- She asked me if I loved her and I showed her the tattoo
- She loved me for my brains not my body. It's what zombies do.
- her hate keeps me warm. her shadows keep me guessing.
- Because I still love her, because I know she still loves me.
- My mother loves me. She uses the good sandwich bags.
- i gave her my heart. she gave me a pen.
- Here's Me Inside Her But I Can Tell From Her Vagina She Doesn't Really Care
- She asked me to copy my poem into her notebook
- She Loves Me
- She said she loved me
- I told her I could read her mind, but she didn't believe me. I could tell.
- She Gave Sweet Love To Me
- She writes notes to me, to keep me in check
- I don't like her because she won't like me
- She loved me for my maths
- She loves me, she loves me not
- Is it fair for him to love me when she craves his touch?
- The portion of her face she allows me to see
- She said she loved me. The knife came down.
- She pulled the "I love you" on me
- She asked me to read her a poem
- I a man sad, with a linux box, a slow internet connection and friends who can not see the love in me bursting to get out.
- Hold me closer and say you love me
- She Fucks Me
- I'm not in love, set me free
- You only love me for my whitegoods
- I am built to ignore hard truths and keep dreaming. That's what it is to be me.
- Would you love me if I was a worm
- To me he is a daisy and I keep trying to count his petals
- She told me to say that
- Loves me like a bottle
- If No One Will Love Me
- Do you love me or are you in love?
- Show Me Love
- Her photography captured little beautifuls and me
- He loves me, he loves me not
- the space was filled with love like light and that made me shine as well
- She kissed me gently, just once, then walked away crying
- I put my head down and hoped to God she wasn't looking at me
- That plastic duck just keeps STARING at me!
- She only wants me for sex
- Cheap brandy makes me love you and vomit
- turn me on, and leave a scabby body
- You can now flame me, I am full of love
- I would like for love not to kill me, please
- Spare Me a Little of Your Love
- Love forgive me if I wish you grief
- I thought you loved me
- Jesus loves me, right?
- No One Loves Me & Neither Do I
- Sometimes I think you love that doomsday machine more than you love me.
- They love me in San Francisco
- her arms around me
- My mom loved me
- She who makes the Moon the Moon and, whenever she is full, sets the dogs to howling all night long, and me with them.
- She misses me
- I asked her not to forget me
- this ain't no love that's guiding me
- Junk that I keep in my outgoing folder of my mobile phone
- you never once told her how beautiful she was nor how much you truly loved her
- Your words keep me alive
- To the drive who keeps taking me
- The stars were bright that night she left me forever
- If you can catch me, you can keep me
- She was an intellectual prostitute, seducing me with profound truisms
- You Gave Your Love To Me Softly
- Those pajamas just make me want to give you a great big full bodied bear hug flying tackle of cuddle doom
- Nobody Loves Me
- God keep me from ever completing anything
- Pity Me, My Love
- Love me the way that I love you
- Love me till your heart stops. Love me till I'm dead.
- Don't give me your hand me down love
- Anna and her Mother: spinning me in circles
- Tell me again why it is that I love
- Mama, Do You Love Me?
- The Spy Who Loved Me
- Do you love me now, Daddy? Do you think I'm pretty?
- Dance Me to the End of Love
- love me less, but, love me for a long time...!
- like you love me
- Tell me of the nature of love
- So - you've been making love to me ten thousand miles away - how tantalizing.
- Love Me Tender
- You Don't Have To Say You Love Me
- She was most amazed by the obvious, like January and the fact that I could not possibly keep her.
- let her take me, feed on me, devour me
- To anyone who this may have hurt, please forgive me. The darkness keeps calling and I must go.
- Somehow Love Discovered Me
- let me love you (user)
- love me
- Loophole Abusing a Magic Cauldron, Chapter 14: Love Never Leave Me
- I got the feeling the Fairy Council was mad at me when the president knocked over her coffee to get a better grip on my neck
- She just looks at me
- She keeps her lies everywhere
- She approached me with some vague line
- and me warm in the window, watching Brooklyn fall asleep under snow
- If you take me home tonight I know that we will kiss, and one of us will fall in love and it will be a mess.
- She told me I'd make a good Satan
- Things you told me when we were in love
- Lady Love Me (One More Time)
- She dumped me when she found out I'd been faking my Scottish accent
- She only wants me for tech support
- Two condoms, she makes me wear
- She wakes me up by tickling my feet
- There is nothing growing here, in the space between she and me
- To the man who keeps happening to me
- She told me I looked like a Henry, and this is how she would know me
- I would have tried, but Charlotte kept Charlotte in the world of Charlotte and she barely heard me
- Simple words, simple dreams
- She kills me
- That one makes me scream, she said
- Every time I see a dead fish that isn't, I think of you. Happiness keeps washing over me like a wave. What do I do with it all?
- How long do you think I'll let you keep me here?
- She is stupidly keeping herself a secret, when I know she has sparkly things to show me
- Every one of these scars is a sign my cat loves me!
- Can't Buy Me Love
- I remember when it was me who made her skin flush
- Pale sickly white girl, why you no love me?
- Do you think you could love me now?
- Bathe her and bring her to me
- Hello, I take Zoloft. I am so gloriously mentally ill! You will love me, yes?
- Somebody Loves Me
- You Say You Don't Love Me
- Our love sustains me far beyond the gold horizon
- Jesus Loves Me
- I remember when it was me who made her toilet flush
- Know me better, and love me better
- feline allergies
- I would love for you to come to me with Christmas lights around your head, late night like a ghost
- Don't Say You Love Me
- You say you love; but with a voice
- Take Off My Pants and Tell Me You Love Me and I'll Laugh in Your Face and Call You a Slut
- Honey, if you love me won't you please please smile?
- Daddy, stop hitting me and tell me you love me
- O tell me the truth about love
- Love Me or Leave Me
- I Can't Make You Love Me
- She plugs her tears in the way you'd keep a dam from breaking
- Keep a room somewhere for me, I'll find it on my way back.
- PINCH ~Love Me Deeper~
- If you really loved me
- Your Body Above Me
- Veronica loves manipulating her vagina until she explodes
- Sometimes I fly and sometimes you love me
- I was not made for love songs, and love songs will never be made for me.
- Nobody Loves Me & Neither Do I
- Why I politely asked the contemporary lit major I was dating to stop writing me love letters
- Can't you just fall in love with me already?
- I cannot find the right words to touch the sky with me Yesterday tomorrow and forever in a white crystalline bask of your teddy bear beauty will you love me yes ok thx!
- Why Do You Love Me?
- I fall in love with my migraine, every day he seduces me with a kiss.
- they see in me a man that is empty, in need of love. that will not hurt them.
- sky loves me (user)
- New York I Love You, But You're Bringing Me Down
- You eat toffee on toast. You kiss me every morning. I love you.
- Now she's in my doorway, accusing me with her soft breasts and long legs, strong hips.
- Love only me until we die: marriage among the flatworms
- Don't tell me about her
- no easy love could ever make me feel the same
- Love me for calling you stupid: a thought for activists
- little pieces of her tragically poetic attempts at being loved that she was startlingly aware of, today
- ME IN LOVE (user)
- I Love Them But They Don't Love Me
- I don't know why but I always love episodes without words. like just something about them makes me feel calm or something..
- When you're loving me, I love you most
- Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?
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