- humanity is continuously going through unprecedented changes
- People who meander briefly through your life and change you forever
- Screw UNIX, I'm just going to smoke pot and eat Cheetos for the rest of my life
- through You, all my wasted days receive a new life
- Someday soon, I'm going to save you from your life
- through the storms of life
- All the people looking like they've been run through the life sucking machine. Twice.
- I love Slim Shady and I am not a teenage boy going through puberty
- Going through the motions
- I am no doubt moving. The question now is not where, but how. My life changes everyday. Big deal.
- life through death
- A better life through lying
- I was watching through the window, you were going through the dances.
- When men were men, women were women, and you knew where you were going in life
- she likes to dance on the edge. it's all she's known and she won't change now
- When life changes forever
- change your life
- Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it's not.
- I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
- When your life is defined by a single action, it changes the concept of time.
- Drop Kick Me Jesus, Through The Goalposts Of Life
- she's dreaming. a perfect life is right there on the pillow
- I'm living my life vicariously through my roommate
- Break on Through: The Life and Death of Jim Morrison
- that hour we lost was the one I was going to use to get my life together
- How to change your life
- The amazing sticker movement will change your life
- Susan Goldman, who has cervical cancer, is partly thankful as she braces herself but changes her mind as she's sprayed with burning jet fuel.
- Life Change Units
- How Proust Can Change Your Life
- spare change
- and change
- Can things really change?
- The change of Philomel, by the barbarous king
- Rhythm changes
- change of course
- Coltrane Changes
- pressure change
- sex change
- Times Change
- rate of change
- Change Your Mind
- climate change
- Judge of the Change
- partial water change
- Indiana once tried to change the value of pi
- I've got $1.19 in change, and it's impossible for me to make change for a dollar
- If voting changed anything, they would make it illegal
- This information is subject to change without notice
- Small Change
- average rate of change
- instantaneous rate of change
- Color change
- SGI name change
- Travel changes your brain
- Change Upon Change
- You forget about everything for a few months and everything changes
- Change of Heart
- Enthalpy Change
- Changing an automobile tire
- the stars that change our minds
- plus ca change
- Dead languages don't change
- A change of seasons
- How things change
- Change Purse
- Tell people they're beautiful and you will change the world
- Ginny successfully changes the subject
- Change (user)
- percent change
- amulet of change
- Could you spare some change or maybe just a smile?
- Change War
- Futaba-kun Change
- How to change the color of the BSOD
- So, you want to change your hair color? Read this first!
- this changes everything
- Prayer Changes Things
- Change the recycle bin
- Why nothing would change if Ralph Nader were elected
- We fear change
- refractive error changes
- time for a change
- Catastrophic Earth Changes
- UK Area Code Changes
- I can't change
- chemical change
- change for the helpless
- Wheel of Change Tarot
- magic change number
- Resist All Change
- Forever Changes
- For a Change
- Ye canna change the laws of physics!
- If You Can't Change the Roll - We Can't Help You.
- change for the homeless
- Nothing ever changes
- you can't change the world, but you can change the facts
- They're drugs, they change you
- What kind of OS changes its name every 6 months?
- Real Change
- power change
- Changes In Marital Status at the NSA
- The only thing to be truthfully said about tomorrow is that it changes everything
- Force of Change
- Emergency lane change
- Get two quarters from a soda machine using a dollar and smaller change
- Sea Change
- You must reboot your computer for the changes to take effect
- Quick Change
- change request
- If we fall behind, just change the color.
- Changing a Yale lock
- line change
- What can change the nature of a man?
- Cambridge Change
- How does the Military Selective Service Act apply to individuals who have had a sex change?
- The more things change...
- embrace change
- allosteric change
- Villanelle of Change
- Herbs for provoking change
- Keep the Change
- Grab on. You can always change your mind.
- The only constant is change
- Changes in Southern British pronunciation
- chump change (user)
- Stasis, Change and Atoms in Ancient Greek Philosophy
- When too much Dungeons and Dragons changes your religion
- Changes in American Culture Since 1776
- The memory cuts through her like the blade she wields
- Passages in the Bible where God changes his mind
- Why do leaves change color in autumn?
- How to get more change than you deserve
- Sex Changes
- How to change your Verizon IE graphic.
- circle change
- Incorrect grammar which might be an improvement
- Seasonal Change and Variance in Tone or Winter is a Pair of Roller Skates
- Repetition is a form of change
- How to give customers change
- Perpetual Change
- sea level change
- My eyes change color when I kiss someone
- structural change
- How science undergoes changes of theory
- Real men change diapers
- Oblivious to the changes in his posture
- Quick change artist
- Change your clocks, change your batteries
- Enthalpy Change of Formation
- For everything that changes, something stays the same
- Even the moon likes to change her colors
- change blindness
- NaNoWriMo (collaboration)
- Regime change
- Changes: a look at "Design" and "In White"
- Changing the rear spark plugs on a transverse GM V6 engine
- International automobile name changes
- Challenge for Change
- How to change bass strings
- Old English sound changes
- Master key
- How to rapidly change your sleeping schedule
- How to change the background image of your IE toolbar
- epigenetic changes
- sound change
- You see, my son, here time changes into space
- A Change Is Gonna Come
- Change as an Identifying Theme of Dickens' "Hard Times"
- The kinds of friends I can change my clothes in front of
- Recent changes in service sector employment in the UK
- E2 Copyright Changes (document)
- Virginia Satir's five stages of processing change
- Chang'e
- Changing the time on a Nortel Norstar telephone system
- Changes in the Temporal Organization of Autobiographical Memories
- Tell people they're beautiful and they will change the world
- Regime change begins at home
- The Winds of Change
- Dummy ESN Change
- Don't go, don't change, stop always being the same.
- But the future refused to change
- Proposed changes to the current democratic system
- NHL rule changes - 2005
- Can you spare some change?
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