User Bookmarks:
Sort by name Sort by date
- !!!
- "American Indians": Absurd liberal myth
- "Breeders" is a butt-ugly word
- "But offstage things were falling apart..." is a registered trademark of VH1 Behind the Music (idea)
- "dannye": Absurd Liberal Myth
- "Getting to know you in the Biblical sense" nodes
- "None of the above" in elections (idea)
- (?) (thing)
- 10 things motorcycling taught me about driving a car
- 1000 Homo DJs
- 1000 Hours Deluxe American Superwar Gold! (idea)
- 1000000 Hit Points and Maximum Charisma!
- 2+2=5
- 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake
- 2x8 for lack of a Slim Jim
- 3:24 AM and drinking alone (idea)
- 5-0 and go
- A boy named Ben
- A Chronological Biography of Akira Kurosawa
- A Fistful of Yen (thing)
- A Gentleman's Primer to Freestyle Rap
- A Hand in the Bush: The Fine Art of Vaginal Fisting
- A letter to the hottie who stole my washing machine
- A line of reasoning in support of the use of force (idea)
- A list of things kids should and should not have from a woman who has no kids (idea)
- A Modest Proposal
- A new kind of porn
- A pill that will make you normal (idea)
- A pot-grower's worst nightmare
- A pot-grower's worst nightmare (idea)
- A preview of a movie you had already seen (idea)
- A response to horse porn
- A secret of American pronunciation: Letters 't' and 'd'
- A simple expression of rage and frustration (thing)
- A Study On The Effects Of THC
- A teddy bear deity bestowed upon me a curse of apathy (idea)
- A time when a gun might have been helpful (idea)
- Abandonware
- Absinthe
- abuse
- abuses of statistics
- Acetate (thing)
- Achieve riding happiness with $75 and 30 year old motorcycle. Malarkey? Or effective way?
- acid test (idea)
- Ack! That person doesn't fit in a category! Quick, find one for them!
- Ack! You lost experience!
- Acronyms and Abbreviations of the U.S. Military
- Acrostic
- Advanced Settings
- Adventures in the women's bathroom : A male perspective
- Aerobars are not for the faint of heart (idea)
- aikido
- Airport games for one
- Airport games that will get you arrested or beaten
- Alec Empire vs Elvis Presley
- Aleister Crowley
- Aliens look like aliens because they're human (idea)
- All Girls Should Have Been Born Blonde (thing)
- All in Favor of "Gun Control" Raise Your Right Hand
- (thing)
- Alternative Tentacles
- Am I demanding because I want to see you play Dance Dance Revolution and laugh at you? (idea)
- Am I insane, or is it just wishful thinking?
- Am I my monkey's uncle? (idea)
- amanita muscaria (thing)
- amber gambler
- America if I only had the money. Here are your new commercials:
- American Kennel Club Recognised Breeds (idea)
- American Underworld Dictionary
- Amon Tobin
- An Age of Social Transformation (idea)
- An e-mail address is NOT a website
- An easy way to get out of going to church
- An envelope from the previous systems administrator
- An incredibly stupid reason why I got called into the school counselor's office (idea)
- anachronism
- Anal sex
- Anandamide: cannabis, pregnancy, memory, and schizophrenia
- Anarchism: What It Really Stands For (idea)
- Ancient Eugenics
- Ancient Scottish tradition of basing your food on a dare
- And if your teacher is also a pervert? (idea)
- Animals people have sex with
- Animals that should not have been domesticated
- Ankle sprain
- Answering Questions About Your Employment at the NSA (idea)
- anthropomorphize (definition)
- Anti-Mac zealot (idea)
- Anti-spam spam (idea)
- antipsychotic
- Antisemitism and Martin Luther (thing)
- anus
- Anybody who gets married before the age of 25 scares me a little
- Apostrophe Protection Society
- Apparently I am a potential rapist
- April 29, 2001 (idea)
- Aqua Lube
- Are Clones Individuals?
- Around nine PM my heart was breaking so I went to bed early to listen to it happen. (thing)
- ASCII 127 (idea)
- Asians, the oppressive minority (idea)
- Asking for a favor (idea)
- AstroGlide (thing)
- Atlas Shrugged
- Atrocities in the Bible (idea)
- Attempting to urinate with an erect penis
- autism
- Avoidant Personality Disorder
- Avoiding date rape
- Avoiding happiness for comfort
- Ayn Rand
- Babysitting a gigantic five year old
- Bad Ass vs. Evil sunglasses
- bad grammar is the halitosis of the internet (idea)
- Baked beans on toast (thing)
- bakelite
- Bakelite telephone
- ball gag (thing)
- Barry Goldwater (thing)
- Bastard Operator from Hell
- Bathing cats in the toilet
- BCS theory of superconductivity (thing)
- Be a problematic duck over there
- beading
- Beat Generation (thing)
- bed bug (thing)
- Beer as a vital part of my flu recovery program (idea)
- Before they were famous (idea)
- Being a dickhead (person)
- Being licked to death by kittens
- ben-wa balls
- Benefits of Martial Arts training
- Best homenode bits of accounts I have deleted
- Best War on Drugs commercials
- Best way to a man's heart
- Beyond the Pleasure Principle
- Beyond Vietnam (idea)
- Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure (thing)
- Bill Hicks
- Bill Watterson
- Bioluminescence of the Black Dragonfish
- bitch character (thing)
- bitches (person)
- Block Stacking Theory
- Blowing smoke rings
- Blue Box
- Blue Velvet Drinking Game
- Blunt
- boardwalk fries
- Bobby Flay (thing)
- body count
- body modification
- Borderline personality disorder
- Boston Butt (thing)
- Boxers
- Brass Monkey
- Bretzel
- Brighten a worker's day in a wholesale store
- Broccoli Cheese Potato Soup (thing)
- Broken window syndrome
- Brooks's Law
- Bubbler
- Bugs go to JayBonci (idea)
- built like a tank
- Bulletproof nudity
- Bullshit squared is still just bullshit
- Burning Man
- Burning Man 2000
- Bush's Orwellian Address
- Buying Afghani artifacts on ebay (idea)
- Bystander Effect (idea)
- Caffeinated Nasal Spray
- Call a spade a fucking shovel
- Calling nice Americans Canadians out of politeness
- Capitalism is doomed (idea)
- car alarm
- car culture
- Carrying a knife through airport security
- Cats always land on their feet (idea)
- Cats don't masturbate
- cavitation torpedo
- Celebrity knock knock jokes
- celery is NOT served at movie theaters
- censorware (idea)
- centipede umbrella of mental force (idea)
- Chaim Potok
- CharlieH
- Cheers, my lips have frozen but hemlock goes down easy (person)
- Chicago Roll (idea)
- Chinese Food Non-Standard Syndrome
- Chinese Restaurant Syndrome
- chip on your shoulder
- choad
- chocolate block
- Choosing a urinal
- Choosing a wine (idea)
- chopsticks (idea)
- Christian holidays - now secular
- Christopher Walken
- Christopher Walken (person)
- Chronic the Hemphog
- Church of Potatoism
- cigarette burns (thing)
- Cigarette butt-throwing dumb-ass drivers
- Citizen Aim
- Citizen: You have committed an error
- Clandestine dating (thing)
- Cleaning your ears
- Clear Channel's list of questionable songs
- Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel
- Cliffs Notes (thing)
- clove cigarettes
- Cluetrain Manifesto (thing)
- Cocaine
- cock ring
- Cockmaster (definition)
- Cockney rhyming slang
- codeine
- Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey
- Commercial CD and DVD printing
- Common video game design flaws
- Compaq (idea)
- Complete guide to Driving
- compressed air as improvised bug spray
- compressed air as improvised bug spray (thing)
- Computer Myths and Dangers (idea)
- Congratulations: you are living a life devoid of any serious problems
- contempt
- Conventional Good Looks scale
- Conversation I overheard in the bookstore 5 min before end of my shift
- cooking with gas (idea)
- Cooler than the other side of the pillow
- Cooperative Daycare
- Could you pick yourself out of a lineup?
