- does this writeup make me seem like an asshole?
- dying doesn't make one a saint
- I was told that transcendence would come with the process of quietly living and dying alone and I do want a refund
- even sharks like bacon
- I don't think she even knows that I make her smile
- The Great One Who Makes The Grass Green
- My Daddy used to make me run in rain like this
- The Lovecraftian compulsion to keep writing even as one is being devoured
- It may seem cruel, this joy I take
- I don't think I realized what I had gotten myself into, but it seemed like the potential for fun and insanity were there in equal parts
- I liked the one with the whales
- Even as he laid dying in my arms
- More kissing? More kissing? No one likes kissing this much!
- One more look at the ghost before I'm gonna make it leave
- I know it will get complicated and I know I may make it worse
- One more day like today and I'll kill you
- Maybe even this will one day be pleasant to recall
- Maybe the ultimate wound is the one that makes you miss the war you got it in.
- dying alone on the battlefield
- Even the moon likes to change her colors
- Autumn is like a dying man's last words
- Painting a rock to make it look more like a rock
- just like mom used to make
- You are talented; I would like to make love to you
- Even simple things that you think are harmless can be dangerous. Like crayons. Like velvet.
- I would like for you to make your arms for me the way you make your bed for you
- The whole world smells like a laundromat and bud. Good bud, bud that makes you feel like the early days. Take your bong to the laundromat. Pass it around.
- I used to like it, but it makes me sick to the stomach
- A smiley can make anything you say seem nice
- these couplets are a waste of time; i never seem to make them scan
- The music makes one's blood boil and long to be in some obscure, untamed place with the one you love
- One letter can make all the difference
- they seem each like a smile of great sweetness
- Even a Doll Can Seem To Have a Soul
- Cemeteries are boring, but I can't seem to stay away from this one in particular.
- Rebeca Martinez
- He makes me feel alone just by being there
- WARNING: Noders May Not Be What They Seem to Be
- Theoretical Strategies for Not Dying Alone
- Playing Risk is like arguing on the internet. Even if you win, you're still retarded.
- Writing a solid metaphor and/or simile
- Low self-esteem is actually one of the most self-centered acts; not unlike suicide
- It seems like the right thing to do
- I am a Pokemon and I flew like one
- I want to be alone until God rips a rib out of my chest and makes me a woman
- I'd Like To Go Alone
- I can't even begin to tell you how I feel about certain things for reasons that you may find difficult to understand
- Don't misunderstand this one, it was like palm against palm through a window
- I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh and they shall be drunk with their own blood like wine
- I don't like your reality, I'm going to make my own
- Neon lights under your car do not make it look like it's floating
- Be a model or just look like one
- You may want to look into the possibility that you too are acting like a dick.
- the baker's fire, though it may punish the careless, is not treacherous like the hunter's fire. it has not tasted blood.
- She could run a spiel like nobody's business. She could sell the world and make you wish for more.
- I don't know why but I always love episodes without words. like just something about them makes me feel calm or something..
- No One Sang Like Michael
- There's no point unless you make one
- what one lacks in quality, the other makes up for in quantity
- Master key
- Strangers with this kind of honesty make me grow a big rubbery one
- Living alone, one is apt to prefer a view of water
- I've had kisses that make Judas seem sincere
- One man can make a difference
- you can make anything seem cool with over-formatting
- No One Likes Superman Anymore
- Do you know what it is like to be alone among so many?
- Alone, Like a Window Washer at the 50th Story
- It's not that we're more attractive in the darkness or that one of us may be drunk
- New Year's Eve, spent alone in a small, grey apartment, with no one to kiss at midnight
- Do we even get one whole egg in a breakfast hockey puck?
- Any function can be represented as the sum of an even function and an odd one
- Thai grilled beef salad with variations, even vegetarian ones
- What it is like to go without and then, to not, even in a small way
- The ones who are happy to survive are inside, partying. The ones who strive for evolution are outside, alone, seething with contempt, working through the night.
- You make yourself lonely even though you don't have to
- You didn't even keep one bag?
- Even as he watched the sea rise up like anger
- The Lovecraftian compulsion to keep noding even as one is being devoured by EDB
- The realization that you are hopelessly alone is like searching for the glasses perched on your nose
- Her eyes were gray like a storm, and even more dangerous
- fuck it, I love you even if I'm gonna feel like shit
- Do you even realize how much your spirit illuminates? It is like stars.
