- I always told you I thought you were smarter than me
- Wouldn't it be much easier if you just agreed with me?
- "Let's just be friends" does not give you permission to stalk me
- It could be the last time you see me alive
- I may never be queen, but you will never break me
- You have the right to be angry at me for breaking my heart.
- you can give up, but there will always be those who do not
- You touched me when I needed to be touched, and for that I will hold you in my heart forever
- Let me be a martyr, dammit!
- Let Me Be Your Shelter
- if you see a raven, don't throw stones; it could be me
- be silent my bird, you tear me apart
- I worry that no matter how hard I pray, you'll always be just out of my reach
- Always standing on the edge, you forced me in heart first
- Can my nodes be used against me in a court of law?
- You give me wings. Don't be surprised if I fly.
- Why do all the pretty things always run away from me?
- Prepare me a ship of which the half-rotten timbers shall be painted black, let the sails be in rags, and the sailors infirm and sickly
- 'C' may be for cookie, but that's not good enough for me, dammit!
- You haven't seen it and you don't understand. I have malice. I have cruelty. The little fire that's always been inside me isn't so little anymore.
- Lying, cheating, cunt of a person: Hi, that'll be me.
- there are people who are gone but wanted me to be happy
- Glen Campbell...I'll Be Me
- but you should be right here, right next to me
- this is why you always leave me, this is why you'll never go
- every horse can be tamed by someone. but they don't always live at the same time.
- It costs me nothing to be considerate
- far be it from me
- Everything always comes back to me. Everything has always been my fault
- Religion doesn't allow me to be who I am
- I may be cold and calculating, but that doesn't make me a computer
- May the wine be sweet. May the stories be heard. May the future bring me home.
- I want to be alone until God rips a rib out of my chest and makes me a woman
- always with me
- I will always be weird inside
- I always knew I would have a 21st birthday but I never thought I'd be 21
- A child who will clearly grow up to be as demented as me
- I always wanted to be a superhero
- Many girls want to be carnal with me because I am such a premium dancer.
- Tell me what's real and I'll learn to be happy
- I am a stranger. I come in peace. Take me to your leader, and there will be a massive reward for you in eternity.
- I am built to ignore hard truths and keep dreaming. That's what it is to be me.
- There must be something terribly wrong with me. Sometimes I feel like I haven't learned anything.
- If I was the ocean, what would you be to me?
- You've got to be kidding me
- Strike me down - I'll be everything I'm not
- The shirt that always gets me hit on
- it's good for me to go and not have there be words
- I assume I am a visionary. You will not be able to convince me otherwise.
- I always sound Irish when I'm trying to be charming
- It Will Always Be Here For You
- It Could Always Be Worse
- I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library
- Do not be surprised, I have always been your canvas, Argenis.
- Life is not always fair, but you can be
- i am always awake. what do you require of me?
- Not flushing public toilets can't be always construed as an act of laziness
- Because the weather is always beautiful, they don't even know that storms can be beautiful too.
- I don't know why but I always love episodes without words. like just something about them makes me feel calm or something..
- Free to Be, You and Me
- I have always wanted someone to say to me what you just said
- That would be me
- Tell me what I'm supposed to be feeling
- I have to admit, I always wanted to be a necromancer
- X is the Y of the future, and always will be
- I'm gonna be sad and then I want you to make me laugh
- makes me want to be a better hacker
- You meant for this node to be read by me, and I would like to respond
- Be you all pleas'd, your pleasures grieve not me
- Be gentle with me
- It Ain't Gonna Be Me
- Look siad me Be like me
- Whereas a Naked White Man, when I met one, always appear'd a new Object unto me
- Oh be a fine girl kiss me right now sweetheart
- You were always so good to me
- Let me be your fantasy
- She may be pretty and have more money than me but she doesn't write songs about you.
- marry me and you'll be safe
- These trains will be the death of me yet
- I'm trying to see little old ladies as versions of my mom; it helps me be a better person
- I don't always want you to be nice
- He made me promise I would do this when I was next sad. So I promised myself I would not be sad again.