- Cowboy Bebop
- creating a breakbeat
- Creative writing vs. journal entries (thing)
- Crimping Cat-5
- cunnilingus
- Cures for hiccups (idea)
- Curious George does LSD
- Customizing the OEM information in Windows9x/ME (thing)
- CYBERsitter (thing)
- Daddy
- Daily Evil - Tuesday, October 31st (idea)
- Dalliance
- Damn it Feels Good to be a Gangsta
- Damn the man (idea)
- Dangermouse
- Dank
- Dare I eat a mango
- Darling little high school students
- Database Lag-o-meter
- dbrown
- Dead baby jokes
- Dead peasant insurance (idea)
- Deadbeat
- Deals well with ambiguity: a savagely long writeup about why boys are not like girls and other things (idea)
- deconstruction of a Pillsbury Pizza-Pop television advertisement (idea)
- defenestrate
- DeLorean (thing)
- Demerol
- Demi Moore (person)
- dendrochronology
- denotation
- Dental surgery, or, how I learned to appreciate anesthesia
- Derek and the Dominoes (thing)
- Descartes' argument for Dualism
- dex207
- Diarrhea of the mouth, and a constipation of ideas
- Dictionary of Sexology
- Did Israel attack the Pentagon and World Trade Center?
- dildo chair
- Dimensional analysis (thing)
- diode (thing)
- Dip me in honey and throw me to the lesbians
- Dipping your hand into molten lead
- Dirty Golden Bear (thing)
- Dizzy Gillespie (person)
- dko
- Do my skinned knees prove something about me?
- Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals
- Do not have sex with horses. Seriously, don't.
- Do not use the toaster: It will catch on fire (thing)
- Do not watch Fight Club every day for a week
- Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law
- Doctors know nothing about drugs
- Does porn increase the self-perceived value of pussy?
- Dog bites man, film at eleven
- Dogs are for wimps who don't have the guts to bite people themselves
- Domovik (thing)
- Don't be sexist. Broads hate that.
- Don't Crush that Dwarf, Hand Me the Pliers
- Don't eat the brown acid
- Don't lie. Ever.
- Don't take that tone with me, son (idea)
- Donnie Darko
- dopamine
- Dot matrix printer (thing)
- DP
- Dr. John Zoidberg
- Dr. Love's Super Baby-Making Show (thing)
- Dr. Mario 64 (thing)
- Drinks that promote sleep (thing)
- Drivers who think they are Neo
- Driving in snow
- drop the deuce
- drug users
- drug-induced dementia (thing)
- Drugs (thing)
- Drugs Reported to Cause Visual Hallucinations (thing)
- Drunkards, deadbeats and bummers (idea)
- DTMF (thing)
- DuPage County Area Project (thing)
- Durban
- Dyslexic Christian sells soul to Santa (idea)
- dysphemism (thing)
- E2 HTML tags
- E2 is unfriendly to New Order
- E2 lyrics noding standard (idea)
- E2 node tracker
- E2 Offline Scratchpad
- Eating icicles to avoid dehydration (idea)
- Ebonics
- Ecstasy and relief from Parkinson's Disease
- Ed Rush
- Eek the Cat
- El Nino Claims a Victim, or: Porsche + Rain + Stupidity = No More Porsche
- Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
- Elvis Ate America (idea)
- Emergency car kit (thing)
- English as a World Language
- English is the hot dog of languages (idea)
- Eratosthenes' Sieve
- Ernst Stavro Blofeld (person)
- erosion of memory (idea)
- Eskimos do NOT have 40 words for snow
- Ethiopia
- Evanescence (definition)
- Everyone except me is having a picnic on the moon
- everyone needs an angry love story (idea)
- Everything Bartender
- Everything Document Directory
- Everything Finger
- Everything Quote Server
- Everything User Search
- Everything wurst writeups (idea)
- Everything: In the Beginning, Chapter One
- Everything2 Civil War
- Everything2 medical disclaimer
- Ewww, icky boob job!
- excerpts from conversations heard on public transportation
- Exile on Main Street (idea)
- Existentialism
- exotic shotgun ammo (thing)
- Experiments and Surveys
- Exquisite Corpse
- Face it, we're all a bunch of perverts
- Failed attempts to seduce right wing religious fanatics
- Fake flavor-coloring correlation theory
- Fake Rolex (idea)
- Faking an orgasm (idea)
- Falling in love with someone's musical taste
- Falling out of love with friends (idea)
- false dichotomy (idea)
- False memory syndrome (idea)
- farang
- Fascism and Oppression - Know the Signs! (idea)
- Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (idea)
- Fat is a Feminist Issue (idea)
- Febrile
- February 26, 2001 (idea)
- Federico Fellini
- Feedback during sex is good
- Felliniesque
- Female ejaculation
- Feminine hygiene products never cease to amaze
- Feminists For Fornication (person)
- Fetishizing schoolgirls
- Fight Club (idea)
- Fight Club as an extension of the Beat Generation
- Filling your car with an extra 2 cents worth of fuel (idea)
- First node on everything (idea)
- fisting (idea)
- flint knapping
- fluffer
- foie gras (idea)
- foie gras (idea)
- For a good time, call your partner, not that 900 number (idea)
- For anybody who thinks they need to see a psychiatrist
- For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn.
- Forget what you think you know about the opposite sex
- Forgive me, my English is version 0.0
- Formication
- Frank Zappa (person)
- Frank Zappa: Statement To Congress September 19, 1985
- Frank Zappa: Statement To Congress September 19, 1985 (thing)
- Franz Kafka
- free education
- Free your mind, add some pizzazz to your writing (idea)
- French leave (idea)
- From Dusk Till Dawn
- Fuck me boots
- Fuck You General Public Disclaimer
- Fuck You: A Magazine of the Arts
- Fucked up Facts from History
- Fucked up Facts from History (place)
- Futurama
- garden variety
- gasoline additive
- geezer nostalgia
- generative linguistics
- Gentile jokes (thing)
- genuine fractals
- Germans love David Hasselhoff
- Get over the self-absorbed "I'll never sell out" rhetoric
- Get your ass out of the testosterone lane!
