- they see in me a man that is empty, in need of love. that will not hurt them.
- What I used to be/Will pass away, and then you'll see/That all I want now/Is happiness for you and me
- Trouble Will Find Me
- Tell me what you read, and I will tell you who you are
- none of the generalizations you've ever heard about bullies will ever apply to your bully
- When will I see you again?
- I know the world will hate me for who I am.
- I am a bassist. Don't you fucking call me a bass player, ever.
- Please tell me it will all be okay.
- ender will save me (user)
- everyone who ever told me i was pretty was lying.
- Will You Stop Helping Me!
- One day, E2 will attain sentience. And I'll be there to see it.
- If No One Will Love Me
- I'm trying to see little old ladies as versions of my mom; it helps me be a better person
- give me five minutes and i will give you your life (document)
- Give me enough time, and I will find a new way to say devotion.
- Perhaps pain will stop me where good sense and virtue have failed
- We hold the proud distinction of being among the very last humans who will ever live
- Will the distant future see a removal from linear thought?
- Find me and I will give you the answer
- I will ever be your combustive tablature of igneous geometries
- there are people in the world who love you, and they will see that this suffering will not have happened in vain
- my insides are like lava. let me warm you. I will envelope all of you
- Will Everything ever stop expanding?
- Oh Sensei, will you please cook for me?
- I will wait until your quiet makes me remember I am waiting.
- The monsters of the past will be long forgotten by the time the general populace is ever forgiven
- I do not think that they will sing to me.
- It could be the last time you see me alive
- The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than the Driver of the Screw and Whipping Cords Will Serve You More Than Ropes Will Ever Do
- My New York will die with me
- Sketch me with charcoal. A pencil will never do, Argenis.
- I assume I am a visionary. You will not be able to convince me otherwise.
- My Father Will Guide Me Up a Rope to the Sky
- As Guan Yu would surrender to the Han, but not to Cao Cao, I will surrender to you, but not to your desire to control me.
- My northerliness allowed me to see bears
- By evening I will have returned all traces that I was ever here
- if you see a raven, don't throw stones; it could be me
- how many alleys will you follow me down, if i just started running
- See Me In Your Nightmares
- No point in mentioning the bats, I thought. Poor bastard will see them soon enough.
- You taught me to drive at night in the rain, for this I will hold you in my heart forever
- Will I ever know?
- because eventually you will see past my magical words and focus once again on the matter at hand
- If you take me home tonight I know that we will kiss, and one of us will fall in love and it will be a mess.
- You're the best thing that ever happened to me, no matter what
- what if the most important thing you will ever do you have already done?
- We hold the proud distinction of being among the very last humans who will ever die
- Hello, I take Zoloft. I am so gloriously mentally ill! You will love me, yes?
- How to know if you will ever experience time travel
- Saddest thing a woman friend ever told me
- I asked a friend to draw me, and I'm scared of what I'll see
- dirty little nodes that other people might not ever see
- Nicest things anyone's ever done for me
- Every time you see me, I need a hug
- I will REMOVE your "All your radical touching base are already occurred to the lesbian monkey puppy" philosophy on me if you don't eat my soy google balls, hatt-baby. Real or malarky?
- You will not remember me at all
- A child who will clearly grow up to be as demented as me
- Call me a lady and I will growl at you
- One of these days the cops will catch up with me
- The portion of her face she allows me to see
- I a man sad, with a linux box, a slow internet connection and friends who can not see the love in me bursting to get out.
- I'm up, he sees me, I'm down
- I was raised on red pepper and blood. I am so hot if you strike me I will light like a match.
- See Me, Feel Me
- If I tell you, ye will not believe: And if I also ask you, ye will not answer me, nor let me go.
- Soulmates who will never ever meet again
- You don't know me, but someday you will
- I'm so sorry my brain works that way
- I see the sea and the sea sees me
- As you graduate from college, you are the most conservative you will ever be
- I will marry only he who defeats me in Scrabble
- Will Ya Ride Me Like A Monkey Missus? : An Anglo-Irish E2 Get-Together
- She was the cutest necromancer I ever did see
- You couldn't save me back then. I will save you now. Trust me, take my hand.
- I will marry only he who defeats me in battle.
- in this world there are no equals but some day you will surpass me
- When, if ever, will there be permanent peace in the Balkans?
- Those I protect see me as a monster.