- I'll be you and you'll be me
- Please tell me it will all be okay.
- Strangers have been, and continue to be, very kind to me. Thank you.
- If poetry could describe the way you make me feel, poetry would be illegal. Or anyway I might get arrested.
- Nah, these random encounters with beautiful strangers won't destroy me at all. But I guess I thought it'd be a good way to die at the time.
- "This sandwich is great, but it could be better if it had tomatoes and also gave me super powers."
- If you take me home tonight I know that we will kiss, and one of us will fall in love and it will be a mess.
- If your wish be to close me
- It is something very shameful. Please contact me again if I can be of further service.
- It's fun to be popular. Everyone gives me drugs.
- You mean the me that you would be
- I've Gotta Be Me
- I will always be in the details
- What I used to be/Will pass away, and then you'll see/That all I want now/Is happiness for you and me
- Friend, you have a lot to learn if you think loving me would be a bad idea.
- I have always considered warnings to be a kind of dare
- let me be your first upvote
- I was not made for love songs, and love songs will never be made for me.
- Always Be My Baby
- The sound of the violin will always be the sound of my disintegrating marriage
- I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me
- Always Find Me in the Kitchen at Parties
- Who is the third who walks always beside you?
- Alway
- I always assume innocence
- I think I know that I am almost always afraid.
- It's always night-time on the moon
- You always hurt the one you love
- It's always a pleasure to elevate a bad mood to an abstract principle
- Why is there always money for war, but not for education?
- It's hard to know what to say when a friend's parent they always hated suddenly dies
- The door is always open
- Always the bridesmaid and never the bride
- They always jump off the east side
- I am capable of poetic language, but not always of poetry
- There's always a catch!
- You don't always have to disagree, or agree for that matter
- When visiting a city, always use its public transportation
- Always manipulate a tongue
- Cheese is always female
- The boss' machine is always the one to die first.
- Salvation doesn't always come from a Bible
- It's always for those damn children
- Once JPEG, always JPEG
- Two bronze medals will always besmirch Marion Jones' record
- The Thief of Always
- I always loved the smell of dying candles
- The always charming US Customs Guards at the American/Canadian Border
- I have always been burning
- I feel like shit today, but I can always feel worse tomorrow
- The Road Always Taken
- Why oh why did the black crayon always die first?
- Thus Always To Tyrants
- I can always hope
- Think of something you always wanted to do, but are afraid of. Do it today.
- Why you should always finish a course of antibiotics
- Always on My Mind
- Last year was always better
- Why is it that the alien mortal enemies of humanity always have some fatal flaw?
- letter-writing is always before an absent addressee
- first impressions don't always count
- The majority is always wrong
- You always lose
- Politeness is always in order
- What almost always happens after you fall in love
- The Postman Always Rings Twice
- those who don't fit into the herd are always recognized
- In the real world, it is almost always women and not men who are waiting under windows
- We have always lived in the castle, Shirley
- You always spend a dollar as if you were spending a wounded eagle
- How Eulenspiegel always rode a dun horse
- It always smells good after the rain. It's raining hard now.
- This exact place where we laughed so much and the way you said my name will echo always in my brain
- I will always remember my 19th birthday
- Popular wisdom to the contrary, it's not always the right time for sushi
- The dream is always the same...
- The End Of The Way It's Always Been
- The rain wasn't always kind
- I remember, I always will
- She was never mine. I always shared her.
- It is important go out for a late walk in the new snow
- an honest man is always in trouble
- The poor are always with us
- Always accept an offered drink
- Always Falling Down
- always in love (user)
- The Great Needle in the Sky is always skipping at the corner of 6th and Delores
- Why is it that the voice that you don't want to hear always seems the loudest?
- I always liked the breasts that talked about existentialism.
- It's always showtime, here at the edge of the stage
- It's always lunchtime, here in the land of the dead
- the best things in life cost large amounts, and the currency isn't always money
- In the war between information and poetry, poetry always wins.
- I've always wanted to hear Morrissey sing the theme song from "The Love Boat"
- always already
- life always kills (user)
- always writing poems to you
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