- Where were you when someone asked where you were when something happened
- Where was that stooped and mealy-coloured old man I used to call poppa when the merry-go-round broke down?
- Where were you when the Space Shuttle Columbia exploded?
- When to purchase fresh vegetables
- Aristotle's Lost Library, Medieval Andalusia & Chinese Paper, or How Europe Learned to Learn Again and Why the Renaissance Happened When & Where It Did
- where was your heart when we needed it most?
- No purchase necessary, void where prohibited.
- Who what when where why & how
- Let's run away to where the shooting stars fall and meet them when they land
- Where are all the menstrual huts when you need them?
- Where do you hide when the dark is alive?
- November 4, 1995
- Where was that stooped and mealy-colored old man I used to call poppa when the merry-go-round broke down?
- there is a special kind of loneliness when you are not where your mind is
- Where do dogs get their Vitamin C from, when they don't eat fruits?
- When men were men, women were women, and you knew where you were going in life
- Where I go when I masturbate
- Where were you when Kennedy was shot?
- Where do butterflies go when it rains?
- Where were you that Saturday when it rained?
- Where and when
- I need these blue and black halos for comfort, to remind me where I am, who I am, when I am
- When mind blindness strikes your child, where do you go?
- Where were you when the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded?
- Where does the song go when the needle is lifted?
- Where do they go when they walk out and leave the body behind?
- When people ask "Where are you from?" I have to think for a minute
- Where people go when people die
- Where were you when the Eschaton arrived?
- Where do they keep the car keys when they transport cars?
- Where are the animal lovers when you need 'em?
- Amazon.Com Purchase Circles
- Capitalism urges you to define yourself through your purchases
- proof of purchase
- no purchase necessary
- hire purchase
- Jackson purchase
- Gadsden Purchase
- Purchase Line
- Toehold purchase
- Seven steps to successfully settling disputes over online purchases
- Year's purchase
- Hire purchase agreement
- Hire and purchase agreement
- Purchases
- Purchase Renova (user)
- Car Purchase (user)
- happiness purchased on credit
- Compulsory purchase order
- SUNY Purchase
- When the shit hits the fan
- Why matter cannot reach the speed of light
- when
- When You Come
- speak only when spoken to
- Crying when you go to the bathroom
- When lovely woman stoops to folly
- When I said yes
- Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead
- I walk around when I'm high
- One of the most irritating things that can happen when talking
- When I Die
- When having sex in Poland
- When having sex in Germany
- When having sex in ancient Rome
- When having sex in Binary
- Time flies when you're having fun
- When silence reads tension
- What I wrote when I was missing David
- when your snoring began
- Climbing cherry trees when I was younger
- When The Pawn...
- When's your birthday?
- A poem I wrote when I was 5
- When The Tigers Broke Free
- You know you are addicted to Everything when
- This is the place you see in your head when you're sitting at your desk dreaming
- How do you know when someone's your best friend?
- When an octopus becomes upset, it may eat itself
- What happens when we die?
- Strangers when we meet
- When I was your age
- When The Levee Breaks
- Times when you MUST have a smoke
- When I'm Sixty-Four
- Things to remember when buying new underwear
- Who needs another person when you have yourself?
- When in doubt, get horizontal
- When pigs fly
- The truth and who I am when I look at it
- i like my body when it is with your
- When serpents bargain for the right to squirm
- When you grow up, your heart dies
- Things to do on Valentine's day when you're single
- When We Were Kings
- The feeling you get when you hold someone's hand
- The hole in the ground for bodily waste when camping
- When am I an adult?
- when the wind is blowing just right
- When Prophecy Fails
- What Italian guys are really talking about when they say "Ey Oh"
- Teach Yourself Scheme: 4.1 'when' and 'unless'
- My heart feels filled with warm water when I think of these things
- That icky feeling when a client calls with a downed server and you have no clue how to fix it
- When it's raining
- When I Read the Book
- Don't stop. You can sleep when you're dead.
- What to do when your car breaks down
- You knew I was a rattlesnake when you picked me up
- You ever have one of those days where you go, "Well. This might as well happen."
- For when you and your shiftless friends get something to eat
- For when you and your shiftless friends go shopping
- For when you and your shiftless friends are thinking about seeing a movie
- For when you and your shiftless friends finally go home
- Back when grunge was still cool
- It only hurts when I breathe
- When life gives you lemons make lemonade
- When life gives you lemons, just shut up and eat your damn lemons
- When life gives you lemons, grab it by the throat and demand better
- Which way should you move your brush when doing Japanese calligraphy?
- When you cut yourself shaving
- When I Heard at the Close of Day
- When you wake up feeling old
- When I Peruse the Conquer'd Fame
- When that cow would walk it was like she was dancing
- when we were children
- Silly things we believe when we're kids
- What I left when I left you
- We'll burn that bridge when we get to it
- The cluelessness of the press when writing about computer crime
- Poetry you found that you wrote when you were ten but secretly still like
- I'll give up printf() when you pry my cold dead fingers from it
- What We Talk about When We Talk About Love
- Things men want when they're drunk
- When Trumpets Fade
- When life gives you lemons
- When I have Fears that I may Cease to Be
- When boomboxes came with little internal mics
- When you work at a supermarket
- When the log rolls over we will all be dead
- Stupid scary stories you heard when you were a kid
- When You Are Old
- Everybody Eats When They Come to My House
- When it all comes together
- When to Shake
- When you're dead, you're dead
- When Raves Attack!
- When cats rub you
- When It's Iris Time In Tennessee
- I wonder when I learned to smile when I was being hurt
- When You Wish Upon a Star
- Made direct amends to such people wherever possible except when to do so would injure them or others
- When your mind races, who wins?
- When your presents give me hives
- You know you've done psychedelic drugs
- Good foods to eat when you first get a tongue piercing
- That great feeling when the dice go your way
- The feeling you get when meeting an ex-partner soon after you split
- Mixed drinks you come up with when you're drunk
- When they come they'll eat the fat ones first
- When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer
- It's hard to know what to say when a friend's parent they always hated suddenly dies
- Things to do when technology gets here
- when you were words
- When good code goes bad
- How to tell when a guy just wants to be friends
- How to tell when your dog just wants to be friends
- When you can't talk about what your sexual needs are
- The dimples of your breasts do pucker evocatively when you smile
- When not to break up with your girlfriend
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