- Get your ass out of the testosterone lane! (idea)
- Getting a tattoo
- Getting along with your best friend's girlfriend
- GI tract
- Gimlet
- ginger beer
- Girls can wank in a ladylike fashion
- Girls who go home with you when they don't even know your name
- Girls who want to fuck, just to fuck
- Girly Girl (person)
- Giving a handjob to a woman (how-to)
- Giving our kids something to rebel against
- glassblowing
- glory hole (idea)
- gnosticism
- Go to Hell - A voting system
- God, thanks for inventing breasts (idea)
- Gödel's theorem
- Godspeed You! Black Emperor
- Godwin's Law
- Godwin's Law (thing)
- going postal (person)
- Gomco clamp
- Goth Baiting
- Graves Registration
- grok
- Guitar strings don't make good tattoo needles
- H.P. Lovecraft
- H.P. Lovecraft on E2
- Hacienda (place)
- Hacking a drugstore (idea)
- Haiku error messages
- Halcion
- Halcion (thing)
- halitosis
- Halls of Infinite Cock (thing)
- Haloperidol
- Happy Fun Ball
- Happy Hardcore
- Hard Candy (thing)
- hash oil
- haute couture
- Having the courage to be an absolute nobody (person)
- Head (thing)
- Heart of a Dog (thing)
- Hell is other people
- Hello Kitty vibrator
- Hello, I'm fucking your daughter
- Help! My money is full of cocaine!
- Helping a loved one with depression (idea)
- Helping your kid brother die (person)
- Hepatitis
- Her perception of how gorgeous she is will be evident in her lack of movement during sex
- Heroin, MPTP, and the key to Parkinson's Disease
- Hey, we're Pizza Hut! We've put cheese in places you've never even dreamed of!
- hide with Spread Beaver
- Hideous Jabbering Head of Abraham Lincoln
- High maintenance (person)
- High Times (idea)
- highside
- Highway Hypnosis (thing)
- History Eraser Button
- Hitting things on your bicycle without falling down (idea)
- hobo dinner
- Holy Grail Sandwich
- Holy shit, you mean I'm not invisible? (idea)
- Home taping is killing music
- homophone (thing)
- Honey, I forgot to duck
- Honk if your horn is broken: Where do they get these stupid stickers?
- horsepower and torque
- HOT DAMN!: Drinking, Debauchery, and Dastardly Deeds (idea)
- Hotter than two rats fucking in a wool sock (idea)
- How a 25-year-old can contract diaper rash in one fun night
- How a computer works (idea)
- How do police train dogs to find hidden drugs? (thing)
- How do we know dog biscuits are "now better tasting!"?
- How do you pronounce a 3? Or a 0?
- How far can an animal fall and survive? (idea)
- How female ejaculation saved my life
- How high can you count on your fingers?
- How I Almost Blew My Nuts Off
- How I learned to stop worrying and love the LAPD (idea)
- How I nearly killed myself masturbating
- How many ways can you say "It's stuff made from soy"? (idea)
- How Moscow teenagers answer the phone
- How much for the little girl?
- How old are you? (idea)
- How Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man have sex
- How Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends wrecked my love life
- How Sprint fires people
- How television car chases influenced me
- How to add a notepad entry to the file right click menu
- How to be a Gangsta (in 5 simple steps)
- How to be a Jackass in your own home (idea)
- How to beat a lie detector
- How to become a better anorexic
- How to break a coconut
- how to buy a coconut (idea)
- How to catch crabs
- How to chug a beer (idea)
- How to compliment a female coworker
- How to cook the perfect steak (idea)
- How to crack an egg with one hand (idea)
- How to create your own hide-a-key for your car (idea)
- How to Defecate in the Jungle (idea)
- How to display the second hand on a digital clock radio
- How to drink urine to survive
- How to eat an artichoke (idea)
- How to entertain unwashed masses on little or no money
- How to fight and not get your ass kicked
- How to find something which has been lost
- How to fly (idea)
- How to freeze light waves (idea)
- How to Get Ahead in Advertising (thing)
- How to get anywhere on the Earth in one hour (idea)
- How to get someone to stop playing that one song over and over
- How to get unrestricted simultaneous downloads in Internet Explorer
- How to give a blowjob
- How to give a good PowerPoint presentation (idea)
- How to give a hug
- How to Good-Bye Depression: If You Constrict Anus 100 Times Everyday. Malarkey? or Effective Way?
- How to increase the volume of male ejaculate (idea)
- How to kill yourself on a motorcycle
- how to lie and get away with it (idea)
- How to link to individual user searches
- How to make a woman ejaculate
- How to pick up men (idea)
- How to quit Not Smoking
- How to say "I'm crazy"
- How to screw with people's heads at the mall (idea)
- How to smuggle a snake onto an airplane (idea)
- How to speak about women and be politically incorrect
- How to stay up all night if you've been up all day
- How to summon Mothra
- How to Talk Dirty and Influence People
- How to teach art to a four-year-old
- How to tell if a girl's interested in you
- How to tell when a guy just wants to be friends
- How to tell when your dog just wants to be friends
- How to turn a crack house into a crack home
- How to use a manual transmission (idea)
- How to use the Postal Service for free (idea)
- How to use your geek skills to get the girl
- How to wipe your ass
- How to write an "A" paper with minimal effort (idea)
- How to write sex and violence - tastefully (thing)
- How would you like it if they took your subculture and made it a theme night?
- Human Beat Box (thing)
- Human Education Against Lies (thing)
- Human seminal plasma hypersensitivity
- Human-powered flight (thing)
- Humane octopus killing
- Hymen
- hypothyroidism
- I actually, um, created, um, thefez
- I am a little concerned about my state of mind
- I am a rape survivor
- I am a sexist
- I am forced to smoke my cat
- I am my father's daughter (idea)
- I am sorry but when you were talking I was admiring the shape of your lips and evaluating their kissability
- I am the Walrus (idea)
- I am uglier than you imagine
- I am wrong (idea)
- I bent my wookiee
- I can make a bong out of anything
- I can make you howl. And vice versa. Let's get down to business.
- I considered cutting my toenails, but they're my only natural defense
- I do not apologize on behalf of my country
- I do not fit in; I am not alone
- I do not like doctors
- I don't (idea)
- I don't believe in anything (idea)
- I don't care if you're the customer, I still think you're wrong. (idea)
- I don't have any secrets. Now ask me if I have any lies.
