user since
Sat Jul 6 2002 at 05:36:56 (22.7 years ago )
number of write-ups
36 - View loquacious's writeups (feed)
level / experience
5 (Crafter) / 1854
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
self-referential nostalgia of questionable historical value.
I seek the strange cheese.
most recent writeup
Utah Rave Bust - Versus 2
Send private message to loquacious

Update 3/1/2006: working, slacking, over on metafilter for short attention span posting, etc.

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T h e   C o m p u t e r   i s   Y o u r   F r i e n d

More than iron, more than lead, more than gold I need electricity. I need it more than I need pork or lettuce or cucumber. I need it for my dreams.

e p i p h a n y

Something just crystallized for me. The thing that fascinates me most about all this online, geography-less archipelago-ness is that eventually, someone(s), somewhere(s) is going to formulate an entirely *new* form of self-government, rule, and social order based on these 'toys' we've been playing with - because toys are tools, tools to play with to learn to use real tools - and run with it. One that doesn't require friction and a reduction in one's "me-ness" to work at any level. And it's going to work, by fuck. And we're gonna dance in the streets and gleefully, delightfully tear down all the old, broken, non-working *things* and recycle them right there - wherever we are right then - into what really works for right now. And just maybe then, we'll all realize that law, morals, justice, and order are mutable, ductile. As flexible as we want them to be. And we'll grow like kudzu towards the stars. Why did it take X years for me to be able to put that into words? It's always been there!

-me, to someone i don't need to name @ 3:30 am, 8-26-2003, discussing online community building, and communities in general.

An official thank you to the collective known as E2. Thank you for teaching me how to write. Thank you for teaching me how to read. Thank you for teaching me how to listen. Thank you for teaching me how to think.

Thank you for teaching me how to teach.

Thank you for showing me how to wait in the soft quiet of a dew soaked morning, truly still, truly breathing - yearning for nothing but dawn. Thank you for making me laugh milk out of my nose. Thank you for polishing me with fire, love, and loathing, even all at once.

Thank you for reminding me of what I knew, for what I know, for what I could, would, and should know. But most of all, thank you for showing me what I don't know.

Thank you - all of you - noders fled and found, for so much incredible knowledge, so much humanity, so much artistry and craft.

Thank you for everything.

Everything you've learned in school as "obvious" becomes less and less obvious as you begin to study the universe. For example, there are no solids in the universe. There's not even a suggestion of a solid. There are no absolute continuums. There are no surfaces. There are no straight lines.

- R. Buckminster Fuller

The world we have created is a product of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.

- Albert Einstein

Someday after mastering winds, waves, tides and gravity, we shall harness the energies of love, and then, for the second time in the history of the world, man will discover fire.

- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

See: Noosphere

"In the West, I do not think it advisable to follow Buddhism. Changing religions is not like changing professions. Excitement lessens over the years, and soon you are not excited, and then where are you? Homeless inside yourself."

- The Dalai Lama

let there be peace

Recommended reading: Ishmael, The Story of B, My Ishmael
by Daniel Quinn.

/me misses automaus.

“Wakey wakey!” she called, and the reality of the moment hit home for me: this wasn’t on the lesson-plan.

“Come on, heads up! This is not a drill. The University of Toronto Department of Sociology is under new management. If you’ll set your handhelds to ‘receive,’ we’ll be beaming out new lesson-plans momentarily. If you’ve forgotten your handhelds, you can download the plans later on. I’m going to run it down for you right now, anyway.

“Before I start though, I have a prepared statement for you. You’ll probably hear this a couple times more today, in your other classes. It’s worth repeating. Here goes:

“We reject the stodgy, tyrannical rule of the profs at this Department. We demand bully pulpits from which to preach the Bitchun gospel. Effective immediately, the University of Toronto Ad-Hoc Sociology Department is in charge. We promise high-relevance curriculum with an emphasis on reputation economies, post-scarcity social dynamics, and the social theory of infinite life-extension. No more Durkheim, kids, just deadheading! This will be fun.”

Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom

Viva Typo Death Squad!

trybonun is my unofficial mentee. If she misbehaves, let me know, and I'll go get the hose. She needs the intellectual stimulation of this place, and I think she'll fit in just fine. I just feel sorry for her kids, though... ;) Like she needs another reason to be online too much. :P

And I tell you, if you have the desire for knowledge and the power to give it physical expression, go out and explore...You will sledge nearly alone, but those with whom you sledge will not be shopkeepers; that is worth a good deal. If you march your winter journeys you will have your reward, so long as all you want is a penguin's egg.

