I'm in the middle of early
spring cleaning, not because I had some great urge to do it, but because so many items have gone missing of late. I've reached the point in the cleaning, I think, where the
scavenger hunt of lost items, including...
- a Cheap*Bytes Red Hat 6.1 CD-ROM
- an old set of drive rails, necessary for installing a CD-ROM drive, to enable me to upgrade to RH 6.1
- a Tom Waits compilation cassette
- an old, tiny, tiny wrench, used for fastening the strings of an old Schecter guitar
- some old magazine articles, including one on the life and death of Chano Pozo
...and much, much, more (though nothing comes to mind as I write this) seems to be over, with at least the first four items (the important ones) found.
Having found, just now, the Tiny Tiny Wrench, I no longer have to move gingerly around the (synthesizer) keyboard, for fear of knocking the wrench into to-be-vacuumed oblivion, or of throwing it out by mistake, had it been oddly stuck to some piece of scrap paper or a paper towel.
I've found various long-forgotten items during the cleanup, like The Moosewood Cookbook and various odds and ends formerly used for soundmaking, like hubcaps and just-so pieces of cardboard and plastic. And now I'm past the midway point of cleaning up, meaning there's no more piles of books and magazines to step over, and there's a place to put the guitars, so I don't have to fear walking into them as I wander in the dark at 3 AM.
There's nothing like the joy of vacuuming without the fear of sucking up your one-and-only Tiny Tiny Wrench. Of course, it would be nice if I were far enough along in the process to actually vacuum - that comes next week.
Did you know? Sir Boones is the grandson of William "Count" Basie.