- I wonder if he ever thinks about me
- I will go. I shall go. I'll see where the end may be.
- Don't ask me to drive on the freeway I will piss myself
- honey, don't feed me: I will come back
- I just realized that I will not live to see the invention of time machines
- will you take me with you when you go?
- texting, she tells me anarchy will remain an important ideology
- Nobody should ever see another's porn collection
- The Museum of Whales You Will Never See
- No one will ever love you for your honesty
- If a system is given nothing but a steady supply of unconditional self-affirmation, it will never see an impetus to cure its ills
- The Last Song I Will Ever Write About a Girl
- For the first time ever, glad to see the red and blue lights
- God keep me from ever completing anything
- No one will ever love Adam for his honesty. It's just not there
- I have no proof that he would ever want to kiss or destroy me.
- Arguing with my father has never achieved anything for me ever
- This guy tipped his waitress a dollar with a dick drawn on it. What happened next left me questioning everything I ever thought about income inequality.
- the fact that i exist is testament to the perverse wonder that remains in the world, and i am not afraid that it will ever disappear
- I won't ever understand me
- By morning I will have erased all traces that I was ever a bear
- Seven opening lines if he would ever look me in the eye
- I was discovered by scientists, what will they call me?
- i'm afraid i will have to request that no one have the name "john" ever again. Existing "johns" will need to change their names.
- Against my will it is seeping into me, this information.
- In response to you telling me I have the bluest eyes you've ever seen
- If you could see me cry
- See Me Through Part II
- Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me
- no easy love could ever make me feel the same
- A few minutes is all it will take sometimes to completely undo me
- pingouin, will you marry me?
- feline allergies
- Can you see the tension piling on me in waves? Look into my eyes.
- You touched me when I needed to be touched, and for that I will hold you in my heart forever
- If I ever have kids, I will kick the TV in and hurl it out the window
- What will happen to me, when you die?
- Is that massive cerebral hemorrhaging, or are you just happy to see me?
- A sad reminder that you will inevitably lose everything you ever gain
- My subconscious is much smarter than I will ever be
- These trains will be the death of me yet
- You can see right through me
- The best thing my grandmother ever taught me
- I will marry only he who defeats me in battle
- Every time I see a dead fish that isn't, I think of you. Happiness keeps washing over me like a wave. What do I do with it all?
- Will eating a urinal cake kill me?
- This will be the hardest thing you ever do
- Show me your art and I will consume even the smallest part of you, he said.
- I will sell you all of me; complete. Starting price, ten dollars.
- Me and Will
- You Will Call Me Kompressor
- I'm waiting for what will make me stand still the rest of my life
- I cannot find the right words to touch the sky with me Yesterday tomorrow and forever in a white crystalline bask of your teddy bear beauty will you love me yes ok thx!
- Everything Quest: You kids stop your fighting or I will turn this car around so help me God
- nobody will let me start a country
- I was pretty sure that wasn't how slasher films were supposed to end, but you won't see me complaining.
- I am a stranger. I come in peace. Take me to your leader, and there will be a massive reward for you in eternity.
- What did my spleen ever do for me?
- I was not made for love songs, and love songs will never be made for me.
- Will the Atomic Bomb Ever Be Perfected, and If So, What Becomes of Robert Heinlein?
- Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
- This was the shinest golden dollar I would ever see in my life and I was not about to tarnish it.
- You won't see me at the wedding
- What did you See in Me?
- You will know me by those colors, deep and bold, of the heart you never knew.
- I may never be queen, but you will never break me
- Help Me Out, Will You?
- By morning I will have erased all traces that I was ever here
- oh ever so slowly
- Ever made it with an aardvark? We're quite rare.
- dr's Hospital Adventure : nurses put up with more than you can ever realize
- Don't you ever go to work?
- Have you ever been illusioned?
- Have you ever been so excited about your life that it makes you almost want to cry?
- What ever happened to all the fun in the world
- The funniest thing ever on Pinky and the Brain
- Greatest Story Ever Told
- The most perfect thing you can ever do
- The best tuna fish sandwich I've ever had
- Everything you ever wanted to know about theatre tech, but were afraid to ask
- Best Death Ever
- The Greatest Story Ever Told
- No government can ever give you freedom
- Things you would bring with you if you were ever invited to shower with jessicapierce
- The Road Goes Ever On
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