- I don't know where he gets his words but I like them
- I don't think you could do this with a modern SUV
- I don't want to risk endangering the cheap, meaningless sex we have
- I Dream Of Wires (thing)
- I found God (idea)
- I got junk mail from the Dalai Lama
- I had to bury the cat somewhere.... (place)
- I hate God (idea)
- I have a good idea, smear crap on your face
- I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
- I have too many clothes (person)
- I killed my father, I ate human flesh and I quiver with joy
- I knew I couldn't build a cat
- I know that all the cannabis activists would like you to believe differently but
- I know what holds up traffic - in 5 words!
- I like my beer cold, my TV loud, and my homosexuals FLAMING!
- I like my coffee the way I like my women
- I like my coffee the way I like my women (idea)
- I look better when I am wet
- I Love Hip Hop
- I love you so much that I have to break up with you
- I may be a trenchie bitch, but you forget we wear combat boots! (idea)
- I played solitaire for a year for the chance to use one line
- I recall the last 20 years as succinctly as I can in one node: bear with me
- I still have the skull of the one that tried to bite my leg off
- I sucked a lot of cock to get where I am
- I take a long time to ejaculate. Do I have a problem?
- I used to think of marriage as a plate-glass window just begging for a brick (idea)
- I walk around when I'm high
- I walked around all day with a pubic hair on my face
- I want to be a dirty old man when I grow up
- I want to be a dirty old man when I grow up (idea)
- I want to be a sherpa when I grow up
- I was a homeless bum (idea)
- I was once smaller than a jellybean, but now look at me - I am macroscopic!
- I was promised flying cars
- I wield a SPORK! (idea)
- I will REMOVE the fucking toilet seat if you don't shut up
- I will REMOVE your "All your radical touching base are already occurred to the lesbian monkey puppy" philosophy on me if you don't eat my soy google balls, hatt-baby. Real or malarky? (idea)
- I, Robot (idea)
- I'd like to thank my parents, Ayn Rand and God
- I'm a Catholic Girl, of course I swallow
- I'm a cynical bastard because I care so much, dammit
- I'm a little ICBM
- I'm going to be a Dad (idea)
- I'm no fucking Buddhist, but this is Enlightenment.
- I'm the most off-beat genius you ever knew; I'm so iconoclastic I'm clastic
- I'm trippin' my nut sack into a frenzy of dik play
- I've been smoking ever since
- I've switched to hand-rolled cigarettes
- iambic pentameter (idea)
- IBM Model M Keyboard
- ICBM (thing)
- Ich bin ein Auslander
- Idiots and Hammerhead Sharks (idea)
- If a black hole were created on Earth (idea)
- If anything were different, everything would be different (idea)
- If cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl
- If I had a rocket launcher, some son of a bitch would pay!
- If I were watched alone, I'd be considered insane
- If No One Will Love Me
- If someone wants to do something and it isn't hurting you... DON'T BE A FUCKING DICK
- If the only sexual organ you have is a penis then everything looks like a vagina
- If the only tool you have is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail
- If you can't spell, you're an idiot. "Original ideas" don't come from idiots.
- If you complain about the content of the news, you are deluded about its purpose
- If you could see what your cars are made of, people, you'd shoot yourselves.
- If you dare wear short shorts
- If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
- If your friends and girlfriend don't get along the relationship is doomed
- impractical jokes
- In praise of older women (person)
- In Soviet Russia
- Indian Motorcycle Company (thing)
- Indigenous people don't exist
- Indigenous peoples of downtown Wal-Mart
- Intaglio Printing (thing)
- Intelligence Quotient (thing)
- International CXT (thing)
- International Harvester Scout 80 (thing)
- Internet Explorer 4 (thing)
- Is fruit really vegan?
- Is Humanism Molesting Your Child?
- Is it less painful to drown in salt water or fresh water?
- Is religion an emotional crutch?
- Is your teenager concerned about inequality and pollution? Call a drug counselor.
- Is your teenager concerned about inequality and pollution? Call a drug counselor. (idea)
- It might start a fire (idea)
- It's better to be lonely than to be with inferior people
- It's better to regret something you HAVE done
- It's mean to hide a kitten in a puppy's butt
- It's Not Better - Just Different (idea)
- It's obvious you've never owned a penis (idea)
- It's OK to be a healthy geek
- It's so cool to wear Nike (idea)
- Itchy and Scratchy's filmography
- Jack-o'-lantern (thing)
- Jamaican Patois
- Jamming a pair of scissors into your crotch repeatedly
- Jane, you ignorant slut!
- Japanese Christmas
- Japanese onomatopoeia
- Japanese people like to play games
- Japanese teenage girl underwear dispensing machines
- Jean-Luc Godard
- Jeffrey Dahmer
- Jesus Christ Trigonal Planar
- Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter (review)
- Jesus doesn't care if you say the word "fuck"
- Jews for Jesus
- jingoism
- Jinmyo
- Joanie Loves Chachi
- Joel Robuchon (person)
- John Coltrane
- John McCain's Commencement Speech to the University of Pennsylvania Class of 2001 (thing)
- judo (idea)
- Just try to avoid the wracking temptation to eat raw cookie dough
- Kabuki
- karma whore (person)
- Kegel exercises
- Kentucky Fried Movie
- Kerplunk (thing)
- Kickin' It: A Musical Journey Through the Betty Ford Center
- Kids in the Hall
- Kill Bill: Volume 1
- Kill the Poor
- Killer vegetables and the farts from Hell
- kimchi chigae
- Kinko's night shift
- Kinsey scale
- Kodak goes Goth (idea)
- Kool-Aid points (thing)
- Krav Maga
- l-dopa
- La Dolce Vita
- La petite mort
- Lame fuckwit who should be shot for wasting valuable bandwidth
- Laminectomy (thing)
- Lando Calrissian drinks Colt 45
- laser vaginal rejuvenation
- Last night I could not sleep because of the noise in my head
- launch canister (thing)
- Le Tigre (person)
- Leading causes of death among porn stars (idea)
- lecher
- Left foot braking (idea)
- Leprechaun 5: In the Hood (thing)
- Lesbian cow techniques (...or That makes a cow do what?!)
- Lessons learned the hard way (idea)
- let me tell you about this friend of mine
- Lies are fun (idea)
- Life in Hell
- Limited liability company (thing)
- Linkspotting (idea)
- lion-tailed macaque
- Listen up smokers!
