- World Cup: Italy 1990
- Selected examples of ice melt around the world
- PC World
- Your heart may be broken, but the world still rotates my dear friend
- and the world may be long for you
- When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him
- May the world be a better place when I wake up
- FIFA world rankings: May 16, 2001
- The world is greatful you decided to push the wagon.
- 1990s
- Hanna-Barbera: 1990s
- Hugo Awards: 1990
- T.A.Z.: Resolution for the 1990's: Boycott Cop Culture!!!
- August 2, 1990
- The most frequently banned books in the 1990s
- Lambda Literary Awards: 1990
- Documented asteroid impacts during the 1990's
- Vaclav Havel's address to the US Congress, 21 February 1990
- Children's Television Act of 1990
- 1990 Warre's LBV
- Hugo Nominees, 1990
- AT&T Crash of 1990
- UK Number One singles of 1990
- 1990 J.-C. Pichot Vouvray Moelleux Domaine Le Peu de la Moriette
- Replacing the fuel filter on a 1990 GMC Suburban
- Tony Awards: 1990
- Dream Log: February 25, 1990
- Everything is a product of the 1990s
- New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990
- Heavy Metal September 1990
- Wisdom in Late 1990s Teen Comedies
- May you live in interesting times
- Brian May
- Derrick May
- May Day
- May Ball
- Your mileage may vary
- As We May Think
- May
- What Dreams May Come
- May 1, 1998
- May 10, 1998
- May 12, 1998
- When an octopus becomes upset, it may eat itself
- May contain peanuts
- To Whom It May Concern
- WARNING: Noders May Not Be What They Seem to Be
- Dream Log: May 25, 1997
- Dream Log: May 26, 1997
- You may now feel old
- Dream Log: May 4, 1997
- Dream Log: May 6, 1997
- Cape May County, New Jersey
- You may forget
- May 20, 1902
- I may not know anything but I know I'm not American
- May your only son strike you down
- May Two Four Weekend
- May 2, 1968
- A Letter from Grant Richards to James Joyce, May 1, 1906
- A Letter to Grant Richards, May 5, 1906
- From a Letter from Grant Richards to James Joyce, May 10, 1906
- May you always find naked women to throw tiny pickles at you
- Come, let me gnaw your fingernails that I may absorb and lose myself in the wise and gritty detritus
- Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow you may die
- A Letter to Grant Richards, May 13, 1906
- May 1, 2000
- Dream Log: May 1, 2000
- Reclaim The Streets, London May 1st 2000
- May 2, 2000
- Dream Log: May 2, 2000
- May 3, 2000
- Dream Log: May 3, 2000
- May 4, 2000
- Dream Log: May 4, 2000
- May 5, 2000
- Anna May Wong
- Dream Log: May 5, 2000
- Your e-mail client must be this secure before you may ride the internet
- I may not go to Heaven, I hope you go to Hell
- May 6, 2000
- Dream Log: May 6, 2000
- May 7, 2000
- Dream Log: May 7, 2000
- May 8, 2000
- Dream Log: May 8, 2000
- May 9, 2000
- Dream Log: May 9, 2000
- May 10, 2000
- Dream Log: May 10, 2000
- May 11, 2000
- Dream Log: May 11, 2000
- Dream Log: May 12, 2000
- May 12, 2000
- Willie Mays
- May 13, 2000
- Dream Log: May 13, 2000
- The Lusty Month Of May
- May 14, 2000
- Dream Log: May 14, 2000
- May 15, 2000
- May 20, 2000
- Dream Log: May 15, 2000
- May 16, 2000
- Dream Log: May 16, 2000
- May 17, 2000
- Dream Log: May 17, 2000
- May 18, 2000
- Dream Log: May 18, 2000
- May 19, 2000
- Dream Log: May 19, 2000
- Dream Log: May 20, 2000
- May 21, 2000
- When I have Fears that I may Cease to Be
- Dream Log: May 21, 2000
- May 22, 2000
- Dream Log: May 22, 2000
- Aspects of American society that may be new to you
- May 23, 2000
- Dream Log: May 23, 2000
- Dream Log: May 24, 2000
- May 25, 2000
- Dream Log: May 25, 2000
- English may be a "living language," but Latin is not -- so get it right.
- May 26, 2000
- May 27, 2000
- Dream Log: May 26, 2000
- If we define things as unreal, they may still be real in their consequences
- Cut Thistles in May
- May 28, 2000
- May 29, 2000
- Dream Log: May 28, 2000
- Mother May I Go out to Swim
- Dream Log: May 29, 2000
- May 30, 2000
- May 31, 2000
- Dream Log: May 30, 2000
- Dream Log: May 31, 2000
- Gusty winds may exist
- You may think I'm lying, but it's true
- May 3, 1999
- I don't trust your seemingly innocent motives (this may be my last meal)
- A thought that may have passed in the mind of the busboy at the cafe where I often find myself
- For Emily, Whenever I May Find Her
- Sarah Michelle Gellar may have seen my underwear
- Warning signs that your child may be a Goth
- May the Force be with you
- Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me
- In order that I may know something more before I depart from life
- May you spend a happy life untroubled.
- Take This, Brother, May It Serve You Well
- I may not have had enough of me but I've had enough of you
- Opposites may attract, but is it a good idea?
- Drugs That May Increase Male Libido
- maggie and milly and molly and may
- Your anti-religious stance may be confusing the organization of religion with religion itself
- I may or may not have been naked
- Some times your elders may know what they're talking about
- The guy who may as well already be dead and therefore doesn't care about the consequences of his actions and is able to move with perfect freedom for the remainder of what will likely be a tragically short life
- The Third of May, 1808
- Take a day, plant some trees, may they shade you from me
- Scatter As You May
- Mother, May I Sleep With Danger?
- Maggie May
- May 31, 1999
- A Letter from Grant Richards to James Joyce, May 16, 1906
- Anonymous honesty may destroy me.
- Though I may not have lived a virtuous life, at least I can say I've lived
- I know it will get complicated and I know I may make it worse
- May 19, 1999
- Nuts in May
- May 9
- Warning: Ecstasy may cause brain damage
- Ella May Wiggins
- May those who are born after me
- George Washington's Diary, May 7-11, 1787
- A Letter to Grant Richards, May 20, 1906
- Excuse me, may I blow your mind?
- This Star Wars sheet may be worth something, but I just need a tablecloth
- Ina May Gaskin
- May 19, 1992
- 'C' may be for cookie, but that's not good enough for me, dammit!
- Something that may have changed my life...
- You may be a noder, but you ain't no dancer
- Minnie May Hopkins
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