- it is better to meet god alone than with one who might misunderstand
- There are many like it, but this one is mine
- Sometimes it feels like we are more than one person
- Make like a hole in the water
- My Snuffleupagus smells like CK One. This does not disturb me.
- You make that sound like a bad thing
- if you buy into the wizard's bullshit, soon you're all standing waist-deep in things you didn't even know could exist and no one has any clue how to stop him
- Don't make me angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry
- Like most of my dreams, that one was licensed for commercial use
- What seemed like tenderness was really weakness
- MyBase and other VB.NET concepts designed to make you feel like a five year old
- Looking like a pirate is fun but only having one eye annoys me
- A day like this could make a Transcendentalist out of anyone
- Lightning makes no sound, and until the thunder comes, you are alone with the light
- It seemed like a good idea at the time
- i wear headphones even though i would desperately like to meet someone
- Am I the only one who walks alone under moonlight without fear?
- Don’t worry, this is only a costume that makes me look like an adult
- all true revelation will seem like common sense unraveling before you
- seems like yesterday, seems like forever
- Some days it seems like the sun is landing on the earth
- Condensed life in a can, like the ones you buy at grocery stores
- The ceiling seems like it's tired of being our tripmeter.
- small like a pretty round stone. that makes you think, "fuck yeah. what a nice stone."
- When you get to the top, I know what it'll seem like. But there IS someone there. There IS someone there.
- "You've never danced with anyone like me before," the angel and the devil said to one another.
- one by one their blades will grind to a halt and stand still like a white forest.
- This castle looks a lot like the old one
- There's got to be a way to make it sweeter, a little more like lemon meringue
- For every rich man who tries to leave this world for a better one with his fancy tomb surrounded by mourners, there are many more who perish alone in the cold, forgotten by all but God.
- One word that will make others laugh
- Often I feel like I am just shouting my observations into a raging storm and no one hears
- Make me one with everything
- Make me one of you
- That one makes me scream, she said
- The people who matter most to me are the ones who make me laugh
- when my time is in the past, i hope my heart lays in the grass, and feeds another one who lives like it's all just begun
- I may be cold and calculating, but that doesn't make me a computer
- Seems I might have stolen the blue part of her rainbow, but all I really did was make it bigger, a way bigger blue
- make one's mouth water
- The game we play is life, and there are no rules save the ones we make
- She's beautiful in ways that make her seem fleeting
- I will make him promises, but not ones I am afraid to break
- It takes two people to make you and one person to die. That is how the world is going to end.
- Too bad they don't make one for your heart...
- may your fruit be like you
- tag after one like a tantony pig
- And yet, when the warm breeze of spring greets my face and the sunlight does not make me shield my eyes, I know I am not alone.
- No one seems to listen to what I say
- Rules by which a great empire may be reduced to a small one
- may you make mistakes large enough to learn from, but small enough that they do not destroy you
- Here is some important information which you may make use of in your sunny, optimistic future!
- Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can make me think I deserved it.
- One Night Alone
- cold and alone
- Alive Alone
- Seeing movies alone
- On the Beach at Night Alone
- Whose toothbrush is that, I thought you lived alone
- stand/alone/bitch (user)
- All Alone in the Night
- I Sleep Alone
- Drinking Alone in the Moonlight
- On the topic of being alone
- I don't want to be alone
- Here All Alone in Silence
- Enola/Alone
- eating out alone (as a composition)
- On spending Thanksgiving alone
- Why am I dancing alone?
- Jane, the Stand Alone Bitch
- Mr. Clean will clean up everything you hold dear, leaving you crying, sanitized and utterly alone
- Difference between alone and lonely
- I come to the garden... but not alone
- The Corpus Hermeticum: Book Six: In God Alone Is Good And Elsewhere Nowhere
- Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
- Alone in this hotel room, thinking of you
- Alone amongst a head full of voices
- Alone Again Or
- Canoeing alone
- Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
- The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock on the door.
- Jacob: Alone
- When you are alone you are the cat you are the phone you are an animal
- What do I do when I'm alone?
- Around Alone
- 3:24 AM and drinking alone
- Alone with friends
- When I awoke, I was alone, and screaming
- You're never alone
- Fundamentally alone
- Euclid Alone Has Looked On Beauty Bare
- The Myth: Poverty is a major cause of Crime
- Demons Dance Alone
- Upon listening to Miles Davis for the first time
- Stand Alone Complex
- How to Be Alone
- The Spine Surfs Alone
- God Is Alone
- On drinking alone
- The Cheese Stands Alone
- Anything worth keeping seems impossible to forget
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