-Apsley Cherry-Garrard, in The Worst Journey in the World

Warehouse 23 Manifest
Level 5 Item #65782

You open one of the 1005 boxes on this floor and find...

Your SaniTest(TM) Results

Your score is:143 For easier understanding, the HPLHS SaniTest assessment algorithm converts your raw score to a scale of 1 to 10. This number is your INSANITY INDEX.

INSANITY INDEX 8.22 This score is fairly high, and it suggests that you're what mental health professionals call 'raving.' Although this condition approaches the really dangerous end of the madness spectrum, people who score at this level tend to content themselves with writing numerous angry letters. Other notable 'ravers' include whimsical cartoonist Edward Gorey and TV evangelist Jimmy Swaggart.

Take the SaniTest:

13:20: Lord Brawl is distracted by How to destroy the Earth and forgets to do peculiar things to sam512
13:24: loquacious: "peculiar things" indeed. I've seen pictures. I'm pretty sure that was illegal, what with the manatee, liquid latex and oil refinery.
13:25: sam512 was washing latex out of his hair for a week afterwards.
13:25: Lord Brawl: We do our best work at Sealand, where the laws are loose.
13:26: Andromache01: it's those secret orca drug rings.
13:27: Kit goes off to do peculiar things in a corner
13:30: loquacious: Corners are certainly the second best places to do peculiar things.
13:32: loquacious: The very best places to do peculiar things are nice places like churches or shopping malls.
13:34: Lord Brawl: nice != mall
13:35: loquacious: Oh, they have such nice things there! You really should try it. So many wonderful, nice, flammable things! *shivers*
13:36: spiregrain: "mall" is from the norman french "mal" meaning "bad"
13:36: Lord Brawl: loq++

13:59: wertperch: Now that's cleared *that* up, thank you. Can we leave my nuts out of the rest of the conversation?
13:59: loquacious: The Vap-O-Rub thing is a fluke, anyway. People just glom on to it like it's some sort of totally outrageously freaky thing. People smoke menthols for the same reasons. It's no freakier than cars and freeways or rollercoasters. >>
13:59: loquacious: >> Most of the human race is fscking batshit nuts anyway, it's just a matter of perspective.
13:59: skow: shaving your nuts on the other hand...
14:00: loquacious: shaving your nuts isn't crazy, letting grow back in is.
14:01: loquacious: Shaving your nuts and then dipping them in Vap-O-Rub is just suicidal. I'd rather punch myself in the junk with an ingot of steel.
14:02: skow: what do you mean be "letting grow back IN"?
14:02: loquacious: letting IT grow back in...
14:02: Magus: ya don't have to shave em to put a little smell-good down there
14:03: wertperch: "the junk"? What kind of talk is that, then?
14:03: loquacious: /msg wertperch i guess i shouldn't mention the bikini-waxing with icy-hot patches party, then? christ.
14:04: loquacious punches wertperch in the junk.
14:04: loquacious: :)
14:05: wertperch grabs his +2 pointy stick and approaches loquacious
14:05: skow: I think it's better not to start shaving them boys in the forst place
14:05: loquacious: Why are all of you looking at me like I'm insane?
14:05: TenMinJoe: wertperch is trying to buy me off with XP! It's a coverup I tell you! You can't silence the tr-mmphpmmppmph
14:05: skow: first
14:06: loquacious grabs his +9 SOLDERING IRON OF JUSTICE and does a little funky dance.
14:06: skow grabs his +88 boys and runs for safety
14:06: wertperch nods to the black-clad men waiting in the doorway, and grins as they cart the wriggling body to the Vat
14:07: wertperch: Oh, really? I still have my Vorpal Handbag of Doom, y'know
14:08: skow: ta
14:09: loquacious: Yeah? Can you turn it inside out like I can do with this ∞ +1 bag of holding?
14:10: wertperch: That's shut things down, I feel. *wipes hands and leaves*
14:10: loquacious: Oh. Shit...
14:10: TenMinJoe: NO don't turn the infinity handbag inside out are you INSANE you'll destroy the UNIVERSE!
14:10: wertperch: Oh, shit. I may be in trouble now. He's using topological weapons of mad deduction
14:11: TenMinJoe: SET wertperch = wertperch + 1
14:11: loquacious: I meant to grab the ∞ /0 bookbag of indefinate due dates. Christ.
14:12: Magus: anyhow, its like I always say: Its GOOD to douse yer pheremone ejectors with the fragrant oils of Babylon. I always say that.
14:12: EDB packs his bags and escapes while there's still time
14:14: Magus takes note of the current catbox happenings and leaps into his portable hole
14:14: TenMinJoe: Wow that can't be good, EDB is scared? Aiee.
14:15: TenMinJoe hides behind the sofa
14:17: loquacious: Damn. Well, on the plus side, I finally figured out how to scare EDB. On the minus side, it involved no less than the nullification of the entire universe as we know it. It's been real.
14:17: kozmund: Rope trick! Cast Rope Trick!
14:17: loquacious: If only slightly irrational.

