- If you ask me about summer, I'll tell you about
- If you ask me about autumn, I'll tell you about
- If you ask me about spring, I'll tell you about
- If you ask me about winter, I'll tell you about
- Somewhere there is a syphilitic prostitute who is going to tell me about India
- Tell me a story about just NOT GIVING A DAMN
- Tell me a story about flowers
- let me tell you something about ghosts
- Tell me a story about clouds
- tell me a story about sandcastles
- Tell me a story about cranes
- Don't tell me about her
- Tell me a story about trains
- Tell me a story about elephants
- Tell me about yourself. Tell me everything.
- They need food AND water? You didn't tell me about the water part.
- Tell Me a Story About Giving a Fuck. Tell Me, Everything.
- Tell me a story about being really undead
- Tell me about my contradictions
- Tell me about your faith
- tell me about the outside world. what part of it that i do not understand hurt you?
- Tell me a story about rains
- You never write, you never call, you never tell me what you learned about that mighty groaning noise
- Help me tell you a story about things and yourself, without pants
- Tell me about your secret places
- O tell me the truth about love
- let me tell you about this friend of mine
- Tell me a story about being really alive
- Ask me about microwaving cats for fun and profit
- tell me a story about lesbians
- Tell me a story about brains
- Tell me what you don't like about yourself.
- Tell me a story about drains
- Tell me a story about a burro, standing atop a mesa, surrounded by a flock of geese, being fed by a weathered old man wearing nothing but a Jimmy hat
- Ask me about Grim Fandango
- Tell me a story about mains
- Tell me a story about monetary policy
- Tell me a story about bunnies
- Ask me about Loom
- Tell me a story about plains
- Tell me a story about taking whatever you could get
- It's not worth thinking about. Have some tea. Come walk with me.
- I didn't have the heart to tell him I was lying about taco night, but at least the hellhound made some friends
- A Book about Me, by Me Myself
- Tell me what's real and I'll learn to be happy
- Let me create a cryptic nodeshell about this conversation
- She may be pretty and have more money than me but she doesn't write songs about you.
- If you really care about someone, do not tell her to fuck off
- Someday my life will be interesting, and I will come back and tell you about it then
- do you think about me as much as i think about you?
- What school debating society taught me about politics
- Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex (But Were Afraid To Ask)
- Things my mom doesn't argue with me about anymore
- Things nobody tells you about the south pole
- How is poetic form going to help me scream about revolution
- You can tell a lot about a person from their e-mail address
- Encyclopedia Brown taught me everything I need to know about opening doors
- all about me is the wind and the mist and the scent of the fields
- What Safeway storebrand whole wheat fig newtons taught me about the American political process
- 23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism
- I had no idea what he thought about me.
- If you care only about you, and I care only about you, who cares aout me?
- Take Off My Pants and Tell Me You Love Me and I'll Laugh in Your Face and Call You a Slut
- I can't even begin to tell you how I feel about certain things for reasons that you may find difficult to understand
- Your God does not make me want to reconsider my thoughts about suicide
- You are the kind of girl my mother warned me about
- I wonder if he ever thinks about me
- When I tell stories about you I have to use my hands
- You Should Never Have Asked Him About His Job!
- "Ha ha," says the Israeli voter to the American voter, "don't talk to me about the lesser of two evils."
- Don't You (Forget About Me)
- 10 things motorcycling taught me about driving a car
- How to tell when a journalist has no idea what they're talking about
- Like hands on a clock tell time without thinking about how long it's been
- Everything you ever wanted to know about theatre tech, but were afraid to ask
- I'd love to go back to the late 80's and tell them about our time
- Other things nobody tells you about the south pole
- I know it's boring to go on about it, it bores me to sleep, but what the hell, why doesn't it fade
- And I asked myself about the present: how wide it was, how deep it was, how much was mine to keep?
- Things I need to tell my teenaged daughters about boys
- the cat tells Oaf a story about wizards
- You know the little things about me that would sing in the silence
- Comparing essay about How to Tell Corn Fairies and Blue Silver stories
- I'll give you something to cry about
- What a Shame About Me
- Do my skinned knees prove something about me?
- This place makes me embarrassed about my spelling, not my sexual deviations
- Wandering about with keys dangling from an oversized shoelace around your neck
- show me what the world is all about
- I don't know why but I always love episodes without words. like just something about them makes me feel calm or something..
- I asked a friend to draw me, and I'm scared of what I'll see
- magic rectangle, teach me about the world
- She told me she remembers three things about me
- This guy tipped his waitress a dollar with a dick drawn on it. What happened next left me questioning everything I ever thought about income inequality.
- Tell me how you want to die, and I'll tell you who you are
- What can you tell us about the Republican Platform?
- If I tell you, ye will not believe: And if I also ask you, ye will not answer me, nor let me go.
- It's all about me (e2poll)
- What the Institute for Motivational Development had to say about me
- if I can't be with you, then I'll write about you, or I'll write about something else
- Don't talk about me behind my back
- Tell your kids things that they shouldn't know about
- There's Something About Mary
- Let's Talk About Feelings
- What About Bob?
- We only care about the cute animals, everything else is food
- Daleks and stairs
- What is this crap about trick-or-treating on Saturday?
- Feeling bad about a good deed
- The good thing about using a horribly outdated file system
- Nodes about measurement
- about an Alice
- precision vs. accuracy
- about box
- The Trick About Thawing Grapes
- The secret truth about the PalmPilot
- One good thing about gangs
- out and about
- Twenty-three good things about pickles and dirt
- Porn industry
- What do girls think about guys who think about what other people think about girls and what they do?
- About Koji - A Starter For Making Saké
- A Story About Magic
- You sad cookie, you CARE more about filthy rich pretty people you'll never meet
- naive perceptions about software development
- You forget about everything for a few months and everything changes
- Conventional views about human cloning
- The cluelessness of the press when writing about computer crime
- Think About Mutation
- What do you think about Human Clothing?
- Don't talk about your mamma like that
- I'm passionate about my plant life
- Everything you wanted to know about hamsters, and then some!
- This scenario is about to self-destruct
- What We Talk about When We Talk About Love
- The Girl from Ipanema
- A joke about tax collectors
- Quotes about robotic dinosaurs
- Your radical ideas about society, individualism, and religion have already occurred to others
- I don't acknowledge your existence either. Don't worry about it.
- Your radical ideas about religion as a mechanism of social control have already occurred to others
- I don't give a DAMN about your character
- More Songs About Buildings and Food
- LPPR: Illegal Speech About Drugs
- Doctors know nothing about drugs
- What Little I Know About Ingredients For Thai Cuisine
- Stories about the injury of male genitalia
- Something about parts of you
- I'm really sorry about that!!!
- About Du Fu
- Why nodes about Canada suck
- The Joy of Pair Bonding: Talking About Sex
- On reading letters that bitch about scantily-clad models on magazine covers
- The cool thing about the O&M building at A&M
- DEA arrests just about everybody
- All About Touching
- Is There Something About Bangkok I Should Maybe Know About?
- Advice the KJV Bible has to give about Everything
- a narrative about my relationship
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