- Snooding like there's no tomorrow
- Like there's no tomorrow
- There ain't no black in the Union Jack
- There ain't no justice
- Now that there is no hell, evil folks like you just get reincarnated as McDonald's register jockeys
- There is no weirdness like the weirdness of a novel written by a mathematician
- There is no frigate like a book
- There are no cases like mine, Doctor.
- This ain't no picnic
- So I'm wrestling with the demoness while the priest is trying not to soil his vestments, and Faust is just sitting there like an idiot
- Without zazen, there is no Zen
- There was a land where lived no violets
- These dead open their bodies to the living like a door
- No Place Like Home
- There is no violence or enmity in the Lego universe
- I Ain't Got No Home In This World Any More
- The boss ain't gonna like this
- There are no revolutionaries in upstate New York
- There is no beginning, no movement, no peace and no end
- There's no reason to leave this poem alone
- Hell hath no fury like a villainess scorned
- More kissing? More kissing? No one likes kissing this much!
- These rugs will unite this country like no other rugs have before
- You know there's so many people living in this house
- down in the quarry there is no noise
- There is no enemy anywhere
- Too much living is no way to die
- Two of them. Hovering there like bloated gas giants in the heavens. Good God, it was beautiful.
- Conspiracy theory: Area 51
- You may be a noder, but you ain't no dancer
- There's no "proper" way to cry politely in public
- The place where there is no darkness
- There are no whales anywhere
- There exists no 1:1 mapping between words in different languages
- There is no such thing as a wrong recipe
- Staying power like no other memory, aside from love
- There are many things that I would like to say to you but I don't know how
- When I look into her eyes, I no longer care about what the world thinks. This is what it feels like to be alive.
- If there were more people like you, there would be more people
- That's my heart lying in the gutter there; a heart like a shattered banana.
- I don't think I realized what I had gotten myself into, but it seemed like the potential for fun and insanity were there in equal parts
- Why is there no Nobel Prize in Mathematics?
- How many living things are there on earth?
- There is no such thing as emotional healing
- There Is No Natural Religion
- Sure Ain't No Stampede Breakfast: A Calgary E2 Get-together
- there is no existing mythology
- There is no windchill at absolute zero
- Ain't No Making It
- There's no such thing as happily ever after.
- There are no seasons in California
- There Is No Art
- There is no postgame
- There is almost no need for the word 'get'
- There are no male cows, moron
- There Is No Rose
- There is no c in Rishi
- Proof that there are no integers between 0 and 1
- No worst, there is none
- There is No Spoon (user)
- He ain't no movie star
- Ain't Gonna Bump No More With No Big Fat Woman
- There are no next lives
- There is no deal with the demon
- No time like the present
- we ain't got no money, honey, but we got rain
- It lingers in the air like too many tomorrows
- Somebody Up There Likes Me
- Like hating water, but living in the lowlands
- A fire in the street ain't like a fire in the heart
- I Like Bananas Because They've Got No Bones
- Tomorrow will surely be much like today.
- No Fool Like and Old Fool
- he's like someone living in a dream
- Badgers? We ain't got no badgers. We don't need no badgers. I don't have to show you any stinking badgers!
- sometimes, after an adventure, he likes to sit out there and think
- There is none like unto Him
- There's nothing like the sound of snowpants
- I Ain't Smokin' No Fiberglass
- No Respect For a Living Legend
- There Are Many People Living Inside of Me
- There is no spoon
- There is no friend anywhere
- No shit, there I was
- When at last I found no further traces of the living or the dead, then I stopped.
- There is no 'I' in 'team'
- There are no stars any more
- This is our ool. Notice there is no P in it. Please keep it that way.
- There's no such thing as normal
- Ain’t there a pen that will write before they die?
- There is no happy ending
- Ain't no fun when the rabbit's got the gun
- There was just the magic I'd brought and laid there over the years, piled up in the corners like twinkling dust bunnies
- There are no good contraceptives
- this ain't no love that's guiding me
- There are no sleep in can
- There's no 'eak' in our off-peak
- There is no midterm in this class
- There is no real me
- No, don't set it down there; that's the Void. Just leave it on the coffee table.
- George W. Bush is a moron, and there is no 'grey matter' there
- There is no you
- Why is there no cent key on keyboards?
- There is no difference between a politician and an evangelist
- There is no hard distinction between compiled and interpreted languages
- There is no normality
- There is no such thing as society
- There is no nodegel! (document)
- If there were no birds
- There is no there there
- Go where there is no snow
- There is no music for this day
- Due to the Incompetence of our novice author, our heroine, cahla, finds herself in the wilds of Djibouti; there is no denouement in sight, but the moonlight is pretty.
- There's no room in my life for anyone to stay
- Men may cry "Peace! Peace!" but there is no peace
- In Heaven there is No Beer
- I stared into the muddled sky with tears running down my face in small rivers, and I knew then that there was no hope
- There are no small roles
- there is no right answer to the wrong question
- As long as there's no price on love, I'll stay
- There is no answer; there is no question
- Out here on the perimeter, there are no stars
- There's no replacement for displacement
- There is no "Judeo Christian" ethic
- A kind of calm like no other
- What would existence be like for a child born with no senses?
- singing like nobody is there
- I feel like shit today, but I can always feel worse tomorrow
- There are a million girls like me out there
- There's got to be a way to make it sweeter, a little more like lemon meringue
- There’s nothing like a trail of blood to find your way back home
- In their Disneyland are there kids just like this?
- Living Like Weasels
- If there were more people like you, there would be less people
- No damn you, it's nothing like a chess game
- No One Likes Superman Anymore
- that clean air smell. like living on a mountain and hanging your clothes out to dry.
- War hath no fury like a non-combatant
- there are others like us
- There must be something terribly wrong with me. Sometimes I feel like I haven't learned anything.
- No One Sang Like Michael
- When you get to the top, I know what it'll seem like. But there IS someone there. There IS someone there.
- Your home probably smells like an old sock. No thanks
- Writing for a Living Is Like Karate-Fighting Mosquitoes
- I'm going to love you like the undead woe their graves, crave the living.
- fewer has no opposite like less-more
- Help! There's a panda in my living room!
- Often I feel like I am just shouting my observations into a raging storm and no one hears
- there's no accounting for taste
- Do or do not, there is no try
- There are many like it, but this one is mine
- There shall be no more cakes and ale?
- There is no god but God
- Everyone There Looked Like Marilyn Monroe
- There is no suck, only blow
- There is no "One", either
- There is no such thing as a free lunch
- There are no transitional fossils
- There's no substitute for cubic inches
- There are no atheists in the foxholes
- All these worlds are yours except Europa. Attempt no landings there.
- There's no there there
- There is no right answer
- If everyone had a flower instead of a gun, there would be no more war
- No matter where you go, there you are
- There are no three letter .coms left
- There is no good depression. It's not sexy. It's not fun. It's not the new rock and roll.
- Hey kids - No hope in dope!
- There is no strategy in StarCraft
- There is no camel in this scene
- Is there any part of you that really wants this? Or is the pursuit like breathing to you?
- Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
- There's no point unless you make one
- Why have there been no great women artists?
- There is no Cabal
- In a school with over 20,000 people, there is no danger of being recognized later
- There Is No Lumber Cartel
- There is no time paradox
- There's no better mirror than a child
- Without religion, there is no God
- There are no facts
- Like no place else
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