- Listen, boy. Everyone is their own kind of ninja. (person)
- Live and let live
- Live by the sword, die by the arrow
- Live fast, die young, and leave a good-looking corpse
- Live Nude Lesbians
- Lizzie Borden
- Lords of Acid
- Louis Armstrong
- Lounge Against the Machine (thing)
- Lounge Against the Machine (thing)
- Lovecraft Encyclopedia
- Lucid dream (idea)
- Luddite
- luser
- Lush
- Lychee
- M-129 Propaganda Bomb
- M. Hotel's Big Painful Dental Surgery Log
- M.C. Escher
- mac nog
- MacGuffin
- Magic mushrooms
- Maginot line
- mail-order formal date (idea)
- Making a flame appear from your hand (idea)
- Making an atomic bomb
- Male genital mutilation (idea)
- manananggal (thing)
- Mansi with the moist voice, telling me goodbye (idea)
- Many of me, laid end to end, would never reach the moon (idea)
- March 4, 2005 (idea)
- marijuana
- Marijuana crime outnumbers violent crime
- Marilyn Monroe was a size 16
- Masturbation euphemisms
- Matzoh ball soup (thing)
- Mea Culpa
- Meal, ready to eat
- Medical transcriptionist (person)
- melon (thing)
- Meme
- Meme theory (idea)
- Memoirs Found in a Bathtub
- Memories are meant to fade : They're designed that way for a reason
- Men did not always like large breasts
- Men like large amounts of kinetic energy
- Men who are willing to listen to women talk about their periods
- Men's magazines (thing)
- Mensa (person)
- Merciless Beatings: $5
- Mercury delay lines (idea)
- merkin
- Message Inbox
- Metastasis (definition)
- methadone (thing)
- Methods of Interrogation
- Metric time
- Mexico
- Mi-24 Hind
- middle management
- Mike's Hard Lemonade
- Mile High Club
- Miles Davis
- Milk Changer Oreo (thing)
- MIRV (thing)
- MIT Guide to Lockpicking
- Mixing bleach and ammonia does not make a super cleaner (idea)
- Mob Fighting Methods (idea)
- Modnar
- Moebius strip
- Mojo Nixon
- Moscow University
- Mother's Little Helper
- motorcycle camping
- mountain unicycling
- Moving out and moving on
- mp3 piracy (idea)
- MP3 Whore (person)
- Mr. Hebert
- MSTing (thing)
- Mulligan Stew
- Mum's first impression of Miles Davis
- Muscle-powered space flight (idea)
- Music was better in the old days
- Music was better in the old days (idea)
- Mutual masturbation
- My brain went on vacation and left my pancreas in charge
- My brother shit in my pillow (thing)
- My cat's breath smells like cat food
- My father shot my mother's wedding dress
- My hands, a backrub, a cup of tea, my shoulder, my lips, my silence (idea)
- My microwave can stop time (idea)
- My office is a sensory deprivation chamber (idea)
- my p166 isn't so cool anymore (idea)
- My soul is so viscous, I fear it may never pour out (personal)
- My uncle says that smoking crack is kinda cool
- My washcloth is like my vagina
- My washcloth is like my vagina (thing)
- Mystery Science Theater 3000
- Mystery Science Theater 3000 (thing)
- Nadsat
- Naked Lunch
- Naming Windows computers
- narcolepsy
- Nathan, This Is Unacceptable
- Native American super powers (idea)
- Nature's Harmonic Simultaneous 4-day Time Cube (idea)
- Necronomicon
- Negative Calories (thing)
- Negativland
- Neuromancer
- neutral beam heating
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
- Never kick a guy in the crotch! (idea)
- Never whistle while you're pissing
- New Order (thing)
- Nicaragua v. United States of America (idea)
- Nigerian mail scams
- Night driving (idea)
- Night Shivers
- ninja cat
- nipple piercing
- Nissan
- Nissan Maxima
- Nissan Silvia (thing)
- No good deed goes unpunished
- No human artists have appeared in the Top 40 music chart for the past 5 years (idea)
- No one asks me if I'm a Satanist or anything because I take the precaution of wearing a predominantly flannel and hawaiian shirt-oriented wardrobe
- Nobody should ever see another's porn collection
- Nobuo Fujita's 400 year old Samurai sword (idea)
- Node Row
- Node your homework
- Normal and pathological vaginal discharge (thing)
- NOS (idea)
- Not the brightest bulb in the chandelier (idea)
- Novell (thing)
- Now is the time when I start: Drink (place)
- Nuclear launch codes (thing)
- Nuclear Power (idea)
- O what a tangled web we weave (idea)
- Objectivism
- Obscenity is the crutch of inarticulate motherfuckers
- Obstructive sleep apnea
- Ocelot
- Often ignored vacation destinations
- Oh look, breasts
- Oh, oh, oh to touch and feel virgin girls vaginas and hymens
- OK, so I'm a fuckup, and it's Tuesday
- Old Norse shit (thing)
- On the Unforeseen Complexities of a Chicken Salad
- one inch punch
- one-handed typing (idea)
- One-party system posing as a two-party system
- Only the devil would play the same five songs over and over (idea)
- open-user
- Operation Snowball (idea)
- opium
- opium tea
- Optical
- Opting out of pre-approved credit cards (idea)
- Ordering from catalogs (idea)
- Origin of Life (thing)
- orogeny
- Oscar Wilde (person)
- Out here on the perimeter, there are no stars (idea)
- paintball
- Painting a rock to make it look more like a rock
- pair bonding
- Palimpsest
- Palma Sutra (thing)
- Pantone system
- Pants are optional
- parade
- parasuicidal behavior
- parking buddha
- Parking warning
- Pascal's wager
- Passport whore (idea)
- Pavlovian
- Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain (idea)
- Pederasty
- Pedophile Vigilante (person)
- peltier
- Penises have higher bandwidth than cable modems
- penny
- Penny Arcade
- Peter Greenaway
- Peter Luger Steak House (place)
- Pharisaism
- Picking out a coffin
- Pier Paolo Pasolini
- piercing gun
- piezoelectric
- piezoelectric speaker
- pin compatible
- pinch pot (thing)
- Ping pong balls are flammable (idea)
- Pink Floyd
- pinochle (thing)
- Pizza Lover
- Pizzicato Five
- Plastic bags are liquids (idea)
- plastic injection molding
- Play the cancer card (idea)
- Play the dozens
- Playing in the shower with a balloon
- playing Sinatra on the phone
- Please don't smoke the mystery bag
- Please don't tell me how to do my job
- Please Kill Me
- plunderphonics (idea)
- plutonic backrub
- Pocatello, Idaho
- pole lathe
- Pontiac GTO
- poop
- Pop music is irrefutable proof that there is in fact a Hell (idea)
- Pop. 1280 (thing)
- pope (idea)
- Porn Czar (person)
- poutine
- powderpuff football (thing)
- Presidential IQ hoax e-mail (idea)
- Prisoner's Dilemma
- Probably the saddest thing ever (idea)
- Procrastination Singularity
- professional celebrity
- programming language (thing)
- Proprioception
- proprioceptive lag
- psychedelic (idea)
- psychopomp
- Pu-239
- Pubic hair color
- punk rock breasts
- Quake (idea)
- queef
- queef (thing)
- question game
- Questions I'd like to ask my father
- quicklime (thing)
- Quickly, intellectually bludgeon your faith
- Quieting a crying baby
- Quotable Chemistry (thing)
- Quotes from sleeping people
- Rainer Werner Fassbinder
- Ralph Wiggum
- Rampant mass consumerism is so evil. Hey, can I have a sip of that Frappucino?