I couldn't ask for a better 3 year E2 B-day present. Rawk.

loquacious has swallowed EDB. EDB slimy, like GIANT SQUID!

EDB has swallowed loquacious. loquacious is good food!


mcd ya had to expect that, loq

oakling watches in awe


12:10: loquacious: What is this "sex" thing you speak of? Does it have anything to do with math? I hate math.
12:15: shaogo: loq: the math of sex is typically 1+1=2. But then again, I failed calculus.
12:17: eien_meru: I thought sex was more about 1+1=1, but I'm idealistic and romantic like that.
12:23 Oolong: The biology of straight sex ⇒ 1+1 ≥ 2.

05:31: ac_hyper thinks that the dubbed, censored version of Cowboy Bebop shown on Adult Swim is a travesty, and would gladly loan DVDs if she wasn't paranoid about losing them in the mail
05:32: ac_hyper: They actually censored an image of two men holding hands!!'
05:32: ac_hyper: They actually censored an image of two men holding hands!!
05:32: ac_hyper: how the hell did I double-post?
05:36: loquacious: What is: ac_hyper is a retard? I'll take Noders are Nutters for $500, Alex.
05:37: kthejoker: I think that was worth the outrage of double posting.
05:37: ac_hyper: I oughta borg you for that one! I'm not a retard, the nice lady at school said I was special.
05:38: lawnjart: you were that shocked?
05:38: eliserh: Sadece aptallik edenler aptaldirlar
05:40: ac_hyper: I was indeed that shocked, and I have a spastic pinky finger that loves lashing out at the enter key
05:41: loquacious: ac: since when have you had borg power? (and you know i meant that in the nicest way possible. freak.)
05:42: Ouroboros: The death of a disco dancer, well it happens a lot 'round here
05:44: ac_hyper: I'm sekritly a goddess here. Either that or someone's been messing with my humility meds again.
05:45: loquacious: secretly a goddess? psh.
05:46: EDB has swallowed loquacious. moist noder flesh
05:50: momomom: ++ac
05:50: yermo: EDB can't do that sort of thing to loquacious!!!
05:51: ac_hyper smirks and raises one eyebrow like Spock
05:52: Ouroboros tosses EDB a few giant-sized TUMS.
06:09: loquacious crawls out of the borg's steaming gullet. He appears to have a length of intestine or something clenched in his teeth.
06:09: loquacious: ac, that was meant to be a compliment, silly. everyone knows you're a goddess!


(r) ac_hyper says you crack me up, you crack me down
(r) momomom says LMAO! That'l learn ya

07:35: Andara refuses to consider that the EDB is other than a 'he'
07:36: Teiresias primes himself to beat ariels if he goes on to mention AYB
07:37: slide: erm.. well,.. Well....If I absolutely had to fuck a guy...., let it be edb.
07:38: EDB has swallowed slide. Mmmm...
07:39: Andara: well... slide got something close to what was wanted.....
07:40: TheBooBooKitty: EDB is a lot like one of those cruel aztec gods also.
07:41: TheBooBooKitty Dives down EDBs throat with a knife to get slide out!
07:42: EDB has swallowed TheBooBooKitty. EDB needed that!
07:42: Teiresias: The BooBooKitty is clearly insane - slide ain't worth braving the 'orrid gastric juices of the EDB for
07:42: Andara calls out, "who didn't see that one coming?"
07:43: ariels: Shall we seal the exits, Mr. T?
07:45: Teiresias: MR A ,I think we should

22:54: loquacious gives EDB a nuzzle or two.
22:56: OberonDarksoul: Aw... loq and EDB, so happy together.
22:57: MrRadioheadFan: So, loq, EDB...when can we expect little Loquacious Borgs?
22:59: EDB licks loquacious and drools
23:01: allseeingeye: Resistance is fucking futile, beeotch
23:03: loquacious: I'm so happy I think I'm gonna explode.

