- Things are more like they are now than they ever were before
- Now more than ever
- We're bigger than Jesus now
- Ain't you ever seen a Yankee before?
- Find every story and every poem you've ever written. Now rewrite them in blood.
- Who were you, before?
- That's a valid point, but right now we're focusing on...
- Up, because the sky has room for us and more than we can ever make
- Imagine the prettiest thing you've ever seen. Now make it glow.
- If this were in person, I would have kissed her now
- What face did you have before your mother and father were born?
- The Saudis were terrified that someone was going to be a better Muslim than they were
- You were never going to become more than this to me
- remember who you were before you came here
- I knocked on the massive door, and came one step closer to knowing what I didn't know before.
- Vaguer than before. Slip.
- Ever made it with an aardvark? We're quite rare.
- My subconscious is much smarter than I will ever be
- The Lord of the Rings 1/2: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Middle-earth But Were Afraid to Produce
- I miss the way you were before you figured out that I'm not yours
- I was wrong as a child, to think old people were stupid for asking me where the day had gone. Now I understand... we older people do not live.
- I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now
- The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than the Driver of the Screw and Whipping Cords Will Serve You More Than Ropes Will Ever Do
- We're Evil Now
- I always told you I thought you were smarter than me
- Loophole Abusing a Magic Cauldron, Chapter 17: Oh, Malthus, We're Really In It Now
- So... what do we do now that we're happy?
- The impending nickname shortage
- What were you before you were anything at all?
- Oh, no. Look, you've gone and made me optimistic. I was before, but now it is showing.
- Objects in mirror are closer than they appear
- We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank
- Everything you ever wanted to know about theatre tech, but were afraid to ask
- Before they were famous
- dr's Hospital Adventure : nurses put up with more than you can ever realize
- We were all waiting to hear those words (and no one ever said them)
- Sorrier than I ever thought I would be
- every statue in town came to life, but they'd been watching long enough to know better than to ever move
- Things you would bring with you if you were ever invited to shower with jessicapierce
- The winter chill reminds those of us closer to our end than our beginning that maybe, just maybe, safety isn't the primary goal in a life that will certainly end in death.
- How we were, before you were
- Now that we're being so open and honest
- Now your songs mean what they were supposed to from the beginning
- Now We're All Bozos on This Bus
- When I am stronger than now
- I was once smaller than a jellybean, but now look at me - I am macroscopic!
- This is the worst thing ever, worse than the planet exploding and demons eating babies
- you were angels, so much more than everything.
- It's better to be alone than to wish you were
- you won't be more gone than you are now
- Your Scars Were Better Than Mine
- we're part of something bigger than any one of us. i just feel lucky to have been chosen.
- There were times better than this
- I Think We're Alone Now
- I know it's stealing, but sometimes someone else can say it better than you ever can.
- We were the young lovers before despair
- Most of the men were disillusioned long before they met her
- Before You Were Punk
- Before they were the Science Fiction Greats
- How we were, before we were
- risk assessment in the brain and the dumbest thing you ever did before age 25
- To boldly go where no man has gone before
- To boldly go where no one has gone before
- before common era
- before Christian era
- Brittle things will break before they turn
- Before the Rain
- The Island of the Day Before
- Conversation I overheard in the bookstore 5 min before end of my shift
- 'Twas the night before Christmas
- Before and After Science
- pearls before swine
- Before Thinking
- JeffMagnus Remembers: Everything Before Experience (a lament)
- Laugh at yourself before others do
- csh history expansion refers to the line before most csh expansions occurred
- Cybersex before it was cool
- How long must I stay in my pajamas before I turn into Howard Hughes?
- Close the door before you leave
- Just before you make that next move...
- Kneel before Zod!
- home before the leaves fall
- Chronology of communication before electricity
- best before date
- cleaning your hotel room before the maid arrives
- Don't quit five minutes before the miracle happens
- In order that I may know something more before I depart from life
- Ground rush
- Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in his shoes
- Wei Chi, before completion
- Think before you speak
- Before Choice Disturbs
- I am but a moth before your flame
- Before Choice Disturbs Poem
- Before we dump the bodies, you guys wanna go to Hooters?
- the days before porn
- A buddha before history
- RFC 1882
- Undercover "Jesus" Surfaces Before Departure
- Early, before our hands knew what to do
- It's All Been Done Before
- Rest in Peace, whatever you were
- Before reality creeps in
- Looking as though they saw the dark before dawn every day
- a poem for a boy before I met him
- I wish you could have met me before I became food
- Washing your hands in the restroom
- Did you once stand before me without shame?
- Before the Law
- Oops! I Sang This Before
- I knew before I met you just how we would end
- Running before the wind
- In his autumn before the winter comes man's last mad surge of youth
- That twinge of terror that hits before you get under the covers
- Liquor before beer, you're in the clear.
- bros before hoes
- Except My Heart, Which You Bestowed Before
- Before you ask a question
- These rugs will unite this country like no other rugs have before
- If I should die before I wake
- The Scots Confession: Chapter 14
- Before Night Falls
- Quick, put your shirt back on before the cop gets here
- Thirty Sonnets: At the Tomb of Napoleon Before the Elections in America -- November, 1912
- To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women
- The Night Before
- I dreamed of her pulse long before I took it from her
- Service Before Self
- Galileo: A Democrat Before His Time
- Before Time Was
- A Love Before Time
- before the mast
- naked before you
- Getting a working visa in Japan
- Shake Before Using...
- We've heard it all before
- Epitaph of a Young Poet Who Died Before Having Achieved Success
- Just a word before tomorrow
- letter-writing is always before an absent addressee
- Sobering up before going to bed
- My life closed twice before its close
- The Changing Experience of African-American Children Before and After the Civil War
- color photography before color film
- Twas the night before eye surgery
- make before break
- break before make
- I've had you here before
- trembling before G-d
- Before the quiet dawn rose
- The testimony of Walter E. Disney before the House Committee on Un-American Activities
- Beer Before Liquor
- Before you thought of spring
- Always check for evidence of alien abduction before going to bed with someone
- Making the Movies XVII Filming Earthquakes -- Before and After
- How to get rid of spiders before they get rid of YOU
- Ten things to ask yourself before going outside
- Blessings before food
- Did you think of me before you knew me?
- Once upon a time, in an age before the Internet
- Before she started smoking
- The Fright Before Christmas
- How to know your Christmas presents before Christmas
- question the question before you contemplate the answer
- Check yourself before you wreck yourself
- Things to consider before you call that cute girl or guy
- Drink Before the War
- It sounded good in my head before it came out of my mouth
- Life before death
- Before Jehovah's Awful Throne
- The Land Before Time
- Long Gone Before Daylight
- Pride Goeth Before a Fall
- Photography and religion
- Driving before dawn
- The night before the carnival opens
- The Calm Before the Storm
- Before the Calm
- Before the Flood
- What if we all got jobs and got to bed before dawn?
- Before the Red Cliff Rhapsody
- Don't count your chickens before they hatch
- A Hymn Before Battle
- Don't Leave Before the Miracle
- Eighteen seconds before sunrise
- Egypt before Nasser
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