- Random thoughts of discontent (idea)
- Rap artists who insist on singing their own name in their songs (idea)
- Rape committed by women
- Rave (idea)
- Raving is big business (idea)
- Ray Manzarek
- Reaching a point where you wonder if it's time to put down the bottle
- Really quick (I really can't be bothered to cook now) dinners
- Reasons why I hate pornography
- Red cunt hair
- Reefer Madness
- Repetition of common words and phrases makes excellent postmodern poetry (idea)
- rich black
- Richard Nixon's Social Security Number
- Rigor mortis
- RimRod Goes To McDonald's
- Rite Aid (place)
- Robin Hood: Men in Tights (thing)
- Rockin' The Suburbs (thing)
- Rocko's Modern Life
- Roland TB-303
- Roland TR-909
- Rolling out fresh pasta (idea)
- Romancing the brake pedal
- Roninspoon's Army drinking story #1
- rotomolding (thing)
- Rowan Atkinson (person)
- Rubenesque
- Rules for drinking forties
- Rumination
- sacrilicious
- Salvia divinorum
- Sam and Max Hit the Road (idea)
- Samantha Smith
- Sampoerna
- Sampoerna X-tras
- Sane, responsible and productive drug-user
- Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
- Sarah's Virginity
- Sascha Konietzko
- Save Water - Shower with a Friend (idea)
- scar fetish
- schizophrenia (idea)
- Scott La Rock
- Screaming Bullet of Compact Imported Death, or: How I Found Out My Mazda Protege Could Go 130mph
- SCSI (thing)
- Sea Monkey
- Searching E2 from a Windows MSIE address bar (idea)
- season 0 of MST3K
- Seat Belts in 1954 (thing)
- seductio ad absurdum (idea)
- Seven social sins
- Sex injuries
- Sex with a prostitute
- Sex with my sister was always really, really good
- sexagesimal numbers
- sexual anorexia
- Sexual imagery in Disney movies
- Sexual imagery in Disney movies (thing)
- Sexual lubricant
- Sexual lubricant (thing)
- Sexual Myths About Men
- Sexual myths about women
- Sexually harrassing each other in that cute, non-threatening teenage way
- Shall I scare you with the truth? Or tell the pretty lie?
- Shaving my genitals
- She axed me, so I jus' toad 'er (idea)
- She is like an onion (person)
- She's so cute
- She's so cute (idea)
- Shinto (idea)
- shirako
- SHKVAL (thing)
- Shoggoth
- Show your work, or, how my math abilities started to decline
- Shucking oysters with a pocket protector and slide rule (idea)
- Shutting the water off for real (idea)
- Sid Vicious
- Silly things we believe when we're kids
- Similarities between fear and sexual arousal
- Sister Machine Gun
- Six stages of hell (idea)
- Skin hunger
- Skin hunger (thing)
- Slack vampire
- SLC Punk
- Sliders (idea)
- slow glass (thing)
- Small things amuse large minds
- Smokeless powder
- smokey joe
- Smoking from a Pringles tube
- Smoking while bathing
- snail sex (idea)
- So charmingly heathen, your skin is like a teardrop on a popsicle
- So this one-legged man walks into a bar (person)
- So, who is this Webster 1913 guy, anyway?
- social disadvantages (idea)
- sodomy
- Solution to the two envelope paradox (idea)
- Solving a maze (idea)
- Some advice on girls by a girl : the simple stuff
- Some of our best friends are three minutes long
- Some tips on vaginal fisting, for beginners
- Some tips on vaginal fisting, for beginners (idea)
- Someday you will drive your Sony to the sony to pick up some more Sony
- Something Wicker This Way Comes
- Sometimes horror flicks sound a lot like porno
- Sometimes, my paranoia overtakes me and I find myself asking, "IS ONE OF THE E2 EDITORS OUT TO GET ME!?"
- Sorry about the small penis
- soulmate (person)
- Sounding like a child (idea)
- special skills (thing)
- Speed limits should be higher for motorcycles
- Speeding without getting a ticket
- Spelling is ellitist
- Spiritualized
- spliff
- Spontaneous human combustion
- spork fetish
- Squarepusher
- Stainless steel chopsticks
- Standard Issue White Boy (person)
- standard male disclaimer (idea)
- Standard sitcom episode structure
- stapler (thing)
- Starting a traffic jam (idea)
- state of matter (thing)
- statistics
- status quo
- Steal This Book
- Stealth noder
- Sticky Rice (thing)
- stiff peaks
- Stoat
- Stop saying "religion" when you mean "a particular religion about which I'm bitter" (idea)
- Stop, Drop and Roll (idea)
- Story of Ricky (thing)
- Strap Match (thing)
- stress ball (idea)
- Strippers make more money than prostitutes (idea)
- Stroking the nose (thing)
- Subliminal Imagery in Fight Club (idea)
- Submissive BDSM Play Partner Check List
- suckling pig (thing)
- Super soldier formula (thing)
- Supply and demand regulation of breast milk (idea)
- Supply and demand regulation of breast milk (thing)
- Surf Nazis Must Die!
- swallowing goldfish (idea)
- Swearword Combos
- Sycophant
- Table of ASCII Characters
- Talking Heads
- tardive dyskinesia
- Taste and see that the Lord is good (idea)
- Tastes that, surprisingly, go well together
- Teach your million tiny babies to parasail
- techie (person)
- Technically raped
- Technology Timewasting Syndrome
- Ted Bundy
- Ted Bundy's defense of moral subjectivism
- Tell me about your secret places (place)
- Temporary Autonomous Zone
- Ten Stupid Things Men Do to Mess Up Their Lives
- Terminating a pregnancy due to Down Syndrome
- Testing wild plants to see if you can eat them
- Tetragrammaton
- Thank you for not sharing
- Thank you, Kinko's
- The "How many partners have you had" question
- The (Insert Party Here) Agenda
- The 48 Laws of Power
- The Accipiter Cookie Rating System (thing)
- The advantages of hand-rolled cigarettes
- The advantages of hand-rolled cigarettes (idea)
- The Anarchist's Cookbook
- The annoying orange orb outside my window each morning
- The Appendix Incident
- The bathroom cerberus (person)
- The Bear FAQ (idea)
- The Bondage Perils of Supergirl
- The bong on the table must have been part of the scenery (thing)
- The boy with just a head and a burlap sack for a body (person)
- The cartoon laws of physics
- The Casualties of Maturity (idea)
- The cat is a liberal!
