- There shall be no more cakes and ale?
- There will be no more stories to read
- If everyone had a flower instead of a gun, there would be no more war
- There need to be more powers
- Spiral, spin, ride the whirlwind, knowing when the drumming stops, there will be no second dance
- Don't want to be lonely no more
- if everyone were 10% more good, there would be a 90% reduction in evil
- Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil -- for tonight I have broken my own heart, and my soul is too empty to be afraid.
- In such bounty there can be no shortage
- If there were more people like you, there would be more people
- it would be in everybody’s best interest if there were more creative and critical thinkers analyzing the situation and broadcasting their observations
- there was at that moment no one more rightful dead than that unknown and faceless man
- Sometimes people will tell you that there are no options and they will be wrong.
- Foam on the tide is no more or less real than the sea, it simply is, was, will be
- If there were more people like you, there would be less people
- Think no more, lad; laugh, be jolly
- Now he can be loved. Now he is no more.
- There are no more Horse Names in the Republic
- There's got to be a way to make it sweeter, a little more like lemon meringue
- Suicide is punishable by resurrection. There will be no exceptions.
- If you behave there will be cake for the miscreants we call your brothers
- asking only to be stared into, offering no reward
- nor was there anything to be attained that you didn't already have
- Be there or be square
- Having gotten myself into a position where I can have my cake and eat it too, I feel no compulsion to get up from the table
- And the rest shall be written in the pages of future past.
- lest there should be among you a root that beareth gall and wormwood
- One day, E2 will attain sentience. And I'll be there to see it.
- How to get Apache to be a bit more secretive
- And Man Said, "Let There Be God."
- If you budget one more year for this behaviour, it will certainly be the last year of your life
- If only our tongues were made of glass, how much more careful we would be when we speak.
- On the comet there will be much pie
- I Shall Not Be Moved
- No place I'd rather be
- do not look upon her; you shall be blinded
- Two Shall Be Born
- there are people who are gone but wanted me to be happy
- and i just want to be there when the lightning strikes
- To Be There
- No More Cocoons
- Faith No More
- What I really want is for my troubles to be a puddle on your shoulder
- The vanity of a woman demands that a man be more than a happy husband
- After this, everything got louder and no one could be heard
- there are some things that can only be said at the top of a ferris wheel
- There has to be a better way to make human beings
- It ought to be broad daylight, but the shadow that envelops the story shows no signs of brightening
- You may be a noder, but you ain't no dancer
- And Ink Shall Be Your Blood
- panamaus does the Antipodes, or Get yer shorts on Sydney, there be a NoderParty!
- all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well
- people who were not to be trifled with; people who would dance, and had no notion of walking
- How precious can human life be? There are six billion people on the planet!
- How to be a more productive writer
- In the spark of an enemy, there will be salvation
- in a world where the bar keeps seeming to be lower, where stupidity has got a foothold, there is room for excellence and uncompromising vision
- it's good for me to go and not have there be words
- There's a sign on the wall. But she wants to be sure. Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
- I worry that no matter how hard I pray, you'll always be just out of my reach
- Until I die there will be sounds. And they will continue following my death. One need not fear about the future of music.
- The more you eat, the more there are
- They shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever
- There must be something terribly wrong with me. Sometimes I feel like I haven't learned anything.
- Be a problematic duck over there
- Pray ferverently to what gods there be
- There could still be a reunion of The Band
- There will be time, there will be time, to prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet
- There will be nobody there to shed a tear
- It's not that we're more attractive in the darkness or that one of us may be drunk
- Who is more likely to be color-blind, men or women?
- Be sweet honey cakes
- No one can be unhappy with a fresh box of crayons
- What would existence be like for a child born with no senses?
- There was never supposed to be an Episode 7, 8, or 9
- No threat should be taken lightly
- We knew there would be kissing, and breasts
- There will never be another you
- How can something be more beautiful than it is?
