- Fate takes a piss
- Death takes a piss
- piss
- Pissed off
- piss off
- Piss Christ
- Piss Shiver
- pissed
- Taking the piss
- Much better than a piss test
- Piss in the Quabbin Day
- piss shy
- Piss on the third rail
- Until today, it really pissed me off that I'd become this totally centered Zen Master and nobody had noticed
- Dinosaur piss
- Piss and Punk
- Piss away
- Piss in a snowbank
- Don't piss here
- Smurf Piss
- Don't piss into the wind unless you want to get wet
- How to piss off your sysadmin
- How to piss off the guys in the fire truck
- How to piss off the labop
- my piss turned into molten hot, chunky oatmeal
- So funny you will piss yourself laughing
- How to be a jerk and piss off your SO
- Piss on the floor of the men's restroom
- The guy who talks to you while you're taking a piss
- High speed car chase through a residential area, or: Why you shouldn't piss off a Mexican with a gun
- Suicidal teens fucking piss me off
- That's enough to piss off the Pope
- Pissed as a fart
- Some Jews actually get pissed when you wish them a Merry Christmas
- Some vampires actually get pissed when you tell them to Have A Nice Day
- The mailbomb from the Christian Fundamentalists I pissed off should be here any day now
- Shit, piss, and corruption
- piss artist
- Piss Alley
- Pissed Off Paddy Barman
- Piss Up A Rope
- piss bag
- Piss without farting, die without fucking
- How to drive safely and not piss off other drivers
- If you tolerate this piss then your bitter will be next
- Pissed off like a little squirrel with a frozen pine cone
- I'm so pissed I can't stand up
- They blew up the world, but what really pisses me off
- Piss and vinegar
- Why old people piss me off
- piss up in a brewery
- it is a waste of time to piss off thefez
- Why you don't want to piss her off
- How to pass a piss test
- You couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the directions were printed on the heel.
- Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining
- piss mouth (user)
- piss (user)
- piss up
- single and pissed off
- The Silent Piss Angle
- Never piss off a ballerina
- pissed off stoner (user)
- Read things that piss other people off
- Tell the world what pisses you off (registry)
- before the internet when teen had REAL relationship the boy could look at the girl and judge the diameter of her thorax with his feelers and determine whether the mating ritual could commence but NO MORE. evil woman use her computer sorcery
- to distort thorax dimensions and mating rituals go awry, population of the hive has fallen dramatically and we are all doomed to piss hell
- "Random" Navy Piss Tests
- piss clams
- I drank piss last month and lived!
- God gets pissed
- Don't ask me to drive on the freeway I will piss myself
- take
- my take on everything
- take me away
- Take my wife, please!
- Taking things at surface value
- Go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut
- Take That
- take the stand
- Take it like a man
- take no prisoners
- It takes two to tango
- Take the Drink
- take responsibility
- God won't take the time to sort your ashes from mine
- Take the skinheads drinking
- Take it easy
- Take a Picture
- Avoiding work takes longer than doing work
- Take the Skinheads Bowling
- Take the Money and Run
- Take a leak
- Every Breath You Take
- Leon Takes Us Outside
- Urban Ritual
- and if you do, take pictures
- "It takes people to win," says obscenely wealthy CEO
- Take for granted
- Take it or leave it
- take into account
- Places a local (like me) would take you to in New Orleans
- Please take a number
- If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen
- take the cake
- take a dive
- Take Her in Your Arms
- What Think You I Take my Pen in Hand?
- Double Take
- Take Me Down
- Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke
- Take off, eh
- Take Back the Night
- Take Control
- Take Her up to Monto
- take ten
- take a whiz
- Take my hand, little naked buddy, while we sniff the magic number
- How can you arrive anywhere if you don't take that first road trip?
- I like to take up space
- It takes two crooks to strike an honest bargain
- I'll Take Manhattan
- Give 'em an inch and they'll take a yard
- A really good sandwich that ideath could make to take to work with her
- spit take
- what it takes to be a fool
- take the wind out of one's sails
- Take Five
- don't take a pill to feel the funk
- Take a moment to remember where you are
- Take This, Brother, May It Serve You Well
- When is it best to take crack cocaine?
- Take me drunk, I'm home
- Big Dogs In Pink Mumus Take Turns With Silly Sisters Of Ferrets, K?
- This could take all night
- take it outside
- Take Back Vermont
- Take a day, plant some trees, may they shade you from me
- Do you take it I would astonish? Does the daylight astonish?
- The Scarecrow Takes Time to Think
- take a stab at it
- The Asian plot to take over North America
- I'll take honest brutality over the sweetest lies anyday!
- Taking your fiance's last name
- Take only photos, leave only footprints
- I take myself dancing
- You take up too much space
- I will take one ticket please to whatever you have to say please keep talking
- Take it to usenet, kids
- it's good not to take a stand
- how to take apart an orange pip
- It's time to take the penny out of circulation
- Reasons you should take up guitar
- You Can't Take It with You
- Boy meets me, boy becomes infatuated with me, boy realizes I take up space, boy runs like hell
- Why I Take This New Age Nonsense Seriously
- Hello, I take Zoloft. I am so gloriously mentally ill! You will love me, yes?
- With all the advances in technology it still takes 3 days to clear a cheque
- It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back
- Take one for the team
- I'll take the red pill
- It's a good idea to take a bath once in a while
- I don't mind it when authors take their time
- Take the "A" Train
- if you had it as an option, would you take it?
- Take On Me
- Take these shackles off my feet so I can dance
- take the loss
- You pays your nickel and you takes your chances
- How to scare the Hell out of a Lexus driver, or: Don't take sharp corners at 50mph in the rain
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