- The Chewbacca Defense
- The Chronic
- The Coloring Book Project (idea)
- The Conundrum of the Two Ugly Nurses
- The Conundrum of the Two Ugly Nurses (idea)
- The Critic
- The Cuban Revolution
- The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
- The Dancefloor is our Mother. Her heart beats at 125 BPM. (idea)
- The Delicate Art of the Rifle
- The desire to communicate whilst fucked up
- The destruction of SCSI
- The Devil's Dictionary
- The difference between Satanism and Satan worship (idea)
- The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie
- The doctors are confident the pills will always win (idea)
- The Doors
- The Everything Rant Contest
- The exact moment when I ceased to take my education seriously (idea)
- The fine line between overprotection and encouragement (idea)
- The five stages of drinking
- The forbidden experiment
- The fourth new taste (thing)
- The fun of breastfeeding (idea)
- The Golden Rule of Relationships
- The Grass is always Greener over the Septic Tank (review)
- the great modem/router conspiracy
- The guy at the end of Half-Life
- The hamster penetration test
- The heat death of the Universe
- The hidden danger of school lunch programs (idea)
- The Infamous Bell Tower Prank of 1996
- The Johnny Appleseed of LSD (person)
- The Joy Luck Fight Club (thing)
- The Joy of Pair Bonding: Hard and Soft Limits
- The lady doth protest too much, methinks
- The largest number that can be described in 14 words or less
- The Leather Man (person)
- The less you know, the more money you make
- The little red-haired girl
- The Lovecraftian compulsion to keep writing even as one is being devoured
- The mailbomb from the Christian Fundamentalists I pissed off should be here any day now
- The male libido - or - How I was castrated by the 90's (idea)
- The Man who Mistook His Wife for a Hat
- The metabolism of a hummingbird (idea)
- The method of doubt
- The minute I stopped caring (idea)
- The Mole People (thing)
- The more complex the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play (idea)
- The newly discovered erotic works of H. P. Lovecraft
- The night I saw a man get his head blown off (idea)
- The Ninth Gate
- The oldest and largest living thing
- The only girlfriend I never slept with
- The only thing worse than being uninformed, is being informed and not caring
- The OSI Reference Model and TCP/IP
- The people we have met in the last 5 years, & will we remember them in 10 more
- The piglets are coming! The piglets are coming! (thing)
- The Pinball and Sex hypothesis
- The playing of the following four songs anywhere near a pianist is prohibited
- The porno angle (idea)
- The primal urges of women
- The principles of nuclear weapon safety and meeting girls are remarkably similar
- The Prodigal Son, rewarding the unworthy
- The Prodigy (thing)
- The Rejection Line (thing)
- The revolution will not be televised
- The RIAA's dream world
- The right way to take a bath
- The Rise and Fall of the Peanut as the Traditional United States Airline Snack
- The rock, paper, scissors tendency in world tennis domination
- The room labeled "Leave your bullshit at the door"
- The Sacrifice
- The sad thing is, if you get her you'll be sick of her in a year (idea)
- The shirt that always gets me hit on
- The Simpsons
- The Slow Death of the Japanese Meal (idea)
- The Star-Spangled Banner (thing)
- The story of hemos, nate and a housefire
- the stuff they keep out of the papers, and off the TV, for your own damn good
- The symbolism of animals (idea)
- The system administrators at my school are as competent as my left shoe
- The Tao of Steve
- The time my father caught me having sex
- The time the Chinaman goes to the dentist (idea)
- The top secret of talking like an American
- The tragedy of finding the love of your life at 22
- The Truck Farmer (thing)
- The Truth Behind Doritos Flavors
- The twelve words of power
- The two-variable theory of relationships
- The U.S. Post Office: Benign little organization, or the linchpin of the greatest conspiracy ever? (idea)
- The United States' upcoming war with China
- The urge to drive off the road
- The US as a peace broker for Israel and Palestine (idea)
- The Vagina Monologues
- The Vinegar Tasters (idea)
- The Ways of White Folks (thing)
- The White Man's Burden
- The Who (thing)
- The word "Depressed" is overrated
- The World's Shortest Horror Story
- The worst thing I ever put in my mouth
- thefez sure can eat a lot of steak for a slim guy
- Theories as to what was inside the briefcase in Pulp Fiction
- There are no good contraceptives
- There are no transitional fossils
- There are some things you just should NOT buy the generic brand of (idea)
- There is no good depression. It's not sexy. It's not fun. It's not the new rock and roll.
- There is no nodegel!
- There is not much new to say about snow, or about broken love
- There once was a girl named Irene (idea)
- There, in that wordless world surrounded by thick ice, I eventually lost all my strength. Bit by bit, bit by bit.
- There's someone in my head but it's not me
- They hit each other, like fucking Christ intended!
- they hit each other, like fucking christ intended! (idea)
- Things every child should be taught
- Things everyone should know about cars (idea)
- Things I've learned about lesbians from porn
- Things men want when they're drunk
- Things men want when they're drunk (idea)
- Things they should teach in school
- Things to consider if you think you might be a cartoon character (idea)
- Things to consider when choosing a Martial Art
- Things to do to salvage a shitty day
- Things to do, if you are hard-core (idea)
- Things you learn when a woman moves into your flat
- Things you should never do with chopsticks
- Thinking and Learning Characteristics of Young People
- Thirty pieces of silver, adjusted for inflation (idea)
- This freaking obsession with really abysmal porn
- This freaking obsession with really abysmal porn (idea)
- This is my truth tell me yours
- This is not how I am
- This is your brain on drugs
- This product was tested on cute, furry animals with big, sad eyes
- This sentence is in Spanish while you're not looking
- Thomas Edison Electrocutes an Elephant (thing)
- Thoughts that randomly pop into your mind when masturbating
- THREATCON (thing)
- Three McDonald's: The Viability of a Third-Party Candidate
- Throwaway car (thing)
- Tinker v. Des Moines School District
- To An Undiscerning Critic (thing)
- To Parents: The Internet is NOT the Devil
- To reduce risk of death by electric shock (idea)
- to: jessicapierce re: Daily Evil
- toner war (idea)
- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (idea)
- Too cool for school, too dumb to get a job (idea)
- Too Darn Hot (idea)
- Too smart for high school (idea)
- Toothpicks: Harmless tools useful in maintaining dental hygiene, or HORRIBLE, DEADLY WEAPONS!?
- Top ten ways to fuck up your kids (idea)
- Touch the Puppy
- towel
- Traffic Light Gods (person)
- Trained Monkeys, Inc.
