- Things are looking up, so I'll just stand here and wait for a satellite to fall on my head
- Stand up! Stand up for Jesus
- And then stand/alone/bitch popped up under 'local matches'
- sometimes i go outside and stand in the sun and look up at the sky and pretend i'm a tree
- Stand Up and Shout
- Sit Down. Stand Up.
- Stand up for yourself, OR: How I got the shit kicked out of me
- Generic stand up comedy routine
- Have I forgotten how to stand up with the humor and the need?
- Stand Up and Bless the Lord
- Will the Real Bruce Perens Please Stand Up?
- I can't stand up for falling down
- I'm so pissed I can't stand up
- Stand Up Guy
- Stand up philosophy
- Stand Up for Judas
- stand up
- Get Up, Stand Up
- Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up?
- Original Stand Up Routine
- An Original Stand Up Routine
- stand up comedy
- Shut Up or Stand Up - The Brag
- to take sides is to give up your freedom
- individual freedom
- Young Americans for Freedom
- freedom fighter
- freedom to innovate
- six degrees of freedom
- The Machinery of Freedom
- Freedom of religion
- freedom of assembly
- 40 oz. to freedom
- freedom riders
- War is peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is strength
- freedom from suffering
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- Human Freedom Index
- US ranking on the Human Freedom Index
- The US does NOT have Freedom of Speech
- Development as Freedom
- Nonconformists for freedom
- Guarantee freedom of choice
- Academic Freedom
- Beyond Freedom and Dignity
- freedom of expression
- League For Programming Freedom
- vond freedom (user)
- Freedom to Innovate Network
- We've Replaced Your Freedom with the Illusion of Freedom
- freedom knights
- The freedom of poverty
- freedom of the press
- Some Elementary Comments on the Rights of Freedom of Expression
- Freedom of '76
- morphological freedom
- Everyone has the freedom to act an asshole
- Freedom of religion is not freedom from religion
- freedom of information vs privacy
- Freedom isn't Free
- The guy who may as well already be dead and therefore doesn't care about the consequences of his actions and is able to move with perfect freedom for the remainder of what will likely be a tragically short life
- The path to freedom
- A symptom of human freedom
- Freedom of Information Act
- Freedom 90
- Which party wants to deny you your freedoms next?
- I don't care about society, it just gets in the way of my individual freedom
- The Freedom Sessions
- Lost Freedom
- Freedom Rides
- The only true freedom is freedom from the heart's desires
- Freedom 7
- negative freedom
- positive freedom
- The thumping freedom en masse
- They may take our car keys, but they'll never take our freedom
- Long Walk to Freedom
- Martyrs of course to the freedom that I shall provide
- Diminishing Freedom in America
- Freedom Scientific
- Education for Freedom
- Freedom Of Speech Won't Feed My Children
- freedom versus license
- Hotel Freedom
- Capitalism is not freedom
- Freedom Fridge (user)
- Freedom Force
- Sister Freedom Tapes
- No government can ever give you freedom
- Battle Cry of Freedom
- What Freedom Means
- Declaration of the freedom of the will over the body
- Factual Faction for the Freedom of Fine Facts
- Will warez and filesharing be the salvation of freedom?
- American Indian Religious Freedom Act
- Amendment to the American Indian Religious Freedom Act
- Find the Cost of Freedom
- Operation Enduring Freedom
- The freedom to express dissent in America
- Flight for Freedom
- Presidential Medal of Freedom
- Freedom is under threat from guns, abortions and children's television
- Freedom and the travelling circus
- Forty-One For Freedom
- Freedom Summer
- The Last Note of Freedom
- Freedom's Landing
- A comparison of personal freedoms and liberties in developed nations
- Enduring Freedom
- USA Freedom Corps
- The Freedom Trail
- degrees of freedom
- Free as in Freedom
- Tax Freedom Day
- I am the red, the white, & the blue. No man cometh to freedom except through me.
- Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose
- Freedom: I Won't
- The Freedom Ship
- Freedom in the Galaxy
- Freedom's Choice
- Freedom's Challenge
- Freedom's Ransom
- The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom
- Freedom and Freud's Theory of Instincts
- National Coalition for Sexual Freedom
- In Freedom's Cause
- Freedom fries
- freedom kiss
- Random socks, balled up
- Operation American Freedom
- Freedom Charter
- Four Freedoms
- On the Freedom of a Christian Man
- The threat of freedom
- Iraqi Freedom Operations
- Freedom 911
- Freedom of Choice
- Freedom Fighters
- Escape from Freedom
- Tax Freedom Project
- Wilson's New Freedom vs. Roosevelt's New Nationalism
- Freedoms of the air
- Freedom Tunnel
- Freedom is free of the need to be free
- Let freedom reign
- The future does not belong to fear: it belongs to freedom
- National Underground Railroad Freedom Center
- Operation Lightning Freedom
- freedom, the forbidden fruit
- The fear of the LORD is the ending of freedom
- On the Freedom of Speech
- eternal vigilance is the price of freedom
- Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era
- Freedom Association
- Freedom Evolves
- When the Detail Lost its Freedom
- There ought to be limits to freedom
- Freedom of speech is not freedom from repercussions of speech
- freedom (user)
- Christian Freedom International
- Freedom is a dark road
- USA Freedom Corps for Kids
- Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one
- Freedom spiked breezes
- Fifty dollar freedom
- If I could, I'd title this "Freedom"
- freedom for everyone
- Freedom of the press and repression of the photocopier
- private freedom (user)
- Marriage is a positive freedom
- That which threatens freedom
- freedom (in the mist)
- freedom borngreat (user)
- MPs' Expenses and the Freedom of Information Act
- Abuse of the freedom of speech
- freedom forever (user)
- Freedom and Necessity
- I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin.
- fast forward to freedom
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