After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor which plunged the United States into World War II, Franklin D. Roosevelt put a call out to all of the super-heroes of the time (then known as "mystery men" to band together in defense of their country. The call was answered by the members of the Justice Society of America which was called the Justice Battalion during the war, as well as the members of the Law's Legionnaires. Other unaffiliated heroes also joined and this new group was dubbed the All-Star Squadron.
The group met in the Perishere in New York City that was built for the 1939 - 1940 World's Fair. In the opening meeting, Hawkman was elected chairman. He later stepped down and Liberty Belle was then elected as permanent chairwoman. For a time, both Hawkman and Liberty Belle served as co-chairpersons.
The members of the All Star Squadron were:
The Atom Air Wave Amazing Man The Black Condor Captain Triumph Commander Steel The Crimson Avenger Doctor Fate Doctor Occult Doctor Mid-Nite Doll Man Dyna-Mite* Firebrand The Flash Flying Fox* Fury* Green Lantern The Guardian Hawkgirl Hawkman Hourman Human Bomb "Iron" Monroe* The Jester Johnny Quick Judomaster Kid Eternity Liberty Belle Max Mercury Midnight Manhunter I Manhunter II Miss America Mr. America/The Americommando Mr. Terrific Neptune Perkins* Phantom Lady The Ray The Red Bee The Red Tornado Robotman The Sandman Sandy, the Golden Boy Sargon the Sorcerer The Shining Knight The Spectre Starman The Star-Spangled Kid Stripesy Stuff, the Chinatown Kid Tarantula Johnny Thunder Tiger TNT Uncle Sam The Vigilante The Whip Wildcat Wing Wonder Woman Zatara the Magician
* Members sometimes referred to as the Young All-Stars
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