Here's the stuff we found when you searched for "If my dearest wish could be granted, I'd really like it if (before 20 Jan 2017) Donald Trump would pop a viagra, and while trying to grab some pussy, have a stroke. Now, mind you, I don't wish him dead (that would be wrong), but if he could just be turned into a slobbering vegetable, I'd be OK with that. And if Pence (in his haste to reach Donald's hospital bed) could fall down some stairs and end up in a coma .... is this too much to ask?"

If you Log in you could create a "If my dearest wish could be granted, I'd really like it if (before 20 Jan 2017) Donald Trump would pop a viagra, and while trying to grab some pussy, have a stroke. Now, mind you, I don't wish him dead (that would be wrong), but if he could just be turned into a slobbering vegetable, I'd be OK with that. And if Pence (in his haste to reach Donald's hospital bed) could fall down some stairs and end up in a coma .... is this too much to ask?" node. If you don't already have an account, you can register here.