Public catbox msgs taken out of context and archived here for posterity.

RalphyK: Mounted Justice? Sounds like a bunch of gay cowboys eating pudding.

argh! it's a south park quote! i've been had!

Simulacron3: In the beggining was the Word, and the Word was AHAHAHA.

caknuck: I cannot define E2 in less than thirteen syllables. After that point, I lose interest in trying and begin to yearn for pornography

23:10: allseeingeye: Just the other day I was saying "didn't this used to taste like rosemary" and the burro just stared and gave off a burnt coffee aroma.
23:10: wordnerd: Let's hear it for homenode edits. And proper nutrition.

allseeingeye: that place confuses me. There can be only one responce. DESTROY. My monkey hindbrain demands it.


dannye: My favorite was when the image (an old codger w/ a cane and felt hat) would pop up and say, "Only a shitlicking nunfucker would put a goddamn comma there."

TenMinJoe: Yeah, it's a whole big licky thing isn't it.

Halspal: And just who the fuck are you?

RalphyK: wow, I never thought I'd be dead and getting molested by a drugged up loquacious - is there anything e2 can't do?

allseeingeye is a 4999 year old Necromancer from Persia. Dang.

Swap What can I say. I'm fascinated with genitals.

drownzsurf: I fell in love with someone from the neck down....
amnesiac: the head is overrated

amnesiac: In one window I have the words 'vega volitility factors for equity derivatives' and in the other 'they're doing it upside down hanging from a branch'. Hmmmm which window to look at?

dannye: If I'm going to watch Asian porn I would prefer they be tied up in those ropes which send fibres from their schoolgirl outfits into their teenage flesh like so many accupunture penises. But that may just be me.

knifegirl gendershocks the gendermonkey

ascorbic: Buy an iPod. As religions go, it's cheaper than most.

Transitional Man: You haven't heard my church choir or the von Beckerath organ . . . it's enough to give you religion

m_turner: If baby's first word is loc-nar, is it time to worry?


knifegirl is the Illuminatard

Auron has vaporized LSD been pumped into the vents of the chatterbox or something?


TenMinJoe raps knuckles on solid LSD catbox to demonstrate SharQ's


IWhoSawTheFace trips to gritchka's fabulous prose

loquacious licks the catbox passionately.

09:35: loquacious: Dagnabbit. I can't remember the URL syntax for plaintext nodehits. (Like, if you wanted a URL for an intentionally random search list)

09:35: loquacious: (Or a URL with the nodetitle embedded in human-readable spoo)

09:37: Kit: A dingo ate my baby!

09:38: loquacious: Shove off you filthy git! It mine first!

09:39: avalyn: perhapsadingo8yrbaby?

09:39: Kit gasps I don't think I've ever been called a filthy git before.

09:40: loquacious: s/ et mine/ it ate mine/ drunkdrankdronkdork

09:41: loquacious: no, a dingo ate *your* baby

09:42: Kit: My mom's a stupid whore.

09:44: loquacious: Woah now, don't talk about my girlfriend like that. I'll tan your hide.

09:44: avalyn: If I was 80 years younger, I'd box your ears!

09:45: Kit: Yeah, well... I think your girlfriend is certifiable.

09:46: loquacious: Yeah, well, if I marry her I'll be your mean older brother AND your abusive step-dad, you silly punk!

09:48: Kit: You can't possibly be more abusive than her.

09:48: Kit bites her thumb at you.

09:51: Kit: Aaaanyways.... I'm gonna go get some food.,

09:52: Kit: /clear

ascorbic I'm using a log that i bought pre-innoculated with spores.

Kill Your Television

Theodore Sturgeon
More Than Human

Yanqui U.X.O.
Everything I-Ching
Warning: Splinters off into a thousand directions
I Can't Sleep
Dr Strabismus (Whom God Preserve) of Utrecht
Blowing Up Your Mind


music currently in playlist:

Coil's Remote Viewer. Bootleg. Original limited to 500 copies. Live? Featuring: John Balance, Peter Christopherson, Simon Norris, Cliff Stapleton and Mike York. Amazing, amazing stuff. Take a bit of Saucerful of Secrets and Meddle (sans guitar!), mix it with dub, world beat, slavic folk music, and electric-washy bagpipe sounds. Garnish with magick and noise. Anneal and enamelize in a ornately ornamented electric, eclectic kiln until finely glossed and crackled. Highly recommended.