- Lesbian Robot Vampires : All Shall Be Victorias, None Shall Survive
- There ought to be limits to freedom
- If not for bras there would be far too little between men and breasts.
- An apocalypse is no time to be wearing a ballgown.
- And there will be whores and rumors of whores
- When I look into her eyes, I no longer care about what the world thinks. This is what it feels like to be alive.
- Nothing could possibly be more satisfactory!
- One more robot learns to be something more than a machine.
- No one wants to be a nihilist
- When I stop going there, I will be well.
- There Will Be Blood
- My life may no longer be my own
- There Must Be Someone
- Would you be more of a Jekyll or a Hyde?
- Let there be another next time
- Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
- I am more than the impulse to be seen
- There Will Be Pieces of You
- the last shall be first and the first shall be last
- "By their very nature, negatives ought to be more abstract {than positives}."
- A terrible, horrible thought that shall never be thoughted again
- you can give up, but there will always be those who do not
- will my heart be there, where I left it so long ago?
- More to be pitied than scolded
- My skin will remember your skin, but I will no longer know. I will be a ghost forever
- Warning: This cake looks more like meatloaf
- things that no one controls and can't be sold
- Lonesome No More
- Prices should have no more than 2 significant digits
- you won't be more gone than you are now
- we are starving because we are afraid of our own hearts, and there must be another way
- And it's one more good thing that will never be again
- But, my dear sir, if you educate them, they will no longer be Baptists
- There will be time
- We shall be nothing a hundred years hence
- There can be only one
- Should there be a statute of limitations on being a jerk?
- When, if ever, will there be permanent peace in the Balkans?
- I want it to be more like the things I write
- You will know your action. You are present there, not thinking of somewhere else you ought to be.
- Who Will Be There
- I will go. I shall go. I'll see where the end may be.
- all the cute guys will be there
- Some things that fly there be
- There are times when they seem to be right
- Limiting the number of fuzzy shirts allowed in one room
- There should be laws requiring electric cars to make the Jetsons flying car noise
- Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law
- you had to be there
- They try to be quiet but you know they are there with their weird coppery breath.
- No One Here Is Ever Going to be President: Noders raise things in the city where things fall down
- This Train Will Be Taking No Passengers
- The strengths that opposed your will shall be obedient fire in your blood
- Prepare me a ship of which the half-rotten timbers shall be painted black, let the sails be in rags, and the sailors infirm and sickly
- Where's the kaboom?
- No one can be totally logical
- Those who are as a light in the darkness shall ever be troubled by moths
- When shall I be free?
- There is a space between your shoulders where your wings used to be
- There need to be better terms in English for "significant others"
- If ifs and ands were pots and pans there'd be no work for tinkers
- we shall all be healed
- You Shall Be as Gods
- She may be pretty and have more money than me but she doesn't write songs about you.
- I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh and they shall be drunk with their own blood like wine
- There is some place I need to be
- And then Satan said, Let there be cricket ball.
- No. 43: How Not To Be a Geek
- throw them away; there will be individually-wrapped replacements
- The video cuts out here; nothing more can be determined from the tape.
- when I am King, we will have no such things, but, my lads, if the old king my father were dead, we would be all kings.
- there will be a last
- No one can be in two places at once
- Cursed shall you be in the city and cursed shall you be in the field
- Six reasons -- er, four reasons -- why maybe there could be a (nontheistic) God
- Could you be any more of a poseur? 'Changes' was a best-of!
- If Christianity were true, why would there still be any Jews?
- We used to be more in sync
- I wanted nothing more than for the ocean to be calm and still
- Tomorrow Shall be my Dancing Day
- This poem can be put off no longer
- the more realistic we are, the happier we'll be
- You Shall Be Reclaimed
- I Shall Be Released
- Eyes are the windows to the soul, but there are some windows that should never be opened
- there must be something positive about this; I just can't think of it at the moment
- I am a stranger. I come in peace. Take me to your leader, and there will be a massive reward for you in eternity.
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