- Travail
- TreeLoot
- Trepanation
- Trivial Pursuit, the battle of the sexes, and one very smart little cookie (person)
- troll (thing)
- Trust me, I have a pineapple (thing)
- Truths of Driving
- Tryptophan
- Tu quoque (idea)
- Turk 182 (idea)
- Turning moJoe into a jar of lemon-flavored pickles
- turntable (thing)
- tweaker art (thing)
- Two Lost Souls Swimming in a Fish Bowl
- Two stories of the pistol
- Type 94 pistol (thing)
- U.S. Atmospheric Nuclear Tests
- Uberman's Sleep Schedule
- Umbrella Murder of Georgi Markov (thing)
- United States Sex Laws
- Universal Product Code (idea)
- unrequited love
- Unusual Japanese foods
- Urban spelunking
- Urine is a medicinal, cleansing, and nourishing food
- Urine is a medicinal, cleansing, and nourishing food (thing)
- Uses for dildos other than the obvious
- Using a Jedi Mind Trick on State Troopers
- Using a nuke to form a lake
- Using your tongue to tie a knot in a cherry stem
- vaginal maze
- Vagus nerve (thing)
- Vampire Squid (thing)
- Vaporizer
- Veal is a byproduct of the dairy industry (idea)
- vernacular
- Vicodin
- Viewing dialup passwords in Win95, 98, ME (idea)
- Vladimir Lenin (person)
- Vladimir Nabokov
- voices of Everythingians
- Wakeel Ahmed Mutawakkel
- Walk like you're a sex goddess (idea)
- Wankel rotary engine
- Wankometer
- War on Drugs
- War On Some Drugs
- Warning from Dual Shock instructions on the Sony Playstation
- Warning signs that your child may be a Goth
- wasabi
- Water as an alternative to caffeine
- Water has negative calories
- We are all sitting on our asses, simultaneously staring blankly at computer screens all over the world
- We don't write poetry because it's cute (idea)
- We need to get you a girlfriend
- We only care about the cute animals, everything else is food
- We smoke cloves because we can
- Wearing nice underpants does not necessarily mean it's a date
- Weasels Ripped My Flesh
- Webster 1913 sounding like Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
- Wehrmacht
- Welcome to Everything
- Well if it's gonna be THAT kinda party, then I'm gonna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes!
- Were-Car
- Wesley Willis
- What do you call a woman's genitalia?
- What doesn't kill you can only fuck you up for a really, really long time
- What guys do with their penis (idea)
- What happens when you get too lonely
- What happens when you leave your Zoloft at college and go home for the weekend
- What I really want is for my troubles to be a puddle on your shoulder
- What I think Editor Powers are
- What I want to be when I grow up
- What if Dr. Seuss taught Japanese rope bondage?
- What is that sound my hard drive is making? (idea)
- What is that tone at the beginning of a cassette?
- What is wrong with me? (idea)
- What it's like to be skinny
- What pornos would have us believe
- What RU-486 means to me
- What the hell is Grimace, anyway?
- What the Institute for Motivational Development had to say about me
- What to do if a big dog attacks you
- What to do if the Grim Reaper shows up at your door
- What to do if you earn a lot but hate your job
- What to do if you get in a car accident
- What to do if you're stopped by the police (idea)
- What would aliens think of us if Everything was all they had?
- What Would Cthulhu Do?
- What Would Jackie Chan Do? (idea)
- When a health professional is not supportive of breastfeeding (idea)
- When having sex in ancient Rome
- When having sex in Binary
- When having sex in Poland
- When I hear the word 'culture' I reach for my checkbook
- When I was a kid, I wanted to get tuberculosis
- When I was five years old, I knew I was going to die
- When I'm long dead, the bee will win (idea)
- When I'm Sixty-Four
- When in doubt, get horizontal
- When is it best to take crack cocaine?
- When Jet-Poop nuked guest user
- When Jet-Poop nuked guest user (idea)
- When life gives you lemons, just shut up and eat your damn lemons
- When life gives you lemons, suck on them. Seriously, lemons taste awesome. (idea)
- When sex hurts (Men)
- When the pencil breaks, the network goes down (idea)
- When too much Dungeons and Dragons changes your religion (idea)
- When you make your own mother cry you know you've fucked up
- When you sell a cigarette for a quarter (idea)
- Where do butterflies go when it rains?
- Where do disappearing socks go?
- Which God was cooler, the one from the Old Testament or the one from the New Testament? (idea)
- Who am I now that you're gone?
- Who is responsible for censorship? (idea)
- who knows what dreaminess lurks in the cheek pouches of hamsters
- Who put the bomp (thing)
- whom
- Why are the people on food stamps always fat?
- Why are there twice as many nodes as writeups? (idea)
- Why can't we just fuck and feel good about it?
- Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
- Why do joints crack?
- Why do zebras have stripes? (idea)
- Why dogs flinch when you stroke their heads (idea)
- Why dogs lick your face
- Why don't polar bears eat penguins?
- Why don't vultures (and other scavengers) get food poisoning?
- Why don't you drink? (idea)
- Why elderly women should drink more alcohol to prevent osteoporosis
- Why France sucks
- Why guys care if their partner spits or swallows
- Why I am going to pretend I am a girl online from now on (idea)
- Why I didn't get my driver's license until I was 18
- Why I should not fix your computer
- Why I should quit Everything
- Why is it bad to compliment a woman's breasts?
- Why men like women's breasts
- Why mirrors reverse left and right, but not up and down
- Why must girls squat to pee?
- Why People Curse
- Why people who get the wrong number make it out to be your fault
- Why some guys don't pick up on hints from women
- Why strapping buttered toast to a cat's back will not produce infinite power
- Why the record album HAD to give way to the compact disc
- Why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer (idea)
- Why the United States Shouldn't Use the Death Penalty (idea)
- Why underground music is "better" than commercial music
- Why we long to be American (idea)
- Why women wear makeup and perfume
- Why, again, did I suffer through four years of high school?
- Wicca
- Windows XP easter eggs
- Wineglassful (definition)
- Wish You Were Here
- With this plant I can take on the world (idea)
- Woman and breasts are a bad combination
- Wood defects (thing)
- Word to your mother (idea)
- Words of Advice for Young People
- Words that sound dirty but really aren't
- Wormwood
- Worst Cars of the Millennium
- Wrist Rocket (thing)
- Writing about music is like dancing about architecture
- X-Com
- X-COM: UFO Defense
- XP will not pay the rent
- yohimbe
- Yojimbo (thing)
- Yoni
- Yossarian's School of Badassary (place)
- You are precious to me. Did you know that? (idea)
- You can't tell sleep where to go
- You couldn't use a time machine to visit the 13th century
- You just cut that guy off (idea)
- You know to me she's but a fetish
- You know what? I've had it up to here with "Trix are for kids!" Give the rabbit a fucking bowl of cereal, you dick!
- You know you are addicted to Everything when
- You know, that really wasn't a good way to get rid of the Universe forever
- You say "the internet" but you mean "the world wide web"
- You wear your breasts to their full extent
- You'll come to a sticky end (idea)
- You're too young to be so old (idea)
- You've been slowly taking me over for nearly a year, do you know that?
- Young liberals become old conservatives
- Young Librarians on the Go
- Young man, I'm flattered (idea)
- Young punk girls (thing)
- Your legs are like threads of cotton, though much thicker, and filled with weevils
- Your mother sucks cocks in hell
- Your people oppressed my people (idea)
- Your radical ideas about roman numerals have already occurred to others (idea)
- Yuko Hair Straightening System
- Zen Buddhist Drinking Game (idea)
- zener diode
- Zifendorf