Received! Rise up, bloody bones mix CD by panamaus. Thanks maus!

Boards of Canada - Coil - Surgeon - Halfer Trio - Jega - Negativland

Current 93
Calling for Vanished Faces - The Inmost Night - The Inmost Light - All the Pretty Little Horses

Herbert - Cylob - Bochum Welt - Single Cell Orchestra - Lego Feet

Christian Vogel - Milk Cult - Thomas Krome - Cari Lekebusch - The Advent

Pop Will Eat Itself - Tom Waits - Carl Craig - Stacey Pullen - Juan Atkins

Yuppster - Ascii Disco - Lexaunculpt - nullsleep - rolemodel - Tones on Tail

Marufura Fufunjiru's Domino Day ( - Nurse With Wound - Dead Can Dance

Casino Versus Japan - Psychic TV - pthalocyanine - radiohead's amnesiac

Random reactions from my grandma to the music I listen to:

"Phew! What is that noise?! That's weird!" to boards of canada's remix of Meat Beat Manifesto's Prime Audio Soup.

"It makes me want to do a funny dance!" to Dave Clark's Electro Boogie Vol. 2, track 4 - world class wreckin' cru - surgery. "That's what it's supposed to do, grandma!" She even did a little hand flare like she was boogieing down in a warehouse. I don't think she's ever seen trance dancing. Cool, that.

"It's making me nervous and jittery! I'd rather not listen to that..." Phillip Glass' Floe. Honestly, I thought she'd like this one. It's an orchestra at least, and not music for taking drugs to make music to take drugs to. :)

my high contrast theme for crappy laptop LCD screens, with purple logo. best used with softlink gradient off. (this homenode best viewed with this theme! ;) )




Do Not Attempt Adjustment Without

Proper Knowledge and Proper Tools.



#14939 +(-47)- [X (abdooooooooo) there is deffeclt ststes we have to talk about it whan the you face it (speaciel when you are strenger in other land).(ÇøÍ íÇ Òãä ÇáÚÌÇíÈ ÇáÐí ÇÐÇ ÝÊÍÊ Ýãß ÞÇáæÇ ãÏÑí ãÇáß)i want to talk about man that was in his way with peasce and with succece and suddnly people(who isnt know who are them untel now)want to (may be)made defamation or not .(he doesnt know ).the important thing he is trying to uncover them.he doesnt know what is round to him and they d

Quoting myself, from Halspal's homenode, during a moment of uncommon lucidity. If I may.

E2 is the way the internet was supposed to be. E2 is a reference collection, a novel that writes itself, poetry that reads to itself, and the shiny toy that never grows dull. It is the potential to exceed the sum of its parts.

	The Master said, (The good man) does not grieve
	that other people do not recognise his merits.  His
	only anxiety is lest he should fail to recognise theirs.

-Confucius, K'ung Fu-tzu, Kong fuzi

homenode spotting:


My baby daughter has a message to all Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, Jews, Mystics, Scientists, Agnostics, Hutu's, Tutsi's, Hindi, Bahaai, Nihilists, Existentionalists, Theosophists, Buddhists, Taoists, Maoists, Marxists, Libertarians, Fascists, Socialists, Veganists, Vegans, Pseudo-Intellectualists, Left wing, Right wing, Exceptionalists, Pacifists, Alchemists, Ravers, Gothics, Sk8ters, Noders, Plumbers, Hippies, Punkers etc. etc. and NATE out there: Why don't we at least stop killing eachother and share a nice bottle of kosher/helal/soy/cow/mother's milk?

*snort* is that nano-nano in yer pants or are you just happy to see me?

"People are saying, 'Geez, this isn't Star Trek yet; this is just pants that don't stain,' but you've got to start somewhere," said Howard Lovy, news editor of the nanotech industry journal Small Times. "I'm wearing nanopants as we speak."

"Hehehe hey what's up?" "nothing, man" "Hey, why don'tchew put on that MC, the MC... uh... the... with, y'know the one that had the thing, and the stuff, and the, I... y'know I don't remember exactly but it was tiiight! Why dontcha put that on?" "I think I deleted it." "WHaaa hahaha? What'dya mean you deleted it?" Psst. It was MC Frontalot.

QuantumBeep says: Your homenode is an interstellar corporation in the womb of the Great Her. Just thought you should know.

nocodeforparanoia says: i just read your homenode. my god. i need a cigarette. that was intense.

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