- I keep thinking I'm so tough but I rarely care enough to prove it. So am I really tough then? Or does every dog just have its day?
- it wouldn't be so bad if people like you would have become ghosts too
- When you know things are just meant to be
- I have never felt so lucky to be able to enjoy a musician in all my life
- As I Am Now So You Must Be
- painting stars that have not come to be
- I beg of you, cradle my head so that I might be with you forever
- Lady Evolution, why have you wronged me so?
- Is the lock broke, or does everyone have a key?
- Does it ever scare you to be you? Love, Mom
- Friend, you have a lot to learn if you think loving me would be a bad idea.
- "Let's just be friends" does not give you permission to stalk me
- How does the Military Selective Service Act apply to individuals who have had a sex change?
- Your radical ideas about many things have already occurred to others but have never been articulated in a fashion so accessible to current generations
- Jesus loves you so I don't have to
- Does X have the Buddha nature?
- Mother, did it need to be so high?
- What it's like to be in love
- painting stars that have come to be
- Dammit, those barricades have to be around here somewhere!
- so be it
- If you would be so kind
- This would be so dirty if we weren't all professionals
- I'm dreaming it so it must be true
- We read your mail so you don't have to
- The unending hatred elves have of debt and how it needlessly complicates simple social interactions: an essay
- Dogs don't have souls, so it doesn't matter
- Books Hazelnut Read So You Don't Have To (category)
- So this is Christmas. And what have you done?
- Does Everything2 have the Buddha nature?
- Meditation doesn't have to be spiritual
- If you have to scream to be heard, you have nothing profound to say
- It's so hard to be unfashionable
- I have a feeling it will be in my dreams
- Will the Atomic Bomb Ever Be Perfected, and If So, What Becomes of Robert Heinlein?
- I have good reason to be thirsty today
- How can something so incredibly beautiful be so incredibly wrong?
- Don't ever lie. If you lie to your friends, they won't trust you, and you'll have nothing, and you'll never be safe.
- So you want to be an editor (document)
- Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
- Does a modern state need to be a Democracy?
- How long can any one heart be so confused?
- What does it mean to be free?
- I always knew I would have a 21st birthday but I never thought I'd be 21
- You have to consider the possibility that God does not like you
- Have you felt so proud to get at the meaning of poems?
- Rampant mass consumerism is so evil. Hey, can I have a sip of that Frappucino?
- Does Molly Weasley have to choke a bitch?
- Humans have six senses, why does everyone think we only have five?
- I love you so much that I have to break up with you
- I'll pretend I just cursed myself by saying this, so when it doesn't happen I have something to fall back on other than you
- please come stay with me in the forest so at least i have one person with whom i have no secrets
- Songs Hazelnut Listened To So You Don't Have To
- You do not have a right to not be offended
- I'll look at this in a year and wonder how I could have been so stupid
- I have no idea what you're talking about, so here's a picture of a bunny with a pancake on its head.
- Windows 9x does not have true memory protection
- How to be a jerk and piss off your SO
- You could be so delicious
- you have to be close to catch it
- This song is meant to be played so loudly it liquefies your thoughts as you drive at night through abandoned neon dinosaur bones
- Like minded so you must be crazy
- It's better to be heartbroken than to have a heart not worth breaking
- You'll be something special one day. And you -- you have to take care of your sister.
- You will be a tear-stained diary entry, and it will have been all your fault
- I have always considered warnings to be a kind of dare
- So you want to be evil
- So You Want to Be a Wizard
- Making a fool of myself must be a hobby, I do it so frequently
- you have to be kidding
- i assume it is considered odd to be so fond of someone based on text alone
- I thought that I wanted this. I didn't realize it would be so hollow
- they does not know what it might be to live without them
- Weather can be pretty, yet so damaging. Sort of like some men I know
- I've read books so I know things that sound like they could be true
- nor was there anything to be attained that you didn't already have
- Would I have hid myself away if I had known I'd never be found?
- It's so cool to be denied
- how loud to you have to be to put out a housefire with just your voice
- Mull around in my mind for a while and you'll find so many treasure troves and so many graveyards that you won't be able to tell the difference between them
- Hitchhiking used to be so much fun
- I have what I believe to be a photo of Olympia Dukakis in her underwear in 1977
- Sometimes you have to be your own supervillain
- when I am King, we will have no such things, but, my lads, if the old king my father were dead, we would be all kings.
- Making your body race so your mind won't be able to
- Why does taking a programming class in a language you already know suck so much?
- Does a computer have a Buddha nature?
- Why does it take so long to get to sleep?
- Roman Catholic theology of a cloned human's soul
- Conrad wants to know what I have been dreaming. This might get complicated.
- So does this count as a three-way or...
- Does the sun have a mother?
- This land does not have three hundred taels of silver!
- Have you ever been so excited about your life that it makes you almost want to cry?
- So what if your radical ideas have already occurred to others
- So her hat does not blow away
- I have given up other interests to help you. It will be a pleasure to know that my labour has not been in vain.
- Why black women have so few wrinkles
- So you don't have to
- So many people have come and gone, their faces fade as the years go by
- I've lost my memory but I have ink, so.
- So long Arthur Miller! Who do I have to look up to now?
- I have lost many things, so many
- I am letting myself down so you don't have to
- You're too young to be so old
- They made the sunrise for people like us just so we have an excuse for why we're still up.
- His socks do not have a smell, which is so courteous.
- some people are so poor, all they have is money
- Can God create a boulder so large He can't have anal sex with it?
- I have to get up early and do laundry so I can wear something nice to the weirdo sex club
- I used to have so many dreams
- So you want to be a waitress
- So you want to be a DJ?
- It feels so fine to be a fish today
- It is never too late to be what you would have been
- Not all disagreements have to be a flame war
- When the aliens attack my workplace, I'm going to be so damn READY
- So mote it be
- You don't have to be a vegetarian to like vegetarian food
- So You Want to Be a Rock and Roll Star
- You have to be in hell to see heaven
- so that all her children will be adventurers in light
- So you want to be a star?
- How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people?
- So you wanna be a hacker
- Do not be surprised, I have always been your canvas, Argenis.
- got to be good looking cause he's so hard to see
- Why it is so hard to be yourself
- So, you want to be a philosopher
- I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library
- She may be pretty and have more money than me but she doesn't write songs about you.
- Have we done enough to be saved?
- panamaus does the Antipodes, or Get yer shorts on Sydney, there be a NoderParty!
- Where have my wings gone? They are hidden, embarrassed to be seen.
- how does it feel to be carried out to the trash?
- So you want to be an air traffic controller
- If I'd have shot her when I met her, I'd be out of jail by now.
- I saw it on the Internet so it MUST be true!
- It should not be this complicated
- Religion doesn't exist just so that people can be told what to think
- she can scream so loud you'll be looking for your ears on the floor
- So You Wanna Be A Lawyer
- Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil -- for tonight I have broken my own heart, and my soul is too empty to be afraid.
- All you have to do is listen, and be ready.
- On what it is like to be so crazy you can't sleep
- people do, on the whole, have the right to be who they want to be
- You have the right to be angry at me for breaking my heart.
- thoughts and ideas ought to be convoluted, because the things and people that they represent are equally so
- So you want to be a telephone engineer
- So you want to be a composer
- Weather can be pretty, yet so damaging.
- We wanted to be together, so we worked it out.
- I can only pray that, when I finally leave, I will have done little enough damage to be totally forgotten
- He made me promise I would do this when I was next sad. So I promised myself I would not be sad again.
- This is how it appears on Wikipedia and they tend to be somewhat anal about grammar, so I'm trusting this is correct
- What does it mean to be religious?
- Having knowledge is not the same as having understanding. You can have all the pieces in front of you and still not be able to put the puzzle together.
- can it be that it was all so simple then
- I have to admit, I always wanted to be a necromancer
- Are you searching to be inspired? Or are you searching to be amused, be content, be happy? What could you have been?
- When I have Fears that I may Cease to Be
- if a cycle can be broken, then it will have been worth it
- You are looking for someone who does not want to be found. Even if you find them it will not be a success.
- Reality can't be whatever I want it to be, but maybe it's not so clear-cut, you know?
- will my heart be there, where I left it so long ago?
- it's good for me to go and not have there be words
- Strangers have been, and continue to be, very kind to me. Thank you.
- I have to wonder how this can be a metaphor for my life
- Does the Universe have granularity?
- Just because you both have the same problem does not mean you are one another's solution
- The US does NOT have Freedom of Speech
- English may be a "living language," but Latin is not -- so get it right.
- sometimes things that look scary can be so beautiful, if you give them a chance
- Art has an actual purpose
- Does war have any redeeming features?
- There's a sign on the wall. But she wants to be sure. Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
- You have the world’s consent to be beautiful
- Do you know what it is like to be alone among so many?
- Real hackers start their own IRC networks so that they can't be traced by the FBI
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