all she's known and she won't change now
- I don't like her because she won't like me
- Look now. We won't be able to see this again.
- I always liked the breasts that talked about existentialism.
- Don't ever lie. If you lie to your friends, they won't trust you, and you'll have nothing, and you'll never be safe.
- With him it was always like
- If it barks like a fish, it must be a duck
- Always Be My Baby
- I don't always want you to be nice
- Genderflip this and you won't like it: Part II
- Genderflip this and you won't like it
- The sound of the violin will always be the sound of my disintegrating marriage
- Who is the third who walks always beside you?
- Alway
- I always assume innocence
- I think I know that I am almost always afraid.
- You always hurt the one you love
- It's always a pleasure to elevate a bad mood to an abstract principle
- Why is there always money for war, but not for education?
- It's hard to know what to say when a friend's parent they always hated suddenly dies
- The door is always open
- Always the bridesmaid and never the bride
- They always jump off the east side
- Always standing on the edge, you forced me in heart first
- You don't always have to disagree, or agree for that matter
- When visiting a city, always use its public transportation
- Always manipulate a tongue
- Cheese is always female
- The boss' machine is always the one to die first.
- Salvation doesn't always come from a Bible
- It's always for those damn children
- Once JPEG, always JPEG
- Two bronze medals will always besmirch Marion Jones' record
- The Thief of Always
- I always loved the smell of dying candles
- The always charming US Customs Guards at the American/Canadian Border
- I have always been burning
- The Road Always Taken
- Why oh why did the black crayon always die first?
- Always on My Mind
- Last year was always better
- Why is it that the alien mortal enemies of humanity always have some fatal flaw?
- letter-writing is always before an absent addressee
- first impressions don't always count
- The majority is always wrong
- You always lose
- Politeness is always in order
- What almost always happens after you fall in love
- The Postman Always Rings Twice
- those who don't fit into the herd are always recognized
- In the real world, it is almost always women and not men who are waiting under windows
- We have always lived in the castle, Shirley
- You always spend a dollar as if you were spending a wounded eagle
- How Eulenspiegel always rode a dun horse
- It always smells good after the rain. It's raining hard now.
- This exact place where we laughed so much and the way you said my name will echo always in my brain
- I will always remember my 19th birthday
- Popular wisdom to the contrary, it's not always the right time for sushi
- The dream is always the same...
- The End Of The Way It's Always Been
- The rain wasn't always kind
- I remember, I always will
- She was never mine. I always shared her.
- It is important go out for a late walk in the new snow
- an honest man is always in trouble
- The poor are always with us
- Always accept an offered drink
- It's always showtime, here at the edge of the stage
- It's always lunchtime, here in the land of the dead
- the best things in life cost large amounts, and the currency isn't always money
- In the war between information and poetry, poetry always wins.
- I've always wanted to hear Morrissey sing the theme song from "The Love Boat"
- always already